
  • Hey guys,

    i just got this game to try it with a friend and it's pretty amazing.

    However we're running into a wall of other players. Played for about 5 hours today and every single time we find any loot or quest items we need to turn in, we get spotted and sunk.

    Now my buddy is totally frustrated and ready to quit. So I'm stuck on trying to convince him to keep trying but I'm not familiar enough with tactics on what to do. A for instance, we were out at sea getting some random barrels in the middle of nowhere and managed to get a rare crate of tea. Get out of the water and we're boarded, killed repeatedly and everything taken.

    Is it better to just cruise for people to attack than to do the actual quests? or are there some tactics to avoid constant destruction?

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  • @wholesalefail Best advice that I can give is always keep an eye on the horizon. Ships rarely 'come from nowhere'. You can spot ships from a fairly decent distance due to its silhouette.

    From the silhouette, you can usually tell what size ship it is. If it is a ship that is larger than own, you might consider flight, in which case knowing different ship speeds in different scenarios is useful. (e.g. sloops heading into the wind can be a nightmare to catch, galleons with full wind will catch anything eventually).

    Or, if you are feeling the opposite, you could choose fight and 'get the first hit in'. In which case, the manoeuvrability and/or size can work to your advantage. Galleons are big and have more cannon and crew than other ships but are slower to turn and get up to speed, whereas sloops/brigs are faster turning and can navigate shallower waters but have smaller crews and fewer cannons.

    If you are getting jumped at Outposts whilst turning loot in, then keep an eye out for a mermaid in the water... do a complete circuit if needs be to be sure, or send someone over (if you have a person spare) to have a quick scout. If it looks clear, go ahead with your loot...but always be wary. If you are being chased and want to cash in some loot, try dropping someone off (or yourself) with loot as you pass the outpost and leave your ship sailing onward.

    None of the above is guaranteed to work and I'll be the first to admit I am not the best Pirate when it comes to fighting others (pretty much anyone that has sailed with me can attest to that 😁 ) but I am pretty good at avoiding others and still cashing my loot.

    Long story short, always keep an eye on the horizon, use your specific ship's advantages to your own and if all else fails remember, "It is not about the Gold, It is about the Glory"

  • @triheadedmonkey said in Advice?:

    @wholesalefail Best advice that I can give is always keep an eye on the horizon. Ships rarely 'come from nowhere'. You can spot ships from a fairly decent distance due to its silhouette.

    From the silhouette, you can usually tell what size ship it is. If it is a ship that is larger than own, you might consider flight, in which case knowing different ship speeds in different scenarios is useful. (e.g. sloops heading into the wind can be a nightmare to catch, galleons with full wind will catch anything eventually).

    Or, if you are feeling the opposite, you could choose fight and 'get the first hit in'. In which case, the manoeuvrability and/or size can work to your advantage. Galleons are big and have more cannon and crew than other ships but are slower to turn and get up to speed, whereas sloops/brigs are faster turning and can navigate shallower waters but have smaller crews and fewer cannons.

    If you are getting jumped at Outposts whilst turning loot in, then keep an eye out for a mermaid in the water... do a complete circuit if needs be to be sure, or send someone over (if you have a person spare) to have a quick scout. If it looks clear, go ahead with your loot...but always be wary. If you are being chased and want to cash in some loot, try dropping someone off (or yourself) with loot as you pass the outpost and leave your ship sailing onward.

    None of the above is guaranteed to work and I'll be the first to admit I am not the best Pirate when it comes to fighting others (pretty much anyone that has sailed with me can attest to that 😁 ) but I am pretty good at avoiding others and still cashing my loot.

    Long story short, always keep an eye on the horizon, use your specific ship's advantages to your own and if all else fails remember, "It is not about the Gold, It is about the Glory"

    Thanks for taking the time to write that up, it's greatly appreciated!

    I know he's gonna take a break for the rest of the weekend. We did have the habit of gathering resources and not really watching our backs. We never once caught a ship when they were still a good ways off, they were always within cannon range and raining them down on us.

