Release Notes - 2.2.1

  • Release Notes - 2.2.1
    Today's maintenance window is now over and Sea of Thieves is officially back online alongside update 2.2.1! Read our release notes to find out more about the fixes and improvements that this build introduces.

    Release Notes - 2.2.1

    Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

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  • 47
  • @meroviel Hit reg 👀

  • @peony7185 We're doing our best and we do listen, promise!

  • Should've replied here instead of game discussion.

    So woodplank merchant contract spawn rate are increased huh?
    Well there goes a pretty exclusive hard to get title.
    Are you going to increase the spawnrate of the shrouded ghost anytime soon as well finally?

  • Wow. Thanks a lot, rare. “LeTs MaKe ThE sPaWn RaTe Of WoOd CrAtEs Go Up FoR lItErAlLy No ReAsOn”. It’s been like 3 years and you decide to change it now???? The only people that moan about that kind of thing are the people not actually willing to do the hard work (i.e: ones who don’t deserve the commendation) but no! Please change it so that those who have the title and went out of their way to earn it are extremely annoyed... better yet: why not make the shrouded ghost as common as the hungering one? I think that’ll go down a treat with players! Especially the ones that have the title for defeating it. I’m sure they’ll be thrilled... I’m sure this is how it was supposed to be at launch but it wasn’t and hasn’t been for 3 years and has now inadvertently developed it’s own rarity and cult following. Whatever your reasons are for changing this, it’s a stupidly terrible move so change it back before you go on to do this with more commendations.

  • Patch the DPS glitch! Why remove insta swap just to leave a glitch in that does the same thing? Unbalanced bs has made all my friends stop playing

  • The Thriving Wild Rose Set is missing it's compass.

  • May want to update to size of the updates on your site as it says series X is 3.43GB and yet on my series X the update is 60.60GB guess I won’t be playing today!!!!

  • Jack Sparrow no longer has audio when talking in Lords of the Sea

  • @beano118 If you have a series X it’ll download fairly quick, mine was under 4. Man you gotta let things happen can’t just expect what YOU want straight away

  • @pabz-2-dope got no issue with waiting part of gaming just don’t expect to be told it’s a 3gb update (though see that’s been changed to 9GB) when it’s a 60gb would of kept an eye and started it as soon as I could of if I knew it was going to be that big. Yeah I mean will be able to play today but still not for few hours

  • @beano118 install it, do some chores and chill.

  • In fact all of the audio in Lords of the Sea is messed up

  • @pabz-2-dope lol 👍 hey all good just slightly annoying and worrying when the company making the game have no idea on it’s size before long be the same as COD taking up all your storage 😂. Will say does look like a good update hopfully should make for better more balanced gameplay 👍👍

  • RIP to the rarity of the Merchant Shipwright commendation. I would argue it was the third rarest earnable commendation in the game behind the Shrouded Ghost commendations.

    Now it is just another one to be forgotten... Perhaps a fancy hull or something could be drawn up and given to those who had the commendation complete before today to mark the former rarity? (Kind of like the Overachiever sails)

  • @meroviel Y'all are doing great! Keep up the great work on this amazing game!!

  • @beano118 Hi there. The update is DEFINITELY not 60GB on any platform. That's the size of the whole game :/ Seems like something has gone wrong somewhere with your storage/download.

  • @beano118 said in Release Notes - 2.2.1:

    got no issue with waiting part of gaming just don’t expect to be told it’s a 3gb update (though see that’s been changed to 9GB) when it’s a 60gb would of kept an eye and started it as soon as I could of if I knew it was going to be that big. Yeah I mean will be able to play today but still not for few hours

    I don't play this game on xbox or really play anything on xbox anymore but I've had your issue many times with different games and updates on my xbox before

    happened to me a lot like with games like the master chief collection where updates typically caused me to have to redownload the whole game size wise. There were a few other games that did it but the Halo one was the most noticeable because of its large size

    I dunno if that's a flaw in the xbox or a file corruption issue or what the heck that is but I've seen it happen. I dunno how often it happens to people but I've seen it.

  • Can you guys please fix the double gunning exploits once and for all?

    To be clear, they ADS shoot... they then sprint forward briefly... switch weapons and ADS shoot again... they are stopping weapon animations and getting around cooldowns/weapon switch times in this manner. It's essentially the exact same concept as using x to get out of the dig animation and dig faster... except they are actively using it against other players.

    I can link to videos perfectly explaining how to do it if needed.

    Is there a fix coming for this?

    Also, silent boarding with a cutlass needs to be patched... anyone who watches any streamer nowadays knows how to do this. It's a big issue that people can silently board your ship from the water.

