the tale of the maurding

  • the tale of the maurding on friday I was on the seas with my friends and we came upon this sloop and my friend said we'll trade a rag and bone crate for the stolen rag and bone crates commendations and so I went full thief and stole all his stuff and sank his ship and we killed him and we got most of the commendations the end. EDIT it was on Friday not Saturday

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  • hey @Musicmee you going to comment?

  • @closinghare208

    Yarr matey... we did the same.
    Silent assassins.
    Rolled up on a Brig in their blindspot, unloaded our gally on their vessel. They didn't stand a chance.
    It was all over in less than a minute, collected I think 14-18 chests.
    Stolen Chests commendation completed in one encounter.
    Never let your guard down.
    Happy days!!!

  • @piratecraggy aye but he was friendly and so I wanted to kill him and take everything and he came back so we sunk him

  • @closinghare208

    We never got to know our foe:)
    We clinically removed them from existence.
    Was ruthless and efficient.... we were very piratey on Saturday :)

  • @piratecraggy #bemorepirate mate anyways he came back wanting our heads but we got him and we sunk him and ran away then came back

  • Nice mate!

    The other day, we had a reaper chest on a rowboat with a crewmate, so we went to Galleon Grave Outpost but there was a sloop that just spawned. So I raised anchor on his sloop, lowered the sails, killed him as he was getting out of the tavern unaware and we sold the Reaper chest. The End too.

  • @jetorchidee97 said in the tale of the maurding:

    Nice mate!

    The other day, we had a reaper chest on a rowboat with a crewmate, so we went to Galleon Grave Outpost but there was a sloop that just spawned. So I raised anchor on his sloop, lowered the sails, killed him as he was getting out of the tavern unaware and we sold the Reaper chest. The End too.

    nice no coppeing mate that's my style of writing but ye are a pirate I could defeat ye in a duel on the sea of thieves and win maybe and it'll be a good duel that we shall tell in the taverns of the sea of thieves and drink a lot of grog

  • @closinghare208 a dit dans the tale of the maurding :

    nice no coppeing mate that's my style of writing but ye are a pirate I could defeat ye in a duel on the sea of thieves and win maybe and it'll be a good duel that we shall tell in the taverns of the sea of thieves and drink a lot of grog

    😂 sorry matey, it's my way to pay tribute to your writing style. I won't do it again (except if you ask me to).
    I've no doubt about this, that would be great! En garde! 🍻

  • @jetorchidee97 ok then thanks then continue to pay tribute mate

  • @jetorchidee97 aye

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