Sea of Tears

  • mis respetos por la palabra calvario se que eres español jajaja si tienes toda la razon! me encuentro con gente asi todos los dias.

  • @danish-crusader its not a justice when i see a sloop with free ressources in the distance and i attack him aand he report me for steal in Sea of Thieves. Clap clap clap.

  • @beardstriker jajaja, si eres PVPero agrégame, y le damos caña algún día! Lo malo que tenemos una tripulación muy formada y es chungo que haya sitio libre.

  • Al llegar a casa lo hare yo tambien tengo mis amigos con experiencia al igual que tu jeje pero algun dia le daremos.

  • this is a PvPvE sandbox game that allows you to have your own pirate adventure, where the loot can only buy you cosmetics that don’t matter and death is not punishable by anything other than losing what is currently on your boat. Some people chose to PvP because that’s how they have fun, others avoid all PvP at all cost because that’s how they have fun, and some people flip flop by doing both. I fall under the catagory of being a passive player who tends to avoid combat if I can. So, how do I do that without raging on the forums begging for a PvE server? Well, there’s a few ways that have been explained COUNTLESS times:

    Adapt to the play style! Keep an eye on the horizons and turn in loot as necessary! It’s that simple! Improving on gameplay is 100% how you play this game, not begging for it to be changed! Just take a step back and ask yourself “ok, a crew rolled up on me and I lost all my loot. How did it happen and what can I do next time to make sure it doesn’t happen again?”

    This whole thing of people coming on here saying that they are being bullied by PvP ships every single time they try to play is absolute nonsense. It makes no sense. I can’t tell you how many times I sail around the map with a full server and go completely ignored! Unless you’re doing a raid, have the reapers mark up, or sailing unnecessarily close to another ship - there’s no way you are getting harassed EVERY SINGLE TIME you play.

    Just improve on your gameplay or play a different game. Stop trying to ruin the game for the rest of us just you don’t feel like learning the core strategy for being a passive player.

  • @danish-crusader said in Sea of Tears:

    @guilleont If someone had written what the exact same situation, but from the other side, and used it to ask for PvE servers, would you not have seen that as "crying"?
    Yeah you would have.

    @Mogambo1989 No it is not. A PvP game is a game where the PvP aspect is the focus of the game, and it is far from being the focus in Sea of Thieves.
    The focus has always been the PvE aspect, and therefor, it is a PvE game, with the danger of PvP.
    If it was a PvP game, you would get rewards and stuff from PvPing, you do not. "But I get to steal stuff from other people, I get rewarded for PvP", no, you get rewarded from the PvE the player you killed has been doing.

    And, it can be argued(I'm not saying it's true) that attacking someone who has no interest in PvP, is griefing, because you are forcing an unwanted situation on them and therefor causing extreme anger and frustration in them.
    What you see as a "fun situation", they see as a complete and totally ruin of their fun. So, you get your fun by making other people extremely angry and frustrated.
    Think about that.

    The premise that a game can only be considered PvP if it somehow tracks statistics is a total false equivalency. Know what other games do not keep global, persistent stats for PvP? Doom (the original), Quake 3 Arena, Battlefield 1942, Quake 4, Unreal Tournament...shall I go on? So are you saying those are not PvP because they do not track global statistics, keep leaderboards or have a progression tied to multiplayer/PvP? Furthermore, even if your "definition" of PvP were true the achievement list itself backs up the fact that this is as much a PvP as PvE game by awarding such behavior with several achievements (including shooting someone in the back!). The game is a healthy mix of both and would suffer if either was given preferential treatment or removed.

  • @cstrap I totally agree. This is a pvp game at heart, if you can't live with that, than stop crying, and man up. I often get sunk, but you know what I do? I'm like good game, now it's my turn. Lol! I love sinking galleons single handedly.

