Fix Mermaids please.

  • When you sink a boat and your boat is in a spin there are three options.

    option 1) attempt to swim to you boats turn radius. This does not guarantee you will make it onboard.

    option 2) attempt to backscreen on the sunken boat. this does not guarantee a blackscreen

    option 3) try and swim far enough away from your boat to get a mermaid. this does not guarantee you will get a mermaid.

    this makes a two class twos fatal

  • 21
  • Don't go into a death spin with your sails all the way down and nobody to steer.

    Ghostriding the whip is a risky maneuver and has to be calculated.

  • @shostakovich274 I feel your pain bro, xbox blackscreening works 50% I can’t tell you how many times I just teleport through the ship

  • @scheneighnay or maybe rare should make its mechanics work. ?? stop defending a system that hasnt seen an update since it was added. its a lazily implemented system for pve, not pvp. and that in its self merits a rework.

  • @shostakovich274 said in Fix Mermaids please.:

    @scheneighnay or maybe rare should make its mechanics work. ?? stop defending a system that hasnt seen an update since it was added. its a lazily implemented system for pve, not pvp. and that in its self merits a rework.

    It's the equivalent of asking rare to stop your ship from ramming into rocks when you don't steer it.

  • @shostakovich274 said in Fix Mermaids please.:

    @scheneighnay or maybe rare should make its mechanics work. ?? stop defending a system that hasnt seen an update since it was added. its a lazily implemented system for pve, not pvp. and that in its self merits a rework.

    Mermaids are purposefully designed like this as an extreme version of a risk/reward element to the ability to freely board a ship without having your ship within a damageable distance. Ever since they created the mermaid mechanic, it was intended to be something not of the player's full control. If you're stuck in the water for a long time, it's safe to say you put yourself in that position, ergo, your fault.

    If you're worried about your boat sinking, you shouldn't have attempted a board knowing you have holes in your boat. If you want to get back to your boat before your enemy launches a counter attack while you failed a board, your boat shouldn't have been in the enemy's cannon range. If you're not far enough away from your boat for a mermaid to show up, you're at fault for bad positioning in terms of sails configuration and chances of getting knocked off of your boat or unnecessary boarding attempts. Forcing a safe-teleport back to your boat is not guaranteed without strong enough game sense and pirate positioning.

    A complaint like this is a sign of a failure to understand how mermaids work and putting yourself in a poor position to return to your boat in time.

  • @scheneighnay
    "It's the equivalent of asking rare to stop your ship from ramming into rocks when you don't steer it."

    in what world is that the same? Swimming away from my ship should spawn a mermaid. It doesn't. [mod edit] a ship could push your mermaid a nautical mile away from where it was and you'd call that a skill issue.

    oh and as for that "ghosting your ship is dangerous" yeah no way sherlock. how else are you supposed to win a solo fight? out recourse them? let luck win it for you?

  • @shostakovich274 the mermaid has actually been tweaked since release. And it's on you to get back to your ship, the game shouldn't help you more than it does.

  • @nex-stargaze explain to me how its fair to be "stuck in the water for a long time"? What did I do, not have an innate knowledge of the mermaid spawning grid and therefore I'm stuck between oscillating spawn.

    the way you describe how this game plays is boring as hell. "only board outside of their cannon range" "only win if your not stuck in the water for a long time". sorry but if I wanted to play a strategy game I'd go play chess. This game has gone from a chance interaction game to a pvp on demand game, that merits a smoother pvp experience. there should at all times be a set time one has to spend looking for a mermaid. I would be fine if I get stuck in the water consistently, but I dont. Sometimes it they spawn right next to you sometimes they spawn a square away. Its that inconsistency that makes them a bad mechanic. It punishes players sometimes and rewards them others.

  • @shostakovich274 said in Fix Mermaids please.:

    @nex-stargaze explain to me how its fair to be "stuck in the water for a long time"? What did I do, not have an innate knowledge of the mermaid spawning grid and therefore I'm stuck between oscillating spawn.

    Why were you in the water for a long time? Do you know how far away your boat is from your pirate? What island were you nearby while your boat is sailing away from you? Awareness of your location in relative to your ship is the only way to determine the chances of getting the mermaid you're looking for in a pinch, and even then, it's not meant to be wholly reliable.

    the way you describe how this game plays is boring as hell. "only board outside of their cannon range" "only win if your not stuck in the water for a long time". sorry but if I wanted to play a strategy game I'd go play chess. This game has gone from a chance interaction game to a pvp on demand game, that merits a smoother pvp experience.