    Hopefully with your advice we can string together a quest or two and get some wins under our belts and maybe purchase some cosmetics or something. At the moment it feels very griefy for the noobs that don't know the seas in the least. Easy pickens lol

  • @wholesalefail @triheadedmonkey pretty much hit the main points on the head. I will add if you are having a lot of trouble on a particular server do t be afraid to hop to another. Aggressive people arent everywhere luckily. Learning the tricks takea time. But ive been solo slooping for a while now and very rarely to I get caught with my pants down so to speak just because I'm constantly checking for other ships. And dont drop that anchor if you can help it. That way if someone gets close you can drop sail and head into the wind. Anything but another sloop is not going to catch you. It also gives you time to practice boarding if they do decide to give chase. Set you ship in a straight line into the wind making sure no obstacles are in front and sword lunge at their boat from the back of yours.

  • @wholesalefail No problem. I hope it helps. As I said, I am far from the best on the seas but can generally hold my own.

    There are plenty of helpful people all over the virtual seas too, be it YouTube (The Pirate Council usually has some handy tips) or via the Official Sea of Thieves Discord where you can find some awesome folks that are willing to lend a hand or offer hints and tips.

    EDIT: Also, as an addition, despite some insistence that they are awesome, EVERYONE on the Sea's was new once 😉

  • @muzackmann said in Advice?:

    @wholesalefail @triheadedmonkey pretty much hit the main points on the head. I will add if you are having a lot of trouble on a particular server do t be afraid to hop to another. Aggressive people arent everywhere luckily. Learning the tricks takea time. But ive been solo slooping for a while now and very rarely to I get caught with my pants down so to speak just because I'm constantly checking for other ships. And dont drop that anchor if you can help it. That way if someone gets close you can drop sail and head into the wind. Anything but another sloop is not going to catch you. It also gives you time to practice boarding if they do decide to give chase. Set you ship in a straight line into the wind making sure no obstacles are in front and sword lunge at their boat from the back of yours.

    Ahh ok, we've been dropping anchor and acting like a normal ship would.

    We've been using the Sloop recently and it's a bit easier to helm with 2 people for sure.

    @triheadedmonkey said in Advice?:

    @wholesalefail No problem. I hope it helps. As I said, I am far from the best on the seas but can generally hold my own.

    There are plenty of helpful people all over the virtual seas too, be it YouTube (The Pirate Council usually has some handy tips) or via the Official Sea of Thieves Discord where you can find some awesome folks that are willing to lend a hand or offer hints and tips.

    EDIT: Also, as an addition, despite some insistence that they are awesome, EVERYONE on the Sea's was new once 😉

    I'll take a look at those suggestions! Maybe I could find someone kind enough to let me act as a Powder Monkey on their vessel :)

  • Your so lucky! I’ve spent entire nights looking for people to PVP and not seen a single other ship.

    Whole evenings just ruined! Sitting around dropping the anchor very 15 minutes begging for a server change while the crew constantly rotates cause no one wants to be on an empty server....

    Of course I spent hours collecting CANNON BALLS so I’m not willing to leave the ship!

  • You either born a shark or born a minnow. OP clearly not born a Shark!

    Takes about 9 minutes to figure everything out in this game...and I have a learning disability.

  • @glannigan thats not true at all. Ive been gaming for long enough that I pick up just about any game easily. But plenty of people take time to learn the mechanics before getting good enough to sink another ship. My fiancee was one of those people. It took her time learning sails,cannons and some basic combat techniques, but she got to the point she could hold her own well enough for us to drop a galleon with the two of us.
    One more thing to add to the post. Dont let a bad night discourage you. We all have those nights, legends or powder monkeys alike.

  • @wholesalefail If you and your buddy want to add my Gamertag I'd be happy to play the game with you if we're on at the same time. I play the game almost completely solo, and have been playing since launch. Happy to help if I can.

  • @wholesalefail read through the looking for crew and find the many discord fleets such as Rogue Legends. You will pick up tricks and techniques in no time.

    Happy sailing and welcome to the Seas!

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