This game is absolutely fantastic, if you're not playing solo... This game seriously needs some kind of Solo or private servers.

  • So I've been playing this game for about a week and a half now and with the help of a friend I was able to hit rank 50 in all 3 of the different trade companies (order of souls being the most difficult) and I was able to make enough money in the process to buy my own sloop and all of the customization that I want. Now that I hit pirate legend and got all of the stuff I want I decided that I want to 100% all of the tall tales. This task is honestly feeling like it's 1000× more difficult than hitting pirate legend...

    I decided to start with the pirate's life tall tales as I had already completed the first one and completing all of the commendations is pretty easy. So I loaded into a server solo and went to the castaway and started the 1st tall tale. While waiting for the castaway to finish speaking and open the portal an enemy sloop pulled up to the outpost I was at and so I typed in game chat "ahoy! I'm peaceful. I'm doing the tall tales for the commendations" and they replied with "no" and then they both boarded my ship with kegs and blew them killing me and instantly sinking my ship... After this I spawned incredibly far away from the portal I needed to go through and every time I attempted to sail back to it and do the tall tale I was attacked and sunk by other players. After 3 attempts I completely gave up and left the game to try and find a better server to do this in.

    In the next server I was able to complete the 1st tall tale and get all of the commendations. I returned and went to the outpost I spawned at to do the 2nd tall tale and unfortunately I spawned in the wilds and needed to travel all the way to the bottom left of the map to do the tall tale. On my way to the tall tale a grade 5 reaper ship spawned into the session (using the teleporter exploit to session hop without losing their emissary flag) and they spotted my ship and proceeded to chase me down to the tall tale and sink my ship and kill me. Apparently they must really enjoy griefing because they then sat at the tall tale location and killed and sunk me 2 more times when I tried to return and complete it so I gave up and left and decided to try and continue this the next day...

    The next day went better with me fully completing both the 2nd and 3rd tall tale without any interruptions. Only after you complete the 3rd you go through the teleporter again and I ended up in a new session. I spawned back in at the ancient spire outpost and started the 4th tall tale which I had to travel to the very top of the map to complete. On my way there I was once again spotted by another crew (a brig that wasn't in any emissary) and they proceeded to chase me down, board my ship, kill me, and sink my ship. I then respawned and tried to go up there again only to get attacked by a kraken which pulled me off of my ship and then spat me out like a piece of used gum so far away from my ship that I was still close enough to not get a mermaid but was also unable to swim back in time before my ship sank... I then respawned and started heading up their again only to run into the same brig from earlier and have them board and take over my sloop and spawn kill me with blunderbusses everytime I came back until I gave up scuttled my ship and left to find a new session. I then completely the 4th tall tale and that was the end of my second day attempting this.

    The 3rd day I decided to do the 2 tall tales that give you unique swords, starting with the seabound soul. So I went over to shipwreck bay and started up the tall tale. While listening to Pendragon someone attacked my ship and sank it without me even realizing it and so I ended up having to take a mermaid back to my ship which was about as far away from shipwreck bay as possible... On my way back I ran into a sloop and once again typed in chat being friendly and was once again met with nothing but toxicity and was attacked by this 2 man crew killed and sunk... Long story short after 5 attempts trying to do this tall tale only to be attacked killed and sank by toxic players in the session who didn't care that I was peaceful and only trying to do a tall tale I ended up leaving to find a new server. In the new server I was able to complete the seabound soul and the shroud breaker without interruption and I called it a night.

    The 4th day I decided to go ahead and do the cursed rogue so I could get briggsy's sword. When I spawned in I wasn't at the correct outpost and while I was quickly grabbing some supplies 2 brigs in an alliance pulled up to the outpost. I said I was peaceful and was doing tall tales and they didn't care and attacked and killed me and sank my ship without hesitation... I then respawned and was able to go start the tall tale only to be found by the same 2 brigs again who proceeded to non-stop hunt me down and kill me and sink my ship until the point that I gave up and left the server. I was able to do the tall tale in the next server I joined tho.

    But all of this has made me realize that this game seriously needs some kind of solo mode or private servers where players can go and play and do the tall tales and stuff without being griefed by toxic PvP players. I still have all of these other tall tales left to do and after how many days it's taken me to just complete the very few I have completed (not to mention that I still have to complete all of the base game tall tales 5 times in total to 100% them) I honestly don't even want to play this game anymore. The amount of toxicity and hate that I've experienced from players while just simply trying to chill and do tall tales is just unbelievable...

