The Mystery Begins!

  • @realstyli
    I agree, I think the "Captain" is most likely going to be introduced through the Dark Brethren storyline. However, I'm not quite sure this is all the work of Flameheart to be honest. He absolutely has the motive to kill Demarco and try to frame Ramsey for it, but I'm not sure if he himself has the means to do so.

    I think there's an accomplish somewhere here who isn't Flameheart Jr. It could be an original character, but that feels odd to me. Why would Rare introduce a new character only for them to kill off a fan favorite character? It kind of loses the shock value. At this point, I think it is plausible it is someone like Stitcher Jim (Someone we haven't seen in a while who could reasonable make a reappearance).

  • Finally, we have more Mystery stuff!

    Sea of Thieves tweeted:

    Rumours can cut deeper than the sharpest blade...

    alt text

    Alt text:

    Three pirates, one of which is holding a lantern, look at a poster of the Pirate Lord which has the word 'Guilty' splashed across it.

    Athena's Fortune secret note

    Credit to MisterFurret for finding and EvilYep for posting on Discord about the following...

    In the Pirate Legend Hideout, you need 2 people to stand in specific spots (apparently the giveaway was a specific sound similar to standing on buried treasure) and a 3rd player will be able to then read a note...

    (English images by DG Orellanas on Discord)

    alt text
    alt text
    alt text


    The three are gone, but not all by my hand -
    the storm in the west took the last of them, just as day was breaking.
    My influence keeps them from the Ferry. Even if their remains are found, they will be anonymous.
    And only truths can reveal truths...
    There will be no proof I was involved.
    Without it, no-one will dare challenge me.

    So now folks are looking for the remains of DeMarco's crew after they were taken by "the storm in the west"...

    I'm still sticking by the theory that Ramsey is innocent and being framed... but what does everyone else think?

  • @realstyli said in The Mystery Begins!:

    So now folks are looking for the remains of DeMarco's crew after they were taken by "the storm in the west"...

    I'm still sticking by the theory that Ramsey is innocent and being framed... but what does everyone else think?

    I don't think it's Ramsay either. I think these clues are leading us to some kind of 'proof' that we use to confront suspects, similar to how using the lantern showed new dialog on some NPCs.

    Washed up wreckage, bodies (skeletons) on beaches, underwater loot or ship debris somewhere west of either the Howling Wolf (where they mutinied) or Thieves Haven (where they were paid by "Ramsay") depending on how you think the events should be ordered. The note seems to give a time also - daybreak - which may be when a vision could appear.

  • I was honestly beginning to think that the mystery was over after revealing the GUILTY writings near the Pirate Lord. Thank goodness there's a bit more to the mystery at hand. I'm really hoping the real killer is still out there and not our beloved Ramsay. If/when we get our hands on the killer I swear I'mma slap 'em with a splashtail

  • @realstyli said in The Mystery Begins!:

    Finally, we have more Mystery stuff!

    Sea of Thieves tweeted:

    Rumours can cut deeper than the sharpest blade...

    alt text

    Alt text:

    Three pirates, one of which is holding a lantern, look at a poster of the Pirate Lord which has the word 'Guilty' splashed across it.

    Athena's Fortune secret note

    Credit to MisterFurret for finding and EvilYep for posting on Discord about the following...

    In the Pirate Legend Hideout, you need 2 people to stand in specific spots (apparently the giveaway was a specific sound similar to standing on buried treasure) and a 3rd player will be able to then read a note...

    (English images by DG Orellanas on Discord)

    alt text
    alt text
    alt text


    The three are gone, but not all by my hand -
    the storm in the west took the last of them, just as day was breaking.
    My influence keeps them from the Ferry. Even if their remains are found, they will be anonymous.
    And only truths can reveal truths...
    There will be no proof I was involved.
    Without it, no-one will dare challenge me.

    So now folks are looking for the remains of DeMarco's crew after they were taken by "the storm in the west"...

    I'm still sticking by the theory that Ramsey is innocent and being framed... but what does everyone else think?

    That is a framing act if I have seen one and in my opinion it fits the way Stitcher Jim operates, so my money is still on him being the mastermind behind this scheme.