  • @warren-michal I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s a PvP game at heart - but it’s a game that HAS PvP in it and trying to snuff it for the people who actually enjoy it just because you don’t like the aspect of it is completely unfair

  • @steelroots55 said in Sea of Tears:

    Participating in PVP with no regards for loot is griefing.

    That is not true, if i need to make sure an island i have to be at to dig up a couple athenas chests i will for sure make it so that nobody stands in between me and those chests.

    However as stated before: starting a manhunt an constantly sinking the same ship over and over again in order for them to quit the game/server that is griefing

  • @callmebackdraft said in Sea of Tears:

    @steelroots55 said in Sea of Tears:

    Participating in PVP with no regards for loot is griefing.

    That is not true, if i need to make sure an island i have to be at to dig up a couple athenas chests i will for sure make it so that nobody stands in between me and those chests.

    However as stated before: starting a manhunt an constantly sinking the same ship over and over again in order for them to quit the game/server that is griefing

    Last time I checked an Athena chest is loot.

  • @steelroots55 yes but no loot on the opposing ship people will see that differently...

    “Why did you sink me, i had no loot”

    And all that jazz

  • @callmebackdraft said in Sea of Tears:

    @steelroots55 yes but no loot on the opposing ship people will see that differently...

    “Why did you sink me, i had no loot”

    And all that jazz

    You didn't hear that from me and I'm seemingly the most vocal at calling out griefers and the griefer sycophants.

    PVP on its own is incredibly inefficient for progressing. Most will cede that but a few intellectually dishonest people contend that to be untrue. That being said at least 90% of the aggression I've seen in the game over the last nine months has been in no way related to acquiring loot. It's mostly aggressive players on larger ships that bully smaller ships with their manpower or PC players that enjoy captivating and spawn camping. Loot isn't an afterthought. It isn't a consideration. I'm sure they'd be happy if they found some but that's not what they're doing. They playing COD Pirate Ops. They're not playing Sea of Thieves. They are abusing the game mechanics of the game for their own enjoyment. That is textbook griefing.

    That is not an indictment of all PC players, or all incidents of PVP. Everyone acknowledges that PVP is an available in-game mechanic. The game does not recognize it in itself. It doesn't count kills or ships sunk. Nobody knows their k/d. Using the game mechanic for anything other than acquiring loot and progressing within game should be considered griefing by the community. Instead it's bragged about and applauded. If there is no loot then there is no piracy. Griefers love to remind everyone that it's a pirate game. It's time they learned to Be More Pirate.

  • @steelroots55 dijo en Sea of Tears:

    Using the game mechanic for anything other than acquiring loot and progressing within game should be considered griefing by the community. Instead it's bragged about and applauded. If there is no loot then there is no piracy. Griefers love to remind everyone that it's a pirate game. It's time they learned to Be More Pirate.

    So if there's no loot there's no piracy? This is a game bro. Chillout. Anyway, I'm not seeing this in any article of the Pirate Code, if you want to hang onto the rules.

    Players can play the game the way they want, that's the fun of a sandbox game. If someone is griefing you, report them just like this guy did with the whole server (LOL). If they aren't doing anything wrong... nothing is goint to happen.

    The game itself doesn't recognize PVP, but it's allowed... The game doesn't track this statistics so players don't get obsessed with them, just that.

    Anyway... players can still playing the way they want. That's what makes this game great!!

    So I assume PVErs are abusing the game mechanics asvwell, forcing the environment to a situation it doesn't want to.

    Why they have to land in an island and disrupt those poor skellies that were just sunbathing on the beach? Why they attack a noob skellie ship with no voyage down in the table and with only two pieces of loot.

    Meehhh, here I'm just kidding.

    I feel some players take this to serious, with the Pirate Code in one hand, and with a XVIII history book in the other or so. Rellax, people, rellax.

    I'm glad to see there're people that enjoy this game, even when they are mostly of that kind of "just attacking to defend ourself".

  • All been said, I'm thinking Rare should give the Ferry of the Damned a little tweak.

