XBox Companion App (PC) - Tried theLFG Feature.

  • Ive spent a few good hours on this tonight and when I get confirmed in a group is there meant to be a play button or join button? I have nothing showing?

    I get accepted into crews but cant join them.

    I have all the network settings set up correctly as I had issues with it but solved it and all working.

    But for some reason I just cant join a game when accepted.

    ohh well back to solo play.

  • 8
  • The XBox App is garbage. You'll have better luck and better voice comm with less setup hassle using the official discord:

  • @kobra4killz Typically the post creator will invite you to a Xbox party. Joining and speaking with the crew is generally a required by the post creator, as they want to know if you are going to be obnoxious or not before bringing you into the fold.

  • @rowdy-reid said in XBox Companion App (PC) - Tried theLFG Feature.:

    @kobra4killz Typically the post creator will invite you to a Xbox party. Joining and speaking with the crew is generally a required by the post creator, as they want to know if you are going to be obnoxious or not before bringing you into the fold.

    Yes I understand but I never receive the invites to join the game? I can create games without an issue but joining them is a no go.

  • @kobra4killz You night check to see if you have notifications enabled.

  • There's been two updates for it recently and it took off the notifications tick. Oddly I got the game invite but not the party chat until I checked it.

  • You need to go into the settings of your account.

    Go through everything.

    Most likely you have something clicked that isn’t allowing you to play/chat/accept/join

  • @glannigan said in XBox Companion App (PC) - Tried theLFG Feature.:

    You need to go into the settings of your account.

    Go through everything.

    Most likely you have something clicked that isn’t allowing you to play/chat/accept/join

    I checked everything and not receiving the invite, all notifications are on.

    Same issue on my other PC not receiving the invites yet we can create games and send invites out.

    Wasted a lot of time on this

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