    Hopefully Rare sees this and realizes that this is a serious issue. While I do really love this game and find the PvE experience to be some of the best I've ever played, the toxicity from other players is just mind boggling to me... I really enjoy playing both the PvE and PvP when I'm not alone, but I do think that this game needs some kind of Solo mode or private servers where players who don't want to engage in the PvP or don't have anyone to play with can still play this game without having the horrible experience I've had the past few days just trying to chill and do tall tales...

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  • What exactly is toxic or griefing here? It is totally ok so sink anyone and everyone you see on the seas. That is part of the game.

    However, me and my crew generally stop the attack if we see a Tall Tale on the mission table. But sometimes you see that too late and the ship will sink. If we catch it in time we usually repair the ship and leave it alone. Perhaps steal some supplies.

    BUT if the ship doing Tall Tales has an Emissary Flag up it will sink, Tall Tale or not. Also if the crew (doing a Tall Tale) is rude or verbally toxic, we will sink them. But if they behave and stay calm, we will save their ship and continue on our journey, perhaps even have them join an alliance to get some gold when we sell.

    Sadly many of the "peaceful Tall Talers and PvE players" (not all of them) are verbally very toxic when you accidentally attack them. How can we know if they are a floating loot pinata or just doing an adventure/Tall Tale. To be sure we have to catch and board them to make sure. No need to get angry and foul mouthed because because of that. Its just normal game activity.

  • I know I'm off-topic here, but a week and a half to PL? That's all it takes? Any remaining prestige that the title of Pirate Legend held has now sunk beneath the waves...

  • @ghostfire1981 the griefing was referring to the reaper ship that camped the tall tale location that I was going to and knew I was a solo sloop doing a tall tale and continued to constantly attack and sink me everytime I tried to do the tall tale while saying very toxic things in game chat (kys, and others I can't type here) Also the other ship that knew I was doing a tall tale and proceeded to hunt me down and constantly sink me and basically did the same as those reapers.

  • @ghostfire1981 trust me I get that's part of the game, but targeting a single ship that has a single player trying to do a tall tale and telling them to kys because they're a gay furry is not okay. I ran into several very toxic players that did this sort of thing and we're smart enough to only say it verbally in game chat and not type anything so when I reported them nothing came of it.

  • As an online sandbox game, the best part of SOT is interaction with other players. That makes the game interesting, the way you deal with every situation and the experience you earn as you play along.

    As for players who violate the Code of Conduct, just make sure to have proof and report them.

  • @metal-ravage that's easier said than done when they are smart enough to only verbally say things in game and are very careful not to text anything so there is no proof. Only way for me to prove it would be to stream or be constantly recording which I don't do.

  • @m1ke-da-1ke There are some handy guides on capturing videos below, these options allow you to be prerecording the last X minutes so you are always ready to grab the content.



  • @ghostfire1981 but what you're saying here is exactly why this game needs a solo mode or private servers where players who are playing solo or with a friend and do not wish to engage in any kind of PvP can go and complete the tall tales and other missions without being attacked or griefed by toxic pirates. I get that there's a lot of reasons why people think that this would "ruin the game", but I don't see how having a solo mode where you can play the game by yourself and do tall tales and other story missions without being attacked or griefed by toxic players would hurt anything. All it would do is in fact improve the game by removing the weak innocent players who don't put up a fight from the main servers so the people playing in those servers can have a much better experience going up against actual crews and not preying on the weak.

  • I understand how it must suck to get greifed but it happens to all of us!

    Recently I was stuck on my sloop for almost an hour being spawn camped (i have--to this day--never scuttled. I'm a pirate not a shrimp). While frustrating it's part of the game (sea of THIEVES)

    Here's some recommendations to get out sticky situations like that:

    • server hop away
    • what indicates a good server for ttls: no emissary's on table, a bad world event like skele fleet or skeleton fort, no reapers bounties, and no ships on the horizon.
    • if they sunk your ship and you spawn super far from the original outpost just cancel the tall tale and start over at a new outpost if you don't want to change servers
    • if your confident enough to handle it--use a brig for tall tales. I often solo a brig just to get it's speed when doing tall tales (just remember never to anchor!!)

    New servers:
    I feel like adding privates servers makes the already small amount of ships you see even smaller, and will scare away pvp oriented players (like me). Seas is a game based on a strong pvp foundation and a stronger pve, but take away the pvp and it's less of a game.