    When a player dies, instead of being sent to the ferry, they could be sent to the Forums of the Damned, so this way they can start complaining way too easier.

    Just jokking again bro.

  • @cstrap What aspect are you saying I don't like again, I'm confused?

  • @warren-michal hey, sorry man. I was saying ‘you’ in the general sense of the word. Like “you guys”. I wasn’t aiming that comment toward you specifically. My bad dude.

    EDIT: I was tagging you because I was agreeing you haha

  • @lobane said in Sea of Tears:

    @steelroots55 said in Sea of Tears:

    @callmebackdraft said in Sea of Tears:

    @steelroots55 yes but no loot on the opposing ship people will see that differently...

    “Why did you sink me, i had no loot”

    And all that jazz

    You didn't hear that from me and I'm seemingly the most vocal at calling out griefers and the griefer sycophants.

    PVP on its own is incredibly inefficient for progressing. Most will cede that but a few intellectually dishonest people contend that to be untrue. That being said at least 90% of the aggression I've seen in the game over the last nine months has been in no way related to acquiring loot. It's mostly aggressive players on larger ships that bully smaller ships with their manpower or PC players that enjoy captivating and spawn camping. Loot isn't an afterthought. It isn't a consideration. I'm sure they'd be happy if they found some but that's not what they're doing. They playing COD Pirate Ops. They're not playing Sea of Thieves. They are abusing the game mechanics of the game for their own enjoyment. That is textbook griefing.

    That is not an indictment of all PC players, or all incidents of PVP. Everyone acknowledges that PVP is an available in-game mechanic. The game does not recognize it in itself. It doesn't count kills or ships sunk. Nobody knows their k/d. Using the game mechanic for anything other than acquiring loot and progressing within game should be considered griefing by the community. Instead it's bragged about and applauded. If there is no loot then there is no piracy. Griefers love to remind everyone that it's a pirate game. It's time they learned to Be More Pirate.

    Since we're talking about intellectual honesty, please stop with the 'Pirates ONLY fought when loot was involved.' That is simply not true by any stretch of the imagination. Pirates fought when they felt like it. Their primary motivation was survival, and so yes they would prioritize acquiring goods through illicit means as a way to survive. But to argue that pirates didn't get into drunken brawls, kill one another in feuds, or otherwise be willing to engage in violence WHEN IT SUITED THEM then you are either not a student of history, or are willfully choosing to cherry pick in order to suit your definition.

    In short, saying 'Be More Pirate' does not in any way endorse a less violent approach to other players. Pirates used violence as a tool. Whether it was to gain loot, to intimidate others, or simply to control territory.

    Now, specifically as to what you consider 'griefing'...I'm sorry, but if a unmarked shipped sailed into pirate waters they are going to get sunk, or they are going to get boarded. And the only way that wouldn't happen is if they simply decided to chase you out and let you live to tell the tale. There is no 'innocent loitering' in pirate waters. Not in historical context, and rightfully so not in this game.

    'Those pirates just shot at me!' is not something anyone of intelligence has ever said with incredulity.

    Of course pirates brawled and killed outside of stealing..... every race and creed upon the earth's history has. Pirates were pirates because they stole. That's what sets them apart from ninjas, Vikings, aliens, cowboys, Indians, Daleks and any other historic or fictional group. They all killed, but pirates are the ones that stole. Do you even know what the word piracy means?

    Your reinvention of pirate lore is more indicative of inner city gangs than of pirates. Frankly most pirates lived more honorably then you or your fellow griefer apologists give them credit for. They wouldn't kill for free as it would waste time and resources. They survived by stealing, often with only the threat of violence necessary.

  • I myself am not a big PvP player but can when I want to. Going against another ship can be very exciting but sometimes I just want to do my own thing.