  • Cdw on Discord found the below on Lagoon of Whispers at dawn with a white flame (lightning death) using the Fallen Sea Dogs lantern.
    And yes, several users then confirmed that it must have a white flame to appear.
    alt text

  • New Tweet from Sea of Thieves:

    Learn what you can. Meet back here.

    alt text
    Alt text:

    A note being held forward by an unknown, robed figure. The note reads "Truths Reveal Truths XXII VIII"

    The Roman numerals translate to 22 8... likely meaning something will happen on Monday, August 22nd

    And we still have WS or SM from the Lagoon of Whispers find above.

  • Well snap! Think of some of the things we may have missed out on if we need specific colored lanterns to find this stuff! This is sounding to be more complicated to me than I thought.

    Question though is how did they come across the WS/SM at that location? Did they figure out a clue that lead to that or was it by accident? :o

  • @capt-brookes

    Question though is how did they come across the WS/SM at that location? Did they figure out a clue that lead to that or was it by accident? :o

    It was from the note in the Athena's hideout - Link to Discord Post

    Mainly this part: "The three are gone, but not all by my hand - the storm in the west took the last of them, just as day was breaking."

    @realstyli 's post here with photos in case you don't want to go to Discord or the link doesn't work:

    Credit to MisterFurret for finding and EvilYep for posting on Discord about the following...

    In the Pirate Legend Hideout, you need 2 people to stand in specific spots (apparently the giveaway was a specific sound similar to standing on buried treasure) and a 3rd player will be able to then read a note...

    (English images by DG Orellanas on Discord)

    alt text
    alt text
    alt text


    The three are gone, but not all by my hand -
    the storm in the west took the last of them, just as day was breaking.
    My influence keeps them from the Ferry. Even if their remains are found, they will be anonymous.
    And only truths can reveal truths...
    There will be no proof I was involved.
    Without it, no-one will dare challenge me.

  • A new tweet today from Sea of Thieves could potentially be another clue:

    How many hours of Sea of Thieves have you played? We want to see how dedicated you are to the pirate's life...

    alt text

    Alt Text:

    A close-up screenshot of a pirate looking at an open pocket watch, the hands both pointing to twelve.

    Better look at the watch:
    alt text

    Although the alt text says both hands are pointing to twelve, it looks more like 12 and 5 to me (hard to really tell on that watch if the minute hand is extending or if that's another hand at 6). The date is the 5th.

    (Edit: logged in to check with the Fearless Bone Crusher Pocket Watch and that's definitely 5 o'clock)

    Some have speculated that the pirate may be Stitcher Jim. They don't match any pictures I've seen of him but he has changed appearance a little over time and this pirate does appear to have bandages on their face. I would say that's inconclusive right now.

    Edit 2: It's been pointed out that the picture is at Lagoon of Whispers, so it's entirely possible it was a clue hinting to the location of the SM/WS vision above, which appeared in-game around 5am. It's likely we got ahead of this clue.

  • Everyone is talking about the lantern and all but the "My influence keeps them away from the ferry" is more interesting to me. Like in what way? Does the murderer have people that prevents people from boarding the ferry or something else?

  • @realstyli

    Some have speculated that the pirate may be Stitcher Jim. They don't match any pictures I've seen of him but he has changed appearance a little over time and this pirate does appear to have bandages on their face. I would say that's inconclusive right now.

    It is fair to say that we don't really know what has happened to Jim since we saw him last? The jaw/chin looks like it could potentially be his? It seems square-ish? So that'd be a reasonable conclusion at this point?

    Also, does anyone know what hairstyle or hat they're wearing? I couldn't really find anything when I searched for it. The closest I saw could be the Disgraced Order of Souls Headband because of the round dangly things but it's not exact so I don't think it's that. Nor do I recognize the jacket.

    Ah, BenDipp pointed out on Discord right as I posted this that it's the Legendary Treasure Seeker Costume.

    My only hesitation with this theory is regarding the injury he appeared to have sustained during Heart of Fire to his right arm. I pulled up a video of when we did see him in Heart of Fire and it appears that he is holding his right arm in pain after he touches the chest of rage. Since the pirate in the tweet is holding the watch with his right hand and has no visible injury or bandage, it might not be him?

