PVP Issue

  • For the last week I've been doing nothing but trying to level up my reputation under Athena's Fortune but every time I do so a random player and their crew have to ruin everything and steal all my hard find earnings it makes me so frustrated, now my friends won't even want to play this game because of all the toxic players and griefers if the this game had a private map or just PVE that will resolve the issue for most players and they would be returning to a good game, like this a game that does not need other players ruining it for everyone I know some would say if you don't like it don't play it but I believe it should be fair for everyone that just wants to be rich or at least unlock cosmetics for their ships or outfit, and the alliances don't help as much as people think you can still die or be backstabbed by your alliance ship which shouldn't be right, as a player that believes that everyone should at least have a chance I believe a PVE or private server would be the best for most players that wants to play the game but don't want to experience PVP.

  • 90
    feedbackgeneralcommunityjust for funstory & lore
  • @jeteagle101
    The game has and always will be PvPvE unless a core design changes.
    Custom servers are in testing with partners and affiliate alliance heads, however these servers do not carry any type of progression. It’s also unknown if they’ll even be public.
    This is where rare gave their thoughts about PvPvE.
    This is the podcast where they discussed PvP and PvE.
    This is an article Joe Neate wrote on custom servers.
    This is a mega thread on custom servers where you can give your input.

    “The joy of SoT is not knowing what another player's intentions are, or how good they are. It's the thrill of 'Do I fight or do I run?' as you see sails heading towards you.
    Something at the heart of SoT would have to change for us to move away from this as a concept.”

  • @aribalam I believe you're missing the point don't you ever get frustrated when you do a voyage all by yourself and after all that hard earn sailing across the seas you want to cash in everything that you found just to realize a random player is about to ambush you, spawn kill you, steal all your loot that you earn by yourself with no help from anybody else or any form of alliance and to top that the embassy that you're representing is gone so any rewards you may have got is now lost, sure you can always try again but that means more countless hours and meaningless time on you just to get everything back and risk losing it all again and again because of these types of players, so I think a PVE would help in the long run of returning players to come back to the game and bring back a majority of their population

  • @jeteagle101 I have reached a point in playing this game where I could not care less about the loot, unless it’s tied to a commendation. If someone steals my world event stack, they bested me in PvP and they deserve the rewards. As stated previously, I think removing PvP would remove a core part of what makes the Sea of Thieves, the Sea of Thieves.

    Just a tip, only stack as much you’re willing to lose.

  • @aribalam I'm not saying get rid of PVP if some players believe they can handle it better than others I say go ahead but I'm speaking for other players who just wants a peaceful game to play with their friends that don't want to deal with any toxic players or griefers that just wants to have the thrill of being a pirate and just having fun that's why I'm suggesting that if they can put an option for PVE or a private server it would be best for most returning players, all I'm suggesting is that they should put would you like to be in a PVP server or a PVE server that's all I'm suggesting

  • INB4 the post lock, for better or for worse...

    The devs have already said no to PvE servers; they want to keep the balance of PvPvE, which sounds like what you got a good taste of.

  • random player and their crew have to ruin everything and steal all my hard find earnings it makes me so frustrated


    friends won't even want to play this game because of all the toxic players and griefers

    Define Toxic and Griefer

    this game had a private map or just PVE that will resolve the issue for most players and they would be returning to a good game

    PvpvE server

    I believe it should be fair for everyone that just wants to be rich or at least unlock cosmetics

    What happens to you, happens to everyone. And you can do the same thing back. Seems pretty fare.

    alliances don't help as much as people think you can still die or be backstabbed by your alliance ship which shouldn't be right

    Hello Pirate?

  • @gallerine5582 even if the developers said they would be no PVE still doesn't change the fact that more people quit the game everyday because of PVP because of toxic players make it difficult for returning players to come back for any updates or anything new in the game

  • @jeteagle101 solution for you, do standard Athena voyages or devil's roar version, do not raise emissary flag.

    This is about as under the radar you can get as a solo doing Athena stuff.

    The most sought after ships in the game are those flying Athena emissary, has been this way since forever. The easiest way to get spotted currently is to be doing a veil voyage (tornado and cloud are map-wide visible to all.)