  • @admiral-holm it is only deemed valueable because of a bug that makes the wood crate deliveries less frequent. They're doing their job

  • @meroviel yeah my bad think something must of gone wrong during update think it must of redownloaded the game 😅

  • @swabbie-john Completely agree this should be fixed. It's more detrimental than bucket / shovel animation cancelling, which were both fixed. Well I guess another month until it possibly gets fixed.

  • @swabbie-john You cannot shoot any quicker than one second. It's hard coded.

    Silent boarding using cutlass is a myth. All of us were silent boarding before by just not moving in the water as the ladder came by. That's what makes it silent: not moving. Blocking just makes it even easier; it was already super easy before.

    So, let's see - skill ceilings removed, massively buffing galley; PvE made even more tedious by nerfing shovel canceling and the trident; Steam alt+tab freeze takes 900 years now, longest since I switched to it; rowboat sitting is horrid and delayed now (fits with the other changes, I guess)...This is quite the patch.

  • @donkeykroc tell me what you see in this video.

    And I'm encountering it all over the place... both arena and adventure. It happens to me ALL the time. Just because this is less broken than double gunning was back in the day does not mean that it is not still currently broken.

    Sword boarding isn't a myth. You are quieter boarding while blocking with a sword than not, and that is even coming up out of the water. Obviously sitting still in the water and catching a ladder perfectly has always been more quiet, but it absolutely is more quiet to block with your sword and come straight up out of the water than it is to just swim up out of the water.

  • @swabbie-john You're not evading the shot timer. I don't know what I'm supposed to see here. I two tap all of the time, if you don't time it correctly, your gun doesn't shoot.

    It's quieter because your speed is lower. Slowly swimming and grabbing it is quieter than speed swimming and grabbing it.

  • @donkeykroc you don't see the difference between shot speed in the video? Do you honestly believe the first paired weapon shots are intended? If they are intended, why can't you do that while standing still? Why is there a need to cancel the weapon animations to shoot faster? Clearly it's an exploit and unintended. Or are you one of those "it's in the game so it's intended" faulty logic people.

    You might be right about the sword boarding, I am not 100% sure. I thought I just tested this recently but I could be wrong.

    But you are wrong about the weapon exploit. Or you know it's an exploit and just don't want to admit it like practically every single person that does it.

  • @swabbie-john When you get used to a games mechanics (esp x cancels)and work hard to have a skill advantage.. it's absolute bs when they change it. It was unintended for 3 years? You are the one with faulty logic sir! You can't just change stuff after it's been implemented for that long without upsetting players that have put in serious hours. They left x cancels in for carrying loot items is that an intentional exploit? Maybe they'll change that in another 2 years so people with experience can't have a fair advantage over total noobs. IMO the x cancels were more than fair because it takes knowledge, timing, and skill. The more pirate micro allowed increases the possibility for a difference in skill in competitive terms. When you have over 1000 hours of play and you have trained to hone your skills it's a huge upset when you have to start over again with your sense of timings and such. Regarding the X cancel removal that's a HUGE FAIL RARE!

  • @zavalon6840 yes it has been unintended for 3 years. No, that is not faulty logic. This specific double gun exploit hasn't been widespread abused until the past 6 months-ish as more and more people have known about it. And yes they clearly patched fast switch / fast fire double gunning out before... tried to, anyways.

    I can't believe how important it is for you to maintain an exploit over people.

    I want you to show me anywhere ever that rare has acknowledged this as being intended or any type of training or guide that rare has ever put out that would condone such a thing. You can't find that and you won't find it because it doesn't exist.

    It is so painfully broken the only way anyone would ever defend this is if they felt the need to abuse game mechanics for an advantage.

    If they flat out can't figure out a way to code it out (don't believe that) then perhaps the best course of action is to force all players to carry the sword in 1 of their slots and 1 gun and let it be settled and done.

  • The size of the font of the gold/doubloon/ancient coins when getting coins added is larger than it was. Please bring it back or in line with the size of the font on the left hand side of the screen.

    It's looks very bad IMHO.

  • @meroviel any word about getting a character creator update? Please, I just wanna choose my pirate's appearance :')

  • Finally fixed the PL hideout teleport to sea dogs tavern. Such an overpowered bug that needed fixed

    Silent boarding doesn't matter as you should be paying attention to the water regardless.

  • Genuinely curious as to why this update is so large! Can't figure it out from the logs.

    Also if that's thee legendary "double gunning" exploit then consider me underwhelmed.

  • I enjoyed a very nice and smooth adventure with normal spawn rates of weird creatures. I could enjoy time spend on tiny islands bunny jumping around waiting for sunset.
    Swimming and diving for wrecks without being swarmed by sirens.
    It was a very nice adventure indeed.


  • I am still getting (LavenderBread) error. Are servers still under maintenance?

  • Great update! Glad that you guys fixed the siren spawns. Can’t wait to get on those seas!

33 out of 47