Fort Of Fortune spawnrate.

  • Me and my GF did steal a fort of fortune of a sweaty brig (tucker outifts and doublegunners) on a server yesterday....and then we stayed on that server for 8 more hours in hopes of getting atleast 1 more.
    The thing is, we were there on 8h and i heard "rumours" that one should spawn each 3-4h.....but we got nothing at all really.

    Any other rumours or similar thang of the spawnrate of this overhyped fort? :P

    And a second question, how many forts do we need to get the grade 5 commendation? o_O 50 as with the FoTD?!

  • 18
  • One server is never an efficient way to farm/find a specific event

    Server hopping is efficient for that but I don't recommend it I think letting things happen when they happen allows people to enjoy the game more without it being a chore

    I doubt it's 50 I'd guess in the 10 or under range depending on if it's a grade 5 or one of those grade 3 situations but that's just a guess

  • @wolfmanbush I do not serverhop for that so don't worry mate. - I just wonder because it's been rumoured every 3-4th hour so that's what we thought basically but oh so wrong we had.

    Grade 2 is 3 it ain't probably 20 for Grade 5, it's probably higher....loads higher.

  • @reapinglegion said in Fort Of Fortune spawnrate.:

    @wolfmanbush I do not serverhop for that so don't worry mate. - I just wonder because it's been rumoured every 3-4th hour so that's what we thought basically but oh so wrong we had.

    Grade 2 is 3 it ain't probably 20 for Grade 5, it's probably higher....loads higher.

    certainly possible but I'd be surprised with the general move towards more casual play

  • @reapinglegion I think when they say that something will spawn in Xhrs, it likely means that the percent chance of something spawning means that it should appear at least once in that time, not that it's guaranteed to do so.

    It's like rolling a 20 sided die. You should have a 1/20th chance of rolling a natural 20 but you can also be rolling for hours and never get one. I suspect the same is true for the events. Each one is weighted so that within a specific time frame, one should appear but if you get bad event rolls it might not.

  • @reapinglegion

    I don't think it's a 3-4 hour guarantee spawn like the rumors suggest. I think it's a percentage based spawnrate. FOR EXAMPLE, there's 5 world events total.

    Ashen Winds (AW) 24%
    Forts (F) 24%
    FlameHeart (FH) 24%
    Skeleton Fleets (SF) 24%
    & Fort of Fortune (FoF) 4%

    I don't know the exact percentages of the spawnrates, I'm just guessing here. But I think that it could be something like 24/24/24/24/4 percents. So there's no guarantee that it'll spawn once every 4 hours, its just luck. AGAIN, could be wrong here, but I don't think it's like 2018 forts where it did spawn once every 3-4 hours, it's just blind luck.

    It could be like how @d3adst1ck said and the longer you go without a FoF, the higher the percentage for it to be the next world event to spawn.

  • @kaijoi I think the normal forts (and maybe fleets?) are supposed to be the most common spawn now, so the rates for the other 4 events are definitely not all the same anymore.

  • @d3adst1ck

    Yeah you're probably right, I was just trying to make the percentages easy to calculate.

  • Thing is if a skelly fleet spawns either north of Reaper's Hideout or north of Ancient Spire Outpost. They are up for hours as it's a high traffic area, with ships constantly resetting the despawn timer. Meaning they are up for hours on end.

  • It spawns every 4 to 5 hours on a server, so it's a rare encounter.

  • @kaijoi Yea cuz we were for 8h on the same server....haha.

    Now i know why people jump servers for it.

  • @reapinglegion

    My guess is that it has a cooldown period of 3 hours before the chance comes that it can spawn again. After that the RNG just kicks in again.

  • @cotu42 Understood.

    All we can do is speculate and spread rumours....nobody will know for sure, not this early anyway!

  • @reapinglegion

    Those that run 24/7 alliance serves will see a pattern at some point, but yeah it is to early to know.

  • @cotu42 Probably someone on those alliance servers who calculate it with pen and paper....take notes haha

  • @methetron-mkii said in Fort Of Fortune spawnrate.:

    Thing is if a skelly fleet spawns either north of Reaper's Hideout or north of Ancient Spire Outpost. They are up for hours as it's a high traffic area, with ships constantly resetting the despawn timer. Meaning they are up for hours on end.

    Fleets are the least problem when it comes to resets because sailing within range raises them and they more often than not sink themselves before they despawn. 1 or 2 random drive bys can take out a fleet

    I've shown up and put 2 in the boss and it was over before many times because of drive bys

    no other event is like that

  • I only seen the FoF once per session after I completed it, stayed in same session for long hours and no other fort appeared.

    So I believe this is intended.

  • Ok so I think FoF is following me. It seems every (or two) sessions I get FoF.

    Did that thing so many times that I leveled my Athena 3 levels since update.
    Is that spawn rate that high or am I just cursed with the FoF. I love the sound when it spawn on server.

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