Active Skelly ships

  • Please bring active skelly ships back at least for