Can skeleton ships be beaten?

  • Can you beat skeleton ships once they show up, or are you just supposed to scuttle the ship and try again as soon as you see one?

  • 16
  • @travdert69 They can vary in difficulty but I've developed a good solo strategy dealing with the ones that spawn on you.

    As soon as you hear the music, get ready by setting sail in a straight line and loading both cannons. As soon as it breaches, turn the wheel hard towards it and slam into its side. The skeletons won't be ready to fire and once you hit their ship, you will be under their fire range. Once you hit them, make sure your wheel and sails are set keeping you grinding against their ship. Fire a cannonball into them to ensure you get credit for sinking them to count towards your pirate legend commendation. (If you aren't a legend you can skip this) Then start bucketing water from your ship to their deck.

    As long as your ships stay grinding against each other, they won't fire any cannons. Don't worry about repairing, just bucket water. Usually around three holes will fill your ship fast enough to bucket a decent amount onto their ship with each toss. If you can stay next to them, you will eventually sink them. Then as they go down you can repair.

  • @travdert69 This is sarcasm right?

  • @travdert69 Yes, it is possible. You just have to get lucky and have Karen spawn beneath you when the skeleton ship is close or get attacked by Megan at that moment. After both ships are sunk you can put the treasures in the rowboat that you brought with you, hopefully.

    I've heard stories about some other tactics involving cannonballs, kegs, buckets and/or chests of sorrows but I suppose they are nothing but seaman's yarn.

  • Sure, you can beat them within a few minutes with ease. Just have your friends take care of the ship while you jump off with a gunpowder barrel, if you raise your sails or drop an anchor the skeleton ship will just start to cicle you making it really easy to board it with said gunpowder barrel.
    The place I use to set off the barrel is often just down the stairs on the skellion. I run down the stairs set if off, drop it and run to the front of the ship to avoid the blast. Then I run back to stop skeltons from repairing. When that's done it will sink in just a few seconds. 4 holes is a quick death.

  • Sink them

  • Yes, it's possible and it's fun. Here's my solo strategy: 1) always leave the outpost with a lot of cannonballs, PLANKS and bananas. 2) as soon as u are near a galleon, shoot as much cannonballs as you can near the water level (lets say 6/7), then run to the wheel and turn it completely leaving 2/3 sail. With this strategy, as your sloop will continue a tight turn, you'll have less possibilities to get hit. You'll be hit by the way and, as soon as this will happen, leave the cannons and repair/throw away water (fundamental thing). I sail solo most of the time and with this tactic i sunked 53 galleons while being sunked less then 10 times. So to sum it up: NEVER FIGHT IN A STRAIGHT LINE and ALWAYS REPAIR/CURE YOURSELF FIRST OF ALL. A little luck will always help, as in any human activities...Have fun!🍀👍

  • @travdert69 With a bit of practice they're actually quite easy to sink. It really is just about learning a technique. There are plenty of guides here on the forum. Have a search, you're bound to find something helpful.

  • Bail water onto their ship. ;)

  • @testakleze oooh, have to try that.

    otherwise being solo against them is a 50/50 thing.
    But having megs, krakens and islands around helps. Especially around shipwreck bay for example.

  • @travdert69 yes skeleton ships can easily be beaten even while solo. I for one have done the skeleton fleets cloud event solo. Just try, adapt, learn and become a better pirate and never fear them again.

    There are guides, tips and tricks on how to beat them.

    Couple of basic tips:

    1. A good start is a big difference between the difficulty. The moment the music plays, start moving... no slacking off.
    2. Avoid death and being shot off the ship. Watch those cannonballs flying.
    3. They cannot bucket, any water you add the closer you are to victory. You can bucket water on to them even.
    4. Avoid being broadsided so they can keep shooting you, ram them, stick near to them, turn away... naval positioning is the most important factor to avoid being shot.
    5. Sometimes you want to kill the skeletons at the cannons, they will return, but gives you a break if you cannot avoid them shooting at you.
    6. Analysis of how you sink or what could go better to improve the strategy of choice.
    7. Cursed cannonballs make it all easier, dont forget to use them.

    There more risky quicker strategies to kill them, but there more safe and secure methods that take longer. Find the strategy that suits you.

  • @travdert69 sagte in Can skeleton ships be beaten?:

    Can you beat skeleton ships once they show up, or are you just supposed to scuttle the ship and try again as soon as you see one?

    Best thing is, when you see a skeleton ship, no matter how far away, just scuttle, blow your ship up with gunpowder or ram the next island or rock you see...they can't attack you, when you have no ship 🤦🏻‍♂️

  • @TravDert69 is this a joke?

  • @ienvii-shockz I'm afraid not

  • If your talking about the cloud then u need to be well prepared. If it's the roaming ones they are the easiest. Using jig and weary balls a a great help but don't shoot in the same place cause it wouldn't do much

  • @travdert69
    So, some basics here will help understand your opponent:
    Skelly ships are usually passive, so the ones that are on the water already you can just leave alone and don't aggro. The ones that SPAWN on you, you are going to have to fight, but you might be able to outrun (rarely).

    Skeletons are not able to bail water. Read that again; they will not bail water. Make sure your shots are putting water in the boat. Lower is better!

    Skeletons repair quickly (1/3 out time), so trust that you can keep hitting that same spot and keep putting a hole there.

    Don't worry about the captain. He/she doesn't have any real role in the fighting unless you're on the skelly boat.

    Just like in PvP, keeping the skellies from bailing is integral. Either judicious use of a cursed ball (sleeper or jig balls are my favs, but any green one will do) will keep them from repairing, or you can actually board their ship and go below and fight them off from the holes. It works! Kegs help put several holes at once and sink the galleons faster.

    If you're solo, it's tougher. Just find an island or rock and let the skelly boat go around it in circles and repair/bail while they're not able to shoot at you. It takes some time. Orrrr... find a storm! Remember, they don't bail. Megs sometimes help, too. Run that skelly boat into some rocks or an island. Just remember to not get hit with a cannonball yourself. It they shoot green curseballs at you things get much tougher, but it's always a risk.

5 out of 16