  • As expected, we got a new clue today.

    Sea of Thieves tweeted:

    A stranger stands before you.

    "Welcome. I sense you seek the truth, as do I. However the memories of this one, while important, remain sealed. If you know what was true of this pirate in life, then that will be enough to help us extract their memories in death…"

    alt text

    An unidentified figure with wraps around their hands holds forward a skull, glowing green.

    They are (as I type) following this up with several questions and very quick polls to find the "truth".

    The first poll asked:

    What do you believe their name to have been?

    With the option Sally Marshall being correctly answered by the community. (This fits in with the SM clue from Lagoon of Whispers).

    Second poll asks:

    It seems you're correct… Through what instrument did they bring song to those around them?

    The options are Hurdy Gurdy or Banjo.

    The community correctly guessed Hurdy Gurdy, based on the Sunday Vibes video here.

    Next question:

    We're close now… What sails did they adorn their vessel with long ago?

    The options are Shark Hunter or Sails of the Bonny Belle.

    The good goose Taaamas tweeted the answer to this:
    alt text

    That answer of course was correct...

    Final question:

    One more should do it… What caused them to die?

    Options are Skeleton or Lightning.

    Answer is likely Lightning as that's the flame used to uncover "SM" on the rock on Lagoon of Whispers.

    Poll results for those without Twitter

    alt text

    alt text

  • New clue... answering the poll has unlocked a video of Sally's memories.

    "That's it! The curse placed on this one has weakened and I see! I shall share this vision with you. Let us hope that it leads us closer to the truth."

    The stranger disappears as you watch the memory...

    Watch the video here:

  • From DG Orellanas (EU) on Discord, this seems likely to be correct:

    ... 0:05 -- > Reaper's Hideout (left side)
    ... 0;019 -> agains reaper's hideout + flare
    ... 0:28 --> considering we sea Ancient Spire, it's Devil's Ridge
    ... 0:32 --> Plunder valley marked
    ... 0:45 --> Crow's Nest Skeleton Fort (thanks @Styli because you can see Crooks and PLunder Outpost)
    .... 0:50 --> An outpost (plunder outpost) ?

  • We've been led to Devil's Ridge, where the initials of the crewmate with the Ruffian Sea Dog pegleg can be found using a purple flame of fate at noon in the cave. You can see their skull next to some glowing mushrooms (found by TerraNort on Discord, pic below is mine).

    alt text

    I think it's deliberately vague whether it's HH or II (or a mix of both), just like the SM clue before. The theory is now we will repeat the same structure of clues for this crewmate, leading to another twitter poll and uncovering a video of their memories. And then the final crewmate will be the same steps.

  • I've thrown this out as a possible route for Sally after the crew splits up at Devil's Ridge (it's possible that it was just Sally & HH/II at this point since you don't see the 3rd person).

    • Devil's Ridge
    • Mutineer's Rock
    • Crows Nest (hit by cannon)
    • Stephen's Spoils (repair stop)
    • Chased by Athena Galleon from Plunder
    • Through Snake Island Arch
    • Signal at Reaper's Hideout
    • Reaper Galleon fights Athena Galleon
    • Sails past Wanderer's Refuge heading West
    • Dies at Lagoon of Whispers.

    I imagine the other crew members will fill in more of the gaps for the galleon scenes.

  • Ahoy folks! Now I'm intrigued with the lastest Twitter video. This is what I like, finding clues in game through some images.

    So we are missing the remains of the last crew member, right? The one that died by ...¿eating raw fish?...

    In the mintue 0:42 you can see a rock with a particular shape (like two B...bies) while the sun is rising/falling behind. I think it's falling, cause SM died at dawn.
    This rock can be seen in the minute 0:22 as well, when the crews is hanging out in Golden Sand outpost (you can see the cannon defenses in the background).

    So the rock is the one between Golden Sands and Crescent Isle... close to Sea Dog Rest, where DeMarco dead body is resting.