    Maybe there should be a tall tale flag? Like to indicate what your doing (better yet a tall tale mark/emissary that takes form of a glowing pink flag above ur ship showing ur peaceful?)

    Idk this game was made to be unfriendly, as it IS a pirate game

    Hope this helped have a great day!!

  • @m1ke-da-1ke said in This game is absolutely fantastic, if you're not playing solo... This game seriously needs some kind of Solo or private servers.:

    @ghostfire1981 but what you're saying here is exactly why this game needs a solo mode or private servers where players who are playing solo or with a friend and do not wish to engage in any kind of PvP can go and complete the tall tales and other missions without being attacked or griefed by toxic pirates. I get that there's a lot of reasons why people think that this would "ruin the game", but I don't see how having a solo mode where you can play the game by yourself and do tall tales and other story missions without being attacked or griefed by toxic players would hurt anything. All it would do is in fact improve the game by removing the weak innocent players who don't put up a fight from the main servers so the people playing in those servers can have a much better experience going up against actual crews and not preying on the weak.

    Well Tall Tales can be done in the current state of the game. You might just have been very unlucky. There are lots of different crews around. Some like to help others, some sink everyone they see. Then there are those who are paranoid and sink everyone just to be sure, of fire fist just to try to scare away others.

    We might sink someone at an outpost or an island if we have a mission or need to be there. In that case we really do not care about the other ship, we just want to make the place secure for our own operations.

    BUT in all situations, there is no need for any insults or similar. So if they were indeed rude against you while sinking you, capture it on video and report it and forget about it. You can also mute others.

    Also about your suggestion about a single player mode, i do see that Tall Tales and maybe adventures could be done in a safe place, where ALL loot and normal progress is disabled. But then again this is a multiplayer game, were every session is different as you never know what kind of players you will meet. And trust me, most of us have done all the Tall Tales multiple times, and it can be done quite easily. I would just put it on bad luck in your case.

  • @musicmee I'm on an Xbox and I've tried recording clips, but it's difficult when my controller doesn't have that share button the newer controllers have and I can only record up to 45 seconds of gameplay. I tried catching people but was unable to catch what they said in the clips. This honestly is an issue that Microsoft needs to work on improving. I am on a Series X so I don't see why Microsoft hasn't increased the amount of time that you can record a game clip. Anyways, it still doesn't help with the fact that even when I wasn't being griefed by toxic crews trying to simply complete tall tales solo is still an incredibly difficult experience when you're playing in public servers and 99% of people shoot 1st and ask questions later. Literally everytime I was attacked I always used quick chat to say "everything is ok, let's avoid conflict" and would type out a message saying "I'm peaceful I'm just trying to complete tall tales" and people would completely disregard it and kill me and sink my ship anyways even after boarding and looking at the table to see that I was telling the truth. The game really needs a solo or private mode so that I can go and complete these things without the constant setbacks of other players attacking and sinking me for no reason other than I exist.

  • @ntraills said in This game is absolutely fantastic, if you're not playing solo... This game seriously needs some kind of Solo or private servers.:

    I know I'm off-topic here, but a week and a half to PL? That's all it takes? Any remaining prestige that the title of Pirate Legend held has now sunk beneath the waves...

    Speed running with emissary flags on a gold and glory weekend has the time at ~8 gameplay hours to PL. it is officially now the tutorial of the game.

  • @honeycrisp1 I'm very confused how you see a very small amount of ships? Every server has up to 5 ships in it and the map isn't that large so finding other players doesn't take long at all if you're trying XD (me and a friend did some tucking on a galleon last week and it was hilarious 😆) but the fact that you're a PvP focused player means that you would probably really enjoy arena if they brought it back as it's only PvP. A lot of my more experienced friends who have played SOT a lot longer than me say that arena needs to come back because it was a huge part of the game that they enjoyed and wish to see it's return (also one of my friends on Xbox who is an achievement hunter is highly upset that they removed arena but not the achievements for arena so now those achievements are all unobtainable)

    But a Solo mode wouldn't really affect you at all. If they added a solo mode you'd still be playing with just as many people and the people who you are playing with are more than likely not going to be playing solo which means that the PvP experience you get will be greatly improved as you won't be running into any peaceful solo players who won't fight back and won't put up any fight because they can't as they're solo and are unable to give you a real fight. The only people that have attacked and sunk me while I've been trying to do tall tales seem to be the type of players who either shoot 1st and ask questions later, or enjoy sh*tting on peaceful players who aren't putting up a fight and are just trying to chill. Or they've been like the reapers and we're extremely toxic.

