Wondering if someone can help me with a couple tips and questions I have

  • I am really fairly new and I understand there are things that I dont know or understand but oh the other side I do know when something looks wrong and to just list a few. Someone is climbing my ladder he gets to the top and I blast him with my blunder right in the face.. does it kill him nope does it send him flying back nope now hes on the boat and using his sword only for him to connect to me and in dead in 3 seconds not even able to get one hit on him

    Another example I'm cannon balling a sloop must have gotten 20 or 30 good low waterline hits and then all of a sudden hes on my boat and now I'm dead. Spawn back in and I'm in the water back to full health and he comes in the water so now theres probably a 20 paces gap between us and in one shot with his blunder I am dead

    Another example I have a stronghold gun powder barrel hes a single I board his sloop go to the bottom deck light it and run. Its exploded but my ship was fairly close. Well my sloop has 8 holes and my partner cant save it the other guy got knocked in the water and his ship never sank

    This is just 3 things. I wish I could take video to show people but my questions being. Is this normal? Is this how the game is or what's going on and what can I do to stop it


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  • Hit registration is not good. Especially with the blunderbuss (now). Better to use your sword to knock people off ladders.

    20 to 30 hits below the waterline (done quickly) should sink a Sloop even with 2 players repairing since your shots will also disrupt repairs or kill them. So either your shots missed or they were running some weird God-Mode Cheat that I have never seen?

    Stronghold Powder Keg will sink a Sloop without immediate repairs. So either he had a partner still on board fixing like crazy or God-Mode Cheat again?

    These are all speculations on my part. I'd really need to see video to tell you exactly what was going on.

  • @vowels771 like Viperesh the blunderbuss can be very hit or miss. I still prefer it but have also wiffed completely even though i thought it should have been a hit. I have found i have better luck going for chest shots and not head.

    For the cannon shots keep in mind that if you're hitting the same spot over and over it will not open new holes or make them bigger. Ive had a player hitting my sloop before and i was able to last a very long time because he kept hitting the same spot giving me plenty of time to repair other holes. Try and move your shots around to open holes throughout.

    As for the keg below deck you got me, maybe just unlucky with how fast he or a teammate could repair or really really unlucky hit reg.

  • Thanks for the help. I dunno it just seems all offed up on my end for the life of me if someone gets on my boat I'm effed. Doesnt matter what I do I cannot kill someone on my boat

  • The hit registration right now is horrible, I can agree with all that @ViperishEmu2992 said, or probably you have terrible luck.

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