    Right now I'm at Golden Sand, trying to see a skull or some evidences. But I'm not too patient, if anyone wants to investigate... :D

  • @guilleont said in The Mystery Begins!:

    So we are missing the remains of the last crew member, right? The one that died by ...¿eating raw fish?...

    If you mean the male pirate, he died by snake poison on Devil's Ridge. His was the second skull we found.

    I believe any of the snippets on the galleon (and the one on Golden Sands) are them all having a good old time before things went sour. The other crewmate laughing at him having food poison on the bed, hints at it not being serious.

    We don't yet know how the "laughing" crewmate died, that will probably be shown when we uncover the next memory video.

  • Looks like the next step will happen on Thursday:

  • The new poll quiz is here for HH...

    A stranger insistently beckons you over.

    "We must hurry, eyes watch us and this one's memories are again sealed. If we can identify truths of who this pirate was, then hopefully their memories will lead us towards the closure we seek, as much as the reality may pain us..."

    alt text

    First poll question:

    By what name do you believe they were known?

    Harriet Handles or Harry Handles?.... We are fairly certain it's Harry, because it's the male pirate

    We guessed correctly

    Next question:

    It appears you're correct... what style of ship did they have a predilection towards?

    Wailing Barnacle or Cutthroat?

    We know this to be the Wailing Barnacle because of the Sunday Vibes post with Harry on Stephen's Spoils.

    Next question is a tough one...

    A little more... what instrument did they favour to rally their crews around them?

    We believe this is Drum. He's been seen with both in promotion videos for Season 7... but more often the Drum.

    Final question:

    That seems right, but one more answer is required… how did they die?

    Poison or fire?

    We know the answer is poison, specifically a snake bite.

  • New memories leading up to Harry Handle's death

    "Well done, the curse placed on this one has been lifted. Let's hope the vision leads us closer to the truth."

    The stranger vanishes while you're preoccupied.

  • Found on Sunken Grove (the clue was in the vision where they jump down into a pool)

    Credit: Fargodeep#6989 on Discord
    alt text

    Credit: Captain McGuffin
    alt text

    A new skull has also been found close to the music box... Credit to Fargodeep#6989 again for this:

    alt text

    If you compare it to this old pic of Wanda's Journal on Sunken Grove, from Rare Thief, you can see the skull is definitely new.
    alt text

  • Another clue spotted by Soren from Ancient Isles University...

    Wanda's journal has a new, very intriguing line added...

    alt text

    [He is trapped. Find him...]

    Wanda's journal became an item of interest after one of them was spotted in the promo image for Gold Hunters at Gamescom

    alt text

  • New Sunday Vibes tweet takes place on Sunken Grove.

    It may simply be a hint to the location but worth noting that the music playing is the start of A New Dawn on the soundtrack (which uses some motifs from Bosun Bill).

    The music comes in and out and the parts where it's playing are at 0:00, 0:58, 1:48, 2:24, and 3:12 in the video.

  • A new tweet from Sea of Thieves:

    A final message?
    alt text

    Alt text:

    A scrap of paper rests on a table surrounded by books, orbs and other objects. The text on the paper reads "The Truth will be revealed 31 08"

    So looks like we'll know more on Wednesday.

  • Another poll quiz begins... we are less prepared for this one, I feel...

    Sea of Thieves tweeted:

    A stranger rolls a skull around in their hands.

    "I may not have written that note, yet I foresaw your curiosity bringing you here. This one doesn't feel the same as the others, but if it holds answers then I shan't deny its voice. Once again, let us channel its truths"
    alt text

    Alt text:

    A skull is held in an arm outstretched, with light bursting from its eyes.

    First question

    What name do you believe they may have gone by?

    Pat the Butcher, or William Davies?

    The community guessed Pat the Butcher...

    We didn't seem to get that right.

    Next question:

    That doesn't seem right, and we need truths to break the seal… what type of animal do you feel this one had a close kinship to?

    Sunset Capuchin or Bandit Ragamuffin ?

    The community guessed Bandit Ragamuffin, which is correct it seems. We think we might be trying to guess the opposite of what the female character's facts might be.... as this skull is not one of the crew.