  • @m1ke-da-1ke go into the video record settings, you can record up to 3 minutes when you record it at 720p

    Edit: It's pretty easy and fast recorded even without that button...hit once the XBox-Guide Button, then "x" for fotos or "y" for videos, done (could be it was y for fotos and x for videos)

  • @ghostfire1981 that's what I'm saying, I'm not saying that you should be able to do everything that you can in regular servers in a Solo server, I'm saying that you should be able to do all of the tall tales and story missions in a Solo server where you can safely complete them and get all of the commendations without being constantly set back by other players

  • @honeycrisp1 said in [Maybe there should be a tall tale flag? Like to indicate what your doing (better yet a tall tale mark/emissary that takes form of a glowing pink flag above ur ship showing ur peaceful?)]

    While I do think that's a good idea what I think would be an even better idea is if when you start a tall tale your ship becomes immune to being damaged by other players (and would obviously remove any emissary status and drop all loot on your ship)
    Basically like passive mode in GTA Online (no one can damage you and you can't damage them)

    Then you would be free to complete the tall tale without being able to be attacked by toxic players

  • @m1ke-da-1ke so when you start a tall tale you and your ship would basically go into passive mode like in GTA Online and you would become semi solid and would pass through any other players in the session and be unable to interact with them while they are also unable to interact with you

  • @m1ke-da-1ke said in This game is absolutely fantastic, if you're not playing solo... This game seriously needs some kind of Solo or private servers.:

    @m1ke-da-1ke so when you start a tall tale you and your ship would basically go into passive mode like in GTA Online and you would become semi solid and would pass through any other players in the session and be unable to interact with them while they are also unable to interact with you

    This would be perfect for doing tall tales as you'd still be free to fully interact with all of the PvE parts of the game and would be able to complete the tall tales, get the small amount of gold and commendations from them, get the achievements, and not be constantly set back or griefed by toxic players in the process

  • @ntraills said in This game is absolutely fantastic, if you're not playing solo... This game seriously needs some kind of Solo or private servers.:

    I know I'm off-topic here, but a week and a half to PL? That's all it takes? Any remaining prestige that the title of Pirate Legend held has now sunk beneath the waves...

    PL is the tutorial these days. I wish they added some new layers of prestige to the game that feel more significant than just having a title. Unlocking the hideout as PL for the first time is very cool, but it's very easy these days.

    On topic, OP if you find yourself very far from the tall tale portal, cancel it and enable it again at the nearest outpost.

  • But all of this has made me realize that this game seriously needs some kind of solo mode or private servers where players can go and play and do the tall tales and stuff without being griefed by toxic PvP players.

    Facepalm. You are setting out on an adventure, an adventure where the unexpected happens. While your doing a simple Voyage, not a TT you also could/will encounter other players. What is difference between TT & Voyage? Besides story elements you are doing the same thing. Go to an island or Multiple island, fight or solve something and complete it. Sometimes you fight other crews during progress. As pirates do.

    Hopefully Rare sees this and realizes that this is a serious issue.

    Not really "serious issue" as it doesnt break the game for anyone.

  • @burnbacon I didn't set out on an adventure though, I chose to do the pirate's life tall tales. I wasn't doing voyages or anything, only tall tales. And I was griefed by toxic players several times while only trying to do tall tales. To the point that I had to leave and find different servers to do them in. And this happened literally every day for 4 days. I haven't even scratched the surface of completing all of the commendations for all of the tall tales.

  • @burnbacon also a voyage is absolutely not the same as a tall tale. A tall tale is a story mission that is supposed to be PvE only. Voyages are meant to be done in free mode with other players that can steal those voyages and the loot you get from them. Tall tales don't give loot (excluding the 2nd pirate's life tall tale that gives you that chest of sorrow) they give a small amount of gold and items that can only be unlocked from completing the tall tales.

  • @m1ke-da-1ke said in This game is absolutely fantastic, if you're not playing solo... This game seriously needs some kind of Solo or private servers.:

    A tall tale is a story mission that is supposed to be PvE only.

    I am not sure where you got this information from, but it is wrong. Nothing is supposed to be "PvE only". That's why it is a PvPvE game. The only things that are NOT PvPvE are the few Pirate's Life Tall Tales that take place in a separate location than the Sea of Thieves. Your base assumption is incorrect.

