Ability to buy supplies from a merchant faction

  • Add the ability to buy supplies from merchants on the dock. Also, it is not superfluous to add automatic unloading and sale of treasures, for an additional fee or a percentage of the available treasure. This feature can be added after reaching a certain level in the merchant faction, for many people, collecting supplies at the beginning of the session, and selling a large amount of loot over time turns into a routine.

  • 5
    communityjust for funfeedback
  • and let's add drones and island Costco's while we are add it that sell bulk wraith balls as well

    who needs balance to an immersive experience let's make sure server hopping pvpers, content creators, and alliance servers have a good 'n fun hunt/experience out there

  • @lomikk0 this has been brought up a few times in the past, the problem is players with large amounts of gold wont have to waste time resupplying their ship if they sink meaning they can jump back in the fight right away.

    As for instant selling at outposts, whats to stop people from fleeing to the outposts and selling everything if they are being chased, its like when people run to remove their emissary flag because they don't want another team to have it.

  • @sailorkek You can make a limit on the purchase of supplies, let's say 1 chest per day or another value, when you try to buy supplies again, a message would appear that the fort can not put more. Supplies, the cores and so spawn every day on the forts, eventually we would have a place where you can spend money.

    The sale of loot does not have to be instantaneous, perhaps you would need to dock in a certain area or wait for a certain time. moreover the situation when you are killed already at the fort post and not at sea and then sell your loot in the same place is upsetting

  • @lomikk0

    I want to ask you a question. Why do you believe that you need supply crates??

    If this is because of the starting portion of your session then you don't need to sit at the outpost. You can literally just leave immediately with like 2 sets of supplies.

    Most islands have supply crates and row-boats. Skelly ships drop supply crates as well.

    You don't need a fully stocked ship right off the bat. You generally don't get attacked by anyone as you spawn pretty far from any ship.

    Start your quest or whatever and BOOM you have supplies. Why everyone believes that supplies are so detrimental to the start of their session is beyond me.

    The next question is you do understand how this screws over PvE players right?? You are about 5 mins from finishing a FoTD and PvP ship hops into the server. They would usually have to just leave right away with whatever supplies they have on hand. You would have the advantage in the fight.

    Now if we could buy supplies, that PvP ship is coming with a full set and you are screwed. You try to come back to fight back but you probably already used your "one" supply crate.

    This gives PvP hoppers the advantage because they show up with a full set of supplies. Depending on if you are allowed only "1" crate per session which you probably had already used at the beginning or if it costs gold you are having to spend gold in the hopes of winning a fight and if you lose then not only are you out of the loot you are actually down in gold for buying crates.

    As a PvP and hopper this would make my job SIGNIFICANTLY easier but I know it would be a bad idea. A ton of fights I know would have been easier if I had supplies and a few I lost because I didn't have enough supplies when leaving the outpost immediately.

    You think about how buying supplies will help "you" personally without realizing how it would work against you since not only does it help you, it helps us :).

communityjust for funfeedback
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