    I am by myself mostly and then I don't pick up fights because I know I can't win them. There have been times were I did rage quit but I never insulted others (well I did but my mic would be off then) or reported them. Because I know that PvP is part of the game and the risk. Only 1 thing really makes me angry is when a gallion starts chasing me acros the hole map... even when I have no treasure. But that's the only thing and even then I do not report them or start insulting them. Because even though I hate when they do that, it's part of the game. And it feels great when I can live them in a trap like I once did.

  • Don’t know which is worse, the guy crying and reporting people, or the guy crying about the guy.

  • @lobane

    You are talking over me instead of replying to me. All you are doing is repeating your same arguments over and over.

    Every group of peoples in the history of the earth's existence killed. Some did it more ruthlessly than others. As far as brutality the pirates of lore don't rank up there with the the Vikings, mongolians, Aztecs, Indians et al. You are disrespecting them by refusing to acknowledge the one thing that sets them apart from all others. They weren't pirates for being brutal. They weren't pirates for killing nonchalantly. They were pirates for thievery. Your fellow griefers love to throw the word thieves from the title in the faces of those you grief. One can kill and not be a thief. A pirate cannot. A pirate becomes a pirate in their theft. That's the literal definition of piracy. That's the crime of piracy. There is no piracy without theft. You are just a naval thug if you don't steal.

    I served in the Marine Corps. I know a thing or two about the history of naval combat, piracy or otherwise. You reading one overdue library book and repeating its tales does not make you an expert on the overarching subject. We were trained to be killers at sea. That doesn't make us pirates, or even privateers. The key difference, again, is theft. Without theft you aren't a pirate.

  • @lobane said in Sea of Tears:

    @steelroots55 said in Sea of Tears:


    You are talking over me instead of replying to me. All you are doing is repeating your same arguments over and over.

    Every group of peoples in the history of the earth's existence killed. Some did it more ruthlessly than others. As far as brutality the pirates of lore don't rank up there with the the Vikings, mongolians, Aztecs, Indians et al. You are disrespecting them by refusing to acknowledge the one thing that sets them apart from all others. They weren't pirates for being brutal. They weren't pirates for killing nonchalantly. They were pirates for thievery. Your fellow griefers love to throw the word thieves from the title in the faces of those you grief. One can kill and not be a thief. A pirate cannot. A pirate becomes a pirate in their theft. That's the literal definition of piracy. That's the crime of piracy. There is no piracy without theft. You are just a naval thug if you don't steal.

    I served in the Marine Corps. I know a thing or two about the history of naval combat, piracy or otherwise. You reading one overdue library book and repeating its tales does not make you an expert on the overarching subject. We were trained to be killers at sea. That doesn't make us pirates, or even privateers. The key difference, again, is theft. Without theft you aren't a pirate.

    Your whole argument seems to be that pirates only used violence to support thievery. I've provided explicit examples of how this is wrong. I don't know what more I can do.

    No my whole argument is that thievery is what seperates pirates from other. There are numerous historically naval cultures. What seperates pirates is theft. Without theft you are a barbarian. Naval travels and thievery are what makes a pirate a pirate. You incorrectly inject murder into that equation. A pirate
    can murder, but a pirate must steal. Without thievery there is no piracy.

    I wasn't in the navy. I am a Marine. It doesn't belittle your civilian knowledge. It level sets the context. I am not talking out of my back side. You are willingly downplaying the single aspect of pirates that seperate them from all other cultures. It's not that they are on a boat. It's not that they killed. It's not the peg legs or swordplay. They stole. Period.

    It's not my definition of griefing. Griefing is using game mechanics for your own amusement that hinders other players. If you are killing with no interest for loot (in-game progression) then you aren't playing the game. You are only griefing others.

  • When a stronger pirate ruins your day, to be hardcore you just have to go find weaker pirates and perpetuate the cycle of violence.

    That seems like good karmic math to me. Like every time a griefer ruins an important mission, your new goal is to drive away one brand new player from the game.

50 out of 57