    And while most of the Tall Tales do not produce any loot, players on Tall Tales can still pick up loot. They can sink Skeleton Ships, get loot washed up on beaches, from floating barrel spots, sunken ships, Reaper's Chests, etc. Saying a person on a Tall Tale will have no loot is just incorrect.

    Also, a "Passive Mode" where you become incorporeal would be abused so much by people stacking loot. You still need to be able to collect loot, supplies, etc for most of the Tall Tales. So people would just stack loot to their hearts content and then the moment someone attacked they would put on the Tall Tale checkpoint they have saved and then no one could steal their loot. The possibility for rampant abuse of something like that would be awful.

  • @m1ke-da-1ke said in This game is absolutely fantastic, if you're not playing solo... This game seriously needs some kind of Solo or private servers.:

    @burnbacon also a voyage is absolutely not the same as a tall tale. A tall tale is a story mission that is supposed to be PvE only. Voyages are meant to be done in free mode with other players that can steal those voyages and the loot you get from them. Tall tales don't give loot (excluding the 2nd pirate's life tall tale that gives you that chest of sorrow) they give a small amount of gold and items that can only be unlocked from completing the tall tales.

    Point our ANY official word that states that a Tall Tale is supposed to be PVE only. You can't because that is not what Rare intended, in fact they are on the record stating that interference by other players (as long as they aren't toxic, abusive or bullying) is part of the design and experience. They added checkpoints to alleviate some of the issues that can occur by your Tall Tale being disrupted - either by the environment or other players.

    How you interpret them is irrelevant, Rare has made their statements regarding PvE modes, safe modes, and the like. The game is about social interactions between players in these conditions so they are most definitely not going to remove the social part of the equation.

  • @maximusarael020 as I said in my other post about this passive mode idea you wouldn't be able to place loot on your ship. You wouldn't even be able to interact with loot (except for the chest of sorrows in the 2nd pirate's life tall tale) you would only be able to interact with supply items so supply crates, wood crates, cannonball crates, ammo crates, damned supply crates from ghost ships, and supply barrels floating in the water. Everything else would be unable to be interacted with so it can't be abused.

  • @maximusarael020 also the PvE only statement is from the pirate's life tall tale in which it says in the menu "a thrilling story campaign" which is obviously PvE and not PvP as a story campaign does not contain PvP. Yet I still haven't been able to finish it and it's taken me 3 days just to complete 4 of the 5 missions because of toxic players that griefed me and other players that attacked and sank me so much to the point that I couldn't complete or even begin the tall tales.

  • @m1ke-da-1ke you hit PL in a week and still have something to complain about. This game has become W33nie Hut Juniors compared to what it was. New players are handed rep and gold on a silver platter yet you somehow end up feeling entitled to more.

    Plenty of solo sweats out there. You just need to improve. Stop letting yourself get carried and you’ll get good.

  • I play this game and enjoy it to this day because of the rich sandbox. Player interaction in this game is uniqe.

    HOWEVER, I also consider myself a lore nerd. I think story missions being a part of the sandbox is stupid.

    Story missions should be there to make people learn the lore and immerse themselves in the lore.

    Even when people help you, its hard to immerse yourself when a kid is literally eating his mic while you are wathcing a cutscene.

  • @m1ke-da-1ke sagte in This game is absolutely fantastic, if you're not playing solo... This game seriously needs some kind of Solo or private servers.:

    @maximusarael020 also the PvE only statement is from the pirate's life tall tale in which it says in the menu "a thrilling story campaign" which is obviously PvE and not PvP as a story campaign does not contain PvP. Yet I still haven't been able to finish it and it's taken me 3 days just to complete 4 of the 5 missions because of toxic players that griefed me and other players that attacked and sank me so much to the point that I couldn't complete or even begin the tall tales.

    Still it doesn't say it's pure pve...nowhere...
    That starting point should be deleted, as it's completely the same as the adventure starting point, the only difference is in one you spawn in the tavern, in the other outside in front of the tall tale tent

  • @m1ke-da-1ke

    Can you imagine all the coding that would be required to make this "Passive Mode" a thing? "A ship that passes through other ships but not terrain that can carry supply, wood, ammo, cannonball crates and treasure chests relevant to the Tall Tale but nothing that is not relevant and has cannons that can interact with ships and NPC's on the Tall Tales but not other players..." But also this wouldn't stop other players from "griefing" you as they could still, in theory, affect the elements of the Tall Tale, like firing on NPC's, interacting with Tall Tale loot, etc.