    This is still a chance interaction game, you chose to vote up the hourglass and dive/get invaded for solo fights.

    there should at all times be a set time one has to spend looking for a mermaid. I would be fine if I get stuck in the water consistently, but I dont. Sometimes it they spawn right next to you sometimes they spawn a square away. Its that inconsistency that makes them a bad mechanic. It punishes players sometimes and rewards them others.

    Almost like how the devs have described the mermaid mechanic: They are only here to help out of their own volition, they do not have context of your situation, if they notice you are far away from your ship, they will spawn in the best place for whichever player that mermaid is initially meant for. Mermaids are not a "command" mechanic, they have no timers, no button, no equipment item, they only work based on the distance from you, your ship, and the island you are on, and are not personalized. Your enemy's mermaid could also be your closest mermaid, for better or for worse.

    It's further reasoning that over=reliance on mermaids are a player issue and that players will need a better understanding of their surroundings if they do not wish to take a long swim in the middle of PvP combat.

  • Judging by this, you were off your ship.
    Suggestion, Dont leave your ship.

  • @nex-stargaze "This is still a chance interaction game, you chose to vote up the hourglass and dive/get invaded for solo fights."

    that statement contradicts itself. you cannot have a "chance" interaction if you force it into being. the hourglass marks a departure from the normal chance interaction. you cannot be skeleton shipped, and you cannot be krakend (ed?)

    "Almost like how the devs have described the mermaid mechanic"

    almost like the way its described is stupid and hinders the more pvp focused season 8.

  • @shostakovich274 said in Fix Mermaids please.:

    "It's the equivalent of asking rare to stop your ship from ramming into rocks when you don't steer it."

    in what world is that the same? Swimming away from my ship should spawn a mermaid. It doesn't. are you really this dense or have you just not played enough pvp to know that mermaids are bugged out of there mind. a ship could push your mermaid a nautical mile away from where it was and you'd call that a skill issue.

    oh and as for that "ghosting your ship is dangerous" yeah no way sherlock. how else are you supposed to win a solo fight? out recourse them? let luck win it for you?

    You're not swimming away from your ship if you're steering your ship into yourself.
    You need to think about what you're doing when you get into that situation.

  • @shostakovich274 said in Fix Mermaids please.:

    almost like the way its described is stupid and hinders the more pvp focused season 8.

    And you believe it is "stupid" because it clearly inconvenienced you and you have no better place to vent. This was a "problem" since the game's launch, and the devs are usually keen to sticking to their game's philosophies, we have to work around it and play it smart. It seems you're coming at this to force the game to make up for your lack of awareness, which are commonly the worst types of suggestions because they are pretty self-centered.

  • Reminds me of a kid that lives in my street. Whenever he gets himself into trouble it’s always somebody else’s fault.

  • @nex-stargaze rares philosophy of "play it smart" is stupid.

  • @shostakovich274 If you think so, this game might not be for you. You could try tetris?

  • @haltzo5045 said in Fix Mermaids please.:

    @shostakovich274 If you think so, this game might not be for you. You could try tetris?

    There's not enough straight 4s

    @Shostakovich274 Merfolk are working as intended. A way back to your ship when YOU messed up. I haven't been sunk because I did something dumb and couldn't catch a merfolk.

    I have been sunk for being dumb a lot 😅. But not because I didn't understand merfolk.

  • @shostakovich274 Please avoid engaging in personal arguments and derailing the topic of the thread. It is fine to debate the content of the post, and the viewpoints therein, but disrespecting any of your fellow pirates personally is against the pirate code, and our forum rules.

    Your post has been edited accordingly.

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  • @shostakovich274 sagte in Fix Mermaids please.:

    @scheneighnay or maybe rare should make its mechanics work. ?? stop defending a system that hasnt seen an update since it was added. its a lazily implemented system for pve, not pvp. and that in its self merits a rework.

    Mermaids work as intended...never had issues with them...
    It is intended, when another ship is nearby they spawn later (you have to be further away from the ship)
    They always spawn in the direction you are looking at!

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