    You are literally currently doing the riskiest combo solo and then getting frustrated when you get attacked (was bound to happen in this scenario)

  • @kommodoreyenser I don't do the Veil of the ancients voyage by myself even if I did I would only do the first two parts because I can't fight The fortress by myself and as I mentioned earlier none of my friends wants to join me in the game because random players always attack us when we did nothing wrong to them or the fact we don't have any loot to steal

  • @jeteagle101 said in PVP Issue:

    @gallerine5582 even if the developers said they would be no PVE still doesn't change the fact that more people quit the game everyday because of PVP because of toxic players make it difficult for returning players to come back for any updates or anything new in the game


  • 1 and 1-2-3

  • @dlchief58 I see it everyday different blogs, sometimes on here, and even on the servers itself

  • @jeteagle101 Sinking and killing people isn't toxic as much as you might want to call it that. The people leaving and complaining about being killed while doing PvE stuff have obviously not encountered a PvPvE game before and weren't prepared for the playstyle. For both yourself and anyone else looking at playing a new game:

    Do some research on it first, don't dive in expecting something that they can't deliver.

    On the side of the developers they have the option of either keeping a couple of players that don't understand the point of PvPvE, and add these servers that would effectively ruin the balance for anyone who doesn't want to play PvE servers, while also going against their intentions of development of the game. Or their other option is keeping it as is and developing their game how they want, and keeping the majority of players, keeping everyone happy, except those who lost or refused to look into a game beforehand.

  • @gallerine5582 just so you're aware of I've been playing this game ever since it was out and throughout the years nothing has changed other than new voyages and new islands but overall it's the same I experienced different PVP in different other games but they all end the same a player just trying to level up their reputation or make some money just to buy some new cosmetic or unlock it that's been available in the update that so many other players are trying to reach and it doesn't help when other players have to ruin the best day in the game

  • Lego still makes a pirate set that can be used for PVE only.
    PvPvE game is what it is. Why do you demand it change for you?
    I made pirate legend (useless title) mostly by PVE. Maybe the issue is with your attitude.
    Things are not handed to you. You have to sometimes fight to get what you want.
    Those players are not toxic, or griefers. Frankly, you need to grow a backbone.
    Sorry to be harsh, but the "it's not fair" "it's too hard" attitude is dang annoying.
    If this is how you approach life, little will come your way.
    And this whining is why I stay away from the forums for long periods.
    I also understand if the mods delete this. I don't blame them.
    I will always respect the tolerance they have. More than I will ever be able to have.

  • @jeteagle101 Welp, it's a game of risk / reward, losing your stuff is the game of the game... I don't know what else you want me to say honestly, because besides that the devs themselves have literally said no but yet people persist, at the end of the day, this is how the game is designed to be played. If you can't defend your stuff against another player, you don't deserve to have that loot.

    No loot is yours until it's turned in, and don't stack more than you're willing to lose.

  • Aw, come on! I just finished watching Her Majesty the Queen "have tea" with Paddington and I see this? Not cool, man, even if it's my fault for coming onto the forums, not cool.

  • Unfortunately PvP gang needs to have weak or uninterested players to steal loot from, or they won't feel good about themselves and quit the game.
    Never understood why fanboys in every such thread defend PvP foaming at the mouth. I'm not against PvP at all, but I'm all in for letting players play however they want.

  • @jeteagle101 said in PVP Issue:

    @dlchief58 I see it everyday different blogs, sometimes on here, and even on the servers itself

    So nothing other than your "feeling" it is that way with no proof whatsoever.

    Game is consistently among the top 20 played games on Live for over 3 years now (as long as those stats have been available) so your argument holds no water. I CAN back up my statements if necessary, unlike you.

  • @butterybarnacls I'm not expecting everything to be serve to me under a silver platter I like to work my way up and earn the titles like anybody else and I already reached the title I wanted and when I go on voyages and I see a random player I don't mess with them because I'm not that kind of person that attack players when spotted others unless I am attacked then I would try to put a fight but most of the time I would try to make peace with them and form alliance so we both benefit at the end

  • @dlchief58 clearly you haven't been looking at what other people think you don't read all the dislikes blogs of PVP on sea of thieves and some of them actually make a lot more sense then you think

  • @jeteagle101 sagte in PVP Issue:

    For the last week I've been doing nothing but trying to level up my reputation under Athena's Fortune but every time I do so a random player and their crew have to ruin everything and steal all my hard find earnings it makes me so frustrated, now my friends won't even want to play this game because of all the toxic players and griefers if the this game had a private map or just PVE that will resolve the issue for most players and they would be returning to a good game, like this a game that does not need other players ruining it for everyone I know some would say if you don't like it don't play it but I believe it should be fair for everyone that just wants to be rich or at least unlock cosmetics for their ships or outfit, and the alliances don't help as much as people think you can still die or be backstabbed by your alliance ship which shouldn't be right, as a player that believes that everyone should at least have a chance I believe a PVE or private server would be the best for most players that wants to play the game but don't want to experience PVP.