    Like, it's a complete overhaul of the system just because you can't be bothered to use checkpoints or check emissary tables before you sail? Another tip I learned (and anyone correct me if not true) is that the streaks of light that come up from a Reaper's Chest are multicolored when there are fewer players on a server, but turn Gold when there at least 4 ships on the server. So check for that to see if the server is too populated for your liking. But to try to do what you are saying: that would be an entire dev's team worth of work for months or years to get it all to work appropriately and not break the whole thing, and what would the payout be? Oh, now you can complete Tall Tales and not interact with other players. Not enough to benefit with the amount of effort it would take. Also, there are checkpoints in the Tall Tales, so that's good enough. You never have to start at square one even if sunk or whatever.

    As for the "Tall Tales are PVE only", you are reading in to what it says and coming to your own interpretation. It says "Join forces with Captain Jack Sparrow on a thrilling story campaign." Nothing about that says "private servers" or "PVE Only". It simply says it is a story. You just misinterpreted it. And that's ok! Now you know, it's not PVE only, it's just a story on the seas.

  • @schwammlgott regardless the tall tales in this game are meant to be story campaign missions and shouldn't be able to be interrupted by other players. Especially toxic players who aren't nice and are purposely being toxic and ruining the experience for new players such as myself. I think that the only reason anyone would not want players to be in a passive mode while doing these missions is because they want to be able to continue using the pirate's life tall tale exploit to be able to session hop without lowering their emissary flag. That needs to be removed from the game. Being in a passive mode wouldn't be broken or unfair if done correctly. Like I said in my other post you wouldn't be able to interact with any loot or other players or their ships and vice versa. Any loot placed on your ship before starting the tall tale would become semi transparent and fall through your ship into the ocean beneath your ship and any other players would be able to come grab it and take it for themselves and if you're in an emissary when you start it your emissary flag will be automatically lowered or removed without you being paid for it. And when you finish the tall tale you would immediately come out of this passive mode and be fully attackable and killable and sinkable again. The only things that you'll be able to interact with while doing the tall tales are supply items (supply crates, cannonball crates, wood crates, food crates, damned supply crates, Trident of dark tides, and barrels)

  • @maximusarael020 checkpoints aren't helpful or useful when you can't even reach the 1st checkpoint because someone is camping the location you have to go to and waiting for you to show up so they can attack, kill, and sink you every time you attempt to do your tall tale as I had happen to me.

  • @maximusarael020 also as for the work that would go into it yes it would be worth it. They created an entire new game mode called arena and added it to the game so I don't see any reason why they wouldn't be able to do this. Yes it would take a lot of time and effort, but it would ensure that players trying to do the story and learn the lore would have a safe experience and wouldn't be griefed and forced out of sessions by toxic players who only want to ruin others experience in the game.

  • @m1ke-da-1ke

    I mean, I get that this seems like a problem for you, because you are experiencing it, and I'm sure it is frustrating. However, this just doesn't seem like an issue for the greater community. I think in the like 20 or more Veil Quests I've done I've been challenged on them by other players maybe 2 or 3 times? And that's a quest that throws a giant ATHENA LOOT HERE!! beacon in the sky! The amount of people camping Tall Tale spots or specifically trying to stop players from doing Tall Tales has to be so small that even
    the Arena is saying "wow, that's a small amount of players!" I'm not trying to diminish your experience, but when it is so rare of an occurrence, you can't actually expect Rare to spend months or years of dev time to try to alleviate the problem. Drop out and go to a new server. It will probably be better. Check for Reapers on the map, look for emissaries on the tables, check the Reaper's Chest lights, and then do your thing.

    I'm not saying toxicity isn't a thing, and it is awful when it occurs, but I honestly can't remember the last time I truly experienced anything like what you are describing. Not the 3 hours I spent on Community Day, not my daily lunch run to to a ghost fleet for the Captain of the Damned skulls, not even the last time I did a FOTD. I know there are problem players out there, but I just cannot believe they are on every server you go to, that on ever instance you try to do these Tall Tales that you get spawn-camped or chased repeatedly or whatever.

    People managed the Gold Curse before there were even check-points. You'll learn from these experiences, and the good news is that when you become a full-fledged pirate doing your thing on the seas, you won't be one of the ones attacking crews on Tall Tales!

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