• Hello guys, I've been playing for sometime now and I took notes of somethings that I would change if the game was mine.

    First lets start with ARENA - It's an awesome gameplay but sometimes we take like 30 minutes of waiting until the currently arena is finished so we can complete our team (if we are playing solo) and then we start arena... and even waiting so long sometimes Im alone at the galleon and have to leave the game and come back... so You guys NEED to add Sloop arena and bergantin arena so players could play solo, duo, trio or in galleon with 4 players. Would be EPIC an arena with sloopers.

    Next topic - Sometimes we have really long and exausting journeys, alone or with friends... we need more things to do in the ship instead of only playing the same songs over and over again... or fishing something (fishing is the next topic) WE need MORE musics, we need... a CARD game to play in the ship for example, we need more things to do while we are on our long journey.

    FISHING - fishing is TAKING TOOOOOOO LONG... its like 2 minutes to fishing ONE fish... I mean... sometimes I cant even finish my fishing coz I have to turn the SHIP around or else it will hit some islandd or rock... it should be maximum 20seconds to get a fish!!! I cant even think about fishing because I know it will take too long, so its faster to stop by in some island, kill a pig and then fry his meat.... much faster than fishing)

    SKULLS - Sometimes when we get over a FORT we have like... 5-6 skulls to bring to the ship right? So... when I GRAB the skull I can clearly see that my character is using only ONE hand, so Why can't I grab 2 SKULL instead of only one? Would save us a hell of time if we could carry 2 skulls at a time instead of only one, that doesnt make sense? We already have to go selling our stuff and go back to the ship MANY times when we are finishing our voyage... make it easy for us... let us grab at least 2 skulls at once... playing this game SOLO take too long to do certains things, you guys have to think more about SOLO players because its not everyone who has friends to play with.

    Also our gear should give us some damage bonus or something because I spent like 10k in a sword for nothing... only to look good?

    Well, I guess for now its only that... if you guys have more to say, please comment bellow, lets make Sea of Thieves the greatest game ever!

  • 13
  • If there were more than 300,000 of
    Some stupid fish caught I can assure you this game is BEYOND HEALTHY!

    If your experience empty servers it’s just because they have too many.

    I actually think they lowered the limit so people didn’t come here and QQ about bullies beating them up trying to deliver their powder kegs.

  • @glannigan you'd be suprised how many people spend hours upon hours fishing and it's 50,000 fish not 300,000 there is one guy alone that caught over 4000 fish lol so the fish count isn't a good number to go off of saying it's healthy

  • Logged in for first time in a year, got a chest and brought it back to my ship. Solo guy and his sloop is parked nearby now, thats bad... He suicides with a powder keg into my ship killing us both and sinking my ship. I respawn on another island with no loot. He probably repspawned at his ship and took my chest. Thats when I put the game away and thought 'This isn't for me...'

    Make suicide runs less effective, and maybe people wouldn't quit the game immeadiately after getting ganked by some stupid gimmick.

  • @togutti

    Sloop and brigantine arena is in the works, it's being tested in the Insider branch. It needs balancing, which is why it wasn't released in the first place.

    Card and dice games, duels, and other similar things have been requested many times over, however fishing was meant to answer that. Not only is it entertaining to do, but it gives rewards too! Rare are focusing on core mechanics and smoothing out the game right now, and the quite difficult task of making a full set of games to play would detract from that too much for now.

    Fishing is meant to take a while. A solo player should be busy with the ship for some time, but leaving the wheel and sails turned correctly to go in a straight line (the waves make your ship drift to the side) gives you time for a few fish, depending on how far you have to go. Larger crews can leave one person to manage the ship while everyone else can fish, or you can simply stop the ship and have a while dedicated to fishing.

    The treasure chests found washed up on islands are for carrying trinkets and skulls, and not only two but three. Remember to make use of the harpoons as well, they drastically shorten the time needed to transport items to the ship.

    Buying weapons with damage bonuses is incredibly unfair to new players, which is why it is not done. In the beta, you had to buy the blunderbuss (notably the only gun which can one shot from full health), which ended up with newer players being at a severe disadvantage to those who joined first. On top of this, the better PvPers only gained more of an advantage by stealing other's chests for money which they can use to further increase the gap in capability.

  • It, which shall not be mentioned.


    Hello guys, I've been playing for sometime now and I took notes of somethings that I would change if the game was mine.

    Welcome to Sea if Thieves and sorry but hopefully the game will never belong to you :-)
    Here is why...

    First lets start with ARENA - It's an awesome gameplay but sometimes we take like 30 minutes of waiting until the currently arena is finished so we can complete our team (if we are playing solo) and then we start arena... and even waiting so long sometimes Im alone at the galleon and have to leave the game and come back... so You guys NEED to add Sloop arena and bergantin arena so players could play solo, duo, trio or in galleon with 4 players. Would be EPIC an arena with sloopers.

    You know thst this is already in testing.
    All Ship Types are mixed up in one Arena.