    Next question:

    That seems to be correct... what food brought them the most comfort?

    Pineapple or Honey Islehopper?

    We guessed Pineapple...

    Next question:

    We're getting close now... what instrument did they favour to rally those around them?

    Drum or Hurdy-Gurdy?

    We correctly guessed Hurdy-Gurdy

    Final question:

    Correct. This should be the final hurdle... by what means did they die?

    Cutlass or Drowned?

    We guessed Drowned and unlocked another piece of the puzzle:

    "We may not know enough to see a vision, but I believe I can hear a voice..."

    Video here:

  • The video is also on YouTube.


    Can you hear me?
    I hope so…
    I smashed the music box, but I don’t know if that will be enough to reach you.
    You need to listen.
    What you’ve seen, everything you’ve discovered - it’s all been a lie.
    The messages, the mutiny. None of it's real.
    Trust me.
    I found that out the hard way.
    That lantern you’re carrying?
    It’s just a flame, nothing special.
    You’ve only been seeing what she wanted you to see.
    We all have.
    But if you can hear my voice it’s not too late, the truth is still within reach.
    Use my spyglass, follow the coins.
    I can’t wait any longer but… this is my call for help.
    I know where the lies are buried, this message should find you there.
    I just need… to switch
    [skeleton noises]
    … the skulls!
    [sword slashing]

    Some more information: In case anyone is concerned that Lesedi is dead. We don't think so. This message is from Lesedi and we believe she used the skeleton of William Davies to "record" her message, knowing the Order of Souls would be able to extract it and deliver it to us.

  • Coins have been found on Sea Dog's Rest...

    Pic via Leator on Twitter:
    alt text

    And we have a location for the spyglass, thanks to @StillVill ... it's on Crooked Masts!

  • More coins are being found. The coins do not signify cardinal directions, as originally thought. And the coin piles have an arrow on one of the coins.

    The Fandom Wiki has a list of what's been found and where:

    alt text
    Updated: 17:23pm BST, Aug 31st

    We are sure this was intended to point us towards Crooked Masts, where we would find the spyglass. We were a little ahead in already locating it.

    P was found on the Howling Wolf.... via StillVill

    alt text

  • So... you mean to tell me ALL those hours we spent searching? All those clues we spent days pondering and theorizing over... were all for NOTHING?!

    Goes to flip the captain's table over in rage!

    Joking aside I found it kinda odd the way the coins were arranged to look like an N in one angle, but then why the arrow on the one coin?

  • We are sure this was intended to point us towards Crooked Masts, where we would find the spyglass. We were a little ahead in already locating it.

    That sounds about right for this community, always finding things before we really should. LOL

  • I know where the lies are buried
    I just need… to switch, … the skulls!
    [sword slashing]

    So…we need to use spyglass like we did with trapper tall tale. Locate I’m assume some skulls and hit the one that is “dark” and or dig where the X on the glass leads.


  • @burnbacon said in The Mystery Begins!:

    I know where the lies are buried
    I just need… to switch, … the skulls!
    [sword slashing]

    So…we need to use spyglass like we did with trapper tall tale. Locate I’m assume some skulls and hit the one that is “dark” and or dig where the X on the glass leads.


    Not sure why you cut the end of that line...

    I know where the lies are buried, this message should find you there.

    We think that means something is buried on Sunken Grove... where we "found" her message.

  • @jeditoph thinking of jumping to things before we should.

    wild speculation guess for the answer to the whole shebang, and im sure others have thought of it too:

    who killed demarco? demarco.

    he was sent on a mission into the sea of the damned, that's what the argument between him and lesedi was over, she did not want him killing himself just to get in, was afraid he'd not come back, or some other such. and now that he is staying dead her fears are realized. the frame job is all misdirect, possibly even the pirate lord trying to save his son from killing himself re-framed as murder to hide the true actions of those on the other side who are keeping his soul hostage just like was done with merric, the merric plot just making sure its fresh in our minds as a possibility and showing us the mechanics of the other world.

    the hows and whys and who's of what his mission was and who is stopping him from coming back are the real mystery yet to be solved. but its all very fascinating either way.

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