Long black screens

  • So lately when I've been playing im having long load times, if I die or mermaid its taking me around 60-90 seconds to spawn back. Im on a series x and haven't had this issue before, just wondering if anyone else has dealt with this and if so is there a fix or am I just one of the unlucky now??

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  • No fix is possible that I know of, its just random as far as im aware. My crew is also getting this bug on Series X too, can also occur when rejoining a server sometimes taking up to 10 minutes to rejoin.

  • Oh man, the black screens are so bad right now. Hopefully something will be done by Thursday. I’m predicting an update.

  • Agreed. I almost never have issues, but this weekend (so it might have something to do with number of players during the "Gold and Glory" weekend) I let someone on my sloop, they killed me and their ship opened fire on mine. Normally I spawn back in enough time to attempt to do something, bucket some water, patch a hole or two, fight off a boarder, whatever, however this time I was stuck at a black screen literally until my ship sunk. I don't mind getting beat in a fight, and I know I made the mistake of letting the guy on my ship, but it just feels off to not have the opportunity to fight back at all. Hopefully this gets fixed in the next update.

  • This game is unplayable with the blackscreens currently, Rare are killing pvp by not patching it and fixing the problem, You get killed by a player while you are solo or in a naval battle by the time you get back staring at a 20 minute blackscreen with a never ending green ships wheel turning its probably all over or you can't recover and think whats the point.

  • @trig7408 some of the black screens my crew and I have experienced in fights have been so, so bad. Lost fights because of them. Literal 5 minute black screens. On PC and Xbox Series X. Even just taking a mermaid results (sometimes) in epic black screens. But we feel the impact most against a sweaty Brig Crew and two of us can only listen to the SFX of the fight and the water filling the boat, then IF you are lucky enough to get back and the boat is up, 2 of the opposing crew are there to snap you up with the blunderbuss. It almost makes us not want to take any fights, even against skelly ships.

  • Played tonight for a few hours, and blackscreens were not an issue. First time in a long time. Mermaid spawn distances however, yikes, that needs a buff

  • @unleet1 I noticed that too last night! felt like we had to swim so much further for merms. They also spawned way way behind me a few times, the opposite direction I had been swimming.

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