    Next topic - Sometimes we have really long and exausting journeys, alone or with friends... we need more things to do in the ship instead of only playing the same songs over and over again... or fishing something (fishing is the next topic) WE need MORE musics, we need... a CARD game to play in the ship for example, we need more things to do while we are on our long journey.

    We need not, but it's ok to give us some card or dice game or new Songs/ Instruments.

    FISHING - fishing is TAKING TOOOOOOO LONG... its like 2 minutes to fishing ONE fish... I mean... sometimes I cant even finish my fishing coz I have to turn the SHIP around or else it will hit some islandd or rock... it should be maximum 20seconds to get a fish!!! I cant even think about fishing because I know it will take too long, so its faster to stop by in some island, kill a pig and then fry his meat.... much faster than fishing)

    That's a joke or?

    SKULLS - Sometimes when we get over a FORT we have like... 5-6 skulls to bring to the ship right? So... when I GRAB the skull I can clearly see that my character is using only ONE hand, so Why can't I grab 2 SKULL instead of only one? Would save us a hell of time if we could carry 2 skulls at a time instead of only one, that doesnt make sense? We already have to go selling our stuff and go back to the ship MANY times when we are finishing our voyage... make it easy for us... let us grab at least 2 skulls at once... playing this game SOLO take too long to do certains things, you guys have to think more about SOLO players because its not everyone who has friends to play with.

    Maybe you want instantly sell the whole ship with all loot automatically.
    That's the second joke or?

    Also our gear should give us some damage bonus or something because I spent like 10k in a sword for nothing... only to look good?

    Ah here comes the pointe.
    Sorry mate i cant take you serious now.

    Well, I guess for now its only that... if you guys have more to say, please comment bellow, lets make Sea of Thieves the greatest game ever!

    Good Winds to you.

  • @ultmateragnarok

    Perfect anwser dude !

  • @brbjorke They are effective if you do nothing and aren't aware of your surroundings. There's a reason that happened to you and has never happened to me in my year plus of playing this game. If you give up so easily then yes it's probably not for you as your a quitter and quitters dont improve they just run which works for some but it's just a game. Why run from a game and not try to improve? I grew up on real time strategy games and I wouldn't win every match but it did not make me want to quit. Maybe that has given me the determination to get better at things.

  • @starquest Pay attention to what? You are in the middle of fighting on an island with no view of the shore where your ship is parked. Killing skeletons for loot. How are you supposed to magically know someone is about to drop a bomb on you? I literally came back to my ship as it was being bombed. How is that an awareness issue?

    All they need to do is sail by, Don't even have to stop, One person hops off the ship with barrel, detonate and now you don't have a ship, they do, you lose. If its a mechanic that only effects new players because your perception is so high you never get hit by these, then at least consider it is having an effect on new players.

    Is this a fun game mechanic? Its so powerful and easy to get off that its the first thing people open up with. Fun! But its the only powerful option people open with, and with people playing towards that gimick it subtracts from the rest of the game. Opening attack? Sneak a powder barrel onto their ship. setting a trap? Powder barrel in the water and wait until they come back. Put some loot on the shore so they rush out to grab it while you are under water, climb into their hold and blow the powder barrel. I came up with that off the top of my freaking head.

    What do the players who got their ship blown up learn? To check under the ship whenever they land on an island for sabatures? Screw that gameplay. Punish the players abusing that mechanic somehow, make it less viable, and ship to ship combat might be more of a thing new players experience.

  • @togutti said

    SKULLS -
    So... when I GRAB the skull I can clearly see that my character is using only ONE hand, so Why can't I grab 2 SKULL instead of only one? Would save us a hell of time if we could carry 2 skulls at a time instead of only one, that doesnt make sense? We already have to go selling our stuff and go back to the ship MANY times when we are finishing our voyage... make it easy for us... let us grab at least 2 skulls at once...

    This. On the other hand, we now have chests to carry more than 1 skull. Sure, we have to find one but that's another story

    Listen, the purpose of having a 1 item carry limit is to prevent quick cash ins. This gives thieves a chance to steal more loot. Conversely, it helps defenders protect their stash by not allowing loot to be carried away so easily

  • They should make a button and if u press it. Max level. All commendations done and introducé teleport. For quick travel.

    Also a 2nd button for insta kill ships with crew.

    Than u have your perfect game.

    This was sarcastic....
    Work for it stop askin for an easy handout

    Thats my 2 doubloons on the matter.


    If there were more than 300,000 of
    Some stupid fish caught I can assure you this game is BEYOND HEALTHY!

    If your experience empty servers it’s just because they have too many.

    I actually think they lowered the limit so people didn’t come here and QQ about bullies beating them up trying to deliver their powder kegs.

    Well emptyness has nothing todo with the servers. Every server has 5/6 ship crews on it. If your server is empty or almost you will get server merged instantly.

    There are days that we dont sail alot and dont see others, but the past few days with the repears mark voyages we saw tons of ships, and none survived us xD, we sunk everyone. (Sorry if we sunk u but loot :P)

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