Cheating problem becomes unbearable!!!

  • Hello

    This Topic is for everyone but i'm sure it would mostly related to the devs of SoT. First, I want to say that I really don't care if anyone thinks that i`m right or wrong, after 2+ years of playing this game I definitely know what I am talking about and I stand by it.

    So as in any mmo/online game cheaters are the biggest problem and devs/publishers doesnt give a damn at all, actually they even prefer cheaters so they can be banned and re-biy the game. I must clarify, for quite a long period blizzard was my favorite because they took good care to ban every unclean play but i dont know if that's the case now.
    I am mentioning this because I am tired of hearing arguments how "hard" is to fight cheaters and s**t, because i know it can be efficient ONLY IF the company wants to.

    Clearly in SoT taking care of cheaters have never been on any list of priority and so far it was bearable, I was able to find cheaters here and there but definitely on almost any play at least there was 1 boat with cheaters. I am making breaks from time to time so every time i return to SoT there is more and more cheaters and the last time i played which was this and last week I couldn't believe what happened to the game. I could clearly say that at least 50%+ of the player ar having cheat, the ONLY ONES that do not have cheat are ultimate beginners which can be spotted from far away by the way they play and possibly by their ship customization. And NO i am not mixing skill with cheats here, don't worry i`m far from stupid to not know a cheater.

    So now i`ll just put a list of cheats and how it is used, generally in the past cheaters were mostly using combination of one two or even tree cheats, now they are using all the cheats combined together and they dont even care:

    1. GOD mode, unkillable by wepaons/explosions. - In most occasions I am testing this with exploding a keg in their ship/over the whole crew. Usually when they cheat nobody dies, only me..hah the irony
    2. Massive damage - can kill you with 2 sword swings or 1 sniper shot etc (this was mostly used in the past). - No need to do special test here, we all know that any weapon damage is predefined exactly, easy to spot cheat.
    3. Infinite ammo/wood/food(if they use it at all)/cannons etc. This cheat is used by EVERYONE. It is a bit hard to test but in almost all fight we`ve been draining them of resources / board and steal - check their leftovers. Last time the cheating crew had literally 3 bannanas/0(zero) bombs/ 0(zero) logs. They;ve sinked us and we couldnt kill em nor sink their ship after 30min of fight. (they did not replenish the ship, we didnt gave them the rest)
    4. Teleportation (rarely, but used). Sometimes this happens they just pop up on you lower deck or somehow detonate the kegs in the ship even though the kegs are hidden on the lower deck. That did happen few days ago.
    5. "Wallhack" / info hack. This is bread and butter for them, every cheater have this enabled. You have kegs? You have jump in the water to keg them? You got good amount of gold? How much health you have? Are you in the water or on your ship? they KNOW it always and it is easy noticeable by their actions, just jump with a keg in the water they immediately "handbreak" change direction.

    This is the most types of cheats i have noticed which are heavily used recently in all combinations and mostly all at once. The behavior of a cheater can be easy noticed by their attitude and how they "jump" into fights. They tend to start the fight with no cheat, once they start losing they turning the cheats on 1 by 1 until they win the fight or save them selves, depends on the fight.

    I am not going to talk more about cheaters and how to identify them but i`m absolutely sure that there is thousands of players how have the same problems and definitely more people with cheats enabled in SoT which brings me to my conclusion:

    • This is absolutely amazing unique game with beautiful graphics and it's such a shame that the game have turned into st just because of the cheating problem. All good things in this game are negligible compared to the amount of cheaters in the game and the disinterest of taking any actions against them. A company that probably have made billions from this game could take good care of keeping this game clean, but the truth is nobody is giving a st about that.
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  • GOD mode, unkillable by wepaons/explosions. - In most occasions I am testing this with exploding a keg in their ship/over the whole crew. Usually when they cheat nobody dies, only me..hah the irony

    litteraly impssible, health damage is dealt server side, no way that a client side hack can regulate this, hit registration issues are there and that is something Rare is working on

    Massive damage - can kill you with 2 sword swings or 1 sniper shot etc (this was mostly used in the past). - No need to do special test here, we all know that any weapon damage is predefined exactly, easy to spot cheat.

    again litteraly impssible, the SoT servers handle the dealing of damage to anyone, no client side cheat can change this. this again alludes to hit registration issues on the server which Rare is working on

    Infinite ammo/wood/food(if they use it at all)/cannons etc. This cheat is used by EVERYONE. It is a bit hard to test but in almost all fight we`ve been draining them of resources / board and steal - check their leftovers. Last time the cheating crew had literally 3 bannanas/0(zero) bombs/ 0(zero) logs. They;ve sinked us and we couldnt kill em nor sink their ship after 30min of fight. (they did not replenish the ship, we didnt gave them the rest)

    impossible to prove, they might have storage crates anywhere on their ship, supplies in their pockets (20 planks, 40 cannonballs and 20 food items give you alot of power on a galleon) and again the inventory is handled SERVER SIDE.... but if you have prove report it with video evidence to

    also you saying it is used by EVERYONE makes it unbelievable because that would mean every player in sot is cheating, maybe you are just not as good as you think you are ?

    Teleportation (rarely, but used). Sometimes this happens they just pop up on you lower deck or somehow detonate the kegs in the ship even though the kegs are hidden on the lower deck. That did happen few days ago.

    again movement is handled SERVER Side, if a player makes impossible movements (too fast x, y or z axis movement) will be caught by telemetrics Rare and is easily banned

    "Wallhack" / info hack. This is bread and butter for them, every cheater have this enabled. You have kegs? You have jump in the water to keg them? You got good amount of gold? How much health you have? Are you in the water or on your ship? they KNOW it always and it is easy noticeable by their actions, just jump with a keg in the water they immediately "handbreak" change direction.

    wallhacks (eg seeing people trough walls/geometry)is possible as a cheat i give you that but are you aware of some of the easiest ways to recognise people in the water ? especially experienced crews will not be taking surprised by it.

    the account you are using to post this is either a alternate account or you have your xbox account set to fully private because you have literally no stats in the game so i cant see how potentially experienced you actually are in the game but from what i see above it sounds alot like "I dont understand how it happened thus it is cheating"

    i am not saying cheating doesnt exist in sea of thieves, just some of the claims you are making show that you have no idea of how the infrastructure works.

  • Cheating isn't a problem

    I've put in more hours than most and been in countless pvp battles and I've seen 1 possible cheater and it was a floating sword (invisible player) that couldn't be killed for all I know it was a glitch/bug so I can't even call it a cheat for sure

    the rest were just pirates more skilled than me and that's typically the case for just about everyone that calls people cheaters.

    There are people that are extremely good at pvp, they have good systems and internet connections and a good system of team coordination. The real problem with online gaming including SOT is people not being able to handle losses

  • While we understand your intention is to leave feedback, this type of post draws negative reaction, and does not foster discussion in the community. Posts containing callouts, personal attacks, aiming to confront the dev team or demanding certain actions be taken, do not offer anything constructive for the community to discuss. We value your feedback, and if you want to make suggestions or offer your ideas to improve the game, please feel free to create a topic in [Feedback & Suggestions.] ( Players that believe they have witnessed cheating should raise a support ticket so that the team can investigate. Action is taken in cases where there is proof that cheating took place. This topic will now be locked.

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