    In before anchor!
    This game is and always will be my friend...wait, I mean PvEvP...this won't change, deal with it or go on

  • @jeteagle101 sagte in PVP Issue:

    @aribalam I believe you're missing the point don't you ever get frustrated when you do a voyage all by yourself and after all that hard earn sailing across the seas you want to cash in everything that you found just to realize a random player is about to ambush you, spawn kill you, steal all your loot that you earn by yourself with no help from anybody else or any form of alliance and to top that the embassy that you're representing is gone so any rewards you may have got is now lost, sure you can always try again but that means more countless hours and meaningless time on you just to get everything back and risk losing it all again and again because of these types of players, so I think a PVE would help in the long run of returning players to come back to the game and bring back a majority of their population

    He's not missing the point at all...YOU ARE the one that misses something, or better, fail at something, that's keep an eye on the horizon, you see enemy ships from far away, enough time to plan your way

  • @jeteagle101 Out of interest, are you on Xbox or PC and do you have 'Xbox preferred' enabled? According to some people (including ones in this thread), the Xbox preferred servers are a sea of PvE, so it would be weird if you were having these problems there.

  • @jeteagle101 said in PVP Issue:

    @dlchief58 clearly you haven't been looking at what other people think you don't read all the dislikes blogs of PVP on sea of thieves and some of them actually make a lot more sense then you think

    And all irrelevant, I'll stick with actual statistics and FACTS as that is what matters....not your "feelings".

  • @schwammlgott you can criticize me all you want but I'm just an average player but over time all you see is the same thing the only difference is one person can view it for themselves and one person can view it differently for others

  • @dlchief58 you keep calling it "feelings" but where's your facts and logics on that have you ever considered the facts and logics are ideas based on true events have you ever considered the thought that someone had an idea to improve a game of an idea

  • It's like a form of self-harm. I can't help but read these threads every time one gets posted, and every time it hurts me a little more.

  • @jeteagle101 sagte in PVP Issue:

    @dlchief58 clearly you haven't been looking at what other people think you don't read all the dislikes blogs of PVP on sea of thieves and some of them actually make a lot more sense then you think

    I'm here in the forum almost every day and I saw maybe 99% of all those threads and saw all the arguments...
    Fact is, the developers WANT Sea of Thieves to be and to stay PvEvP...it's theyr game and they decide, period!

    So many whining already about this in over 4 years and they still stand to theyr decision. Thankfully!

  • sigh another one these. It's a PvPvE pirate game. It contains player pirates, expect people to fight you for your loot. It is not toxic to sink someone for any reason.

  • @schwammlgott you can hold on to you idea of fact that the developer posted long time ago but as everybody know they have the right to say what they want and every voice counts and improvements to the game doesn't hurt anybody

  • @maidenofarkham sagte in PVP Issue:

    @jeteagle101 Out of interest, are you on Xbox or PC and do you have 'Xbox preferred' enabled? According to some people (including ones in this thread), the Xbox preferred servers are a sea of PvE, so it would be weird if you were having these problems there.

    If you asked me this...I'm on XBox SeriesX and, also solo, I play on Crossplay server only, because of several reasons
    Still I can compete with most PC players
    Do I get attacked? Yeah, happens, but not that often...I know how to sail and park my ship so I don’t get seen that easy

  • @a10dr4651 said in PVP Issue:

    sigh another one these. It's a PvPvE pirate game. It contains player pirates, expect people to fight you for your loot. It is not toxic to sink someone for any reason.

    Expect people to sink freshly spawned sloop on an outpost. Expect people to sink players doing Tall Tales. Ah yes, good ol' piracy. Remember when all pirates were maniacs who sank every single ship they saw?

  • @jeteagle101 sagte in PVP Issue:

    @schwammlgott you can hold on to you idea of fact that the developer posted long time ago but as everybody know they have the right to say what they want and every voice counts and improvements to the game doesn't hurt anybody

    Making that game PvE only, or a PvE only server wouldn't be an improvement...it would be a huge step backwards

feedbackgeneralcommunityjust for funstory & lore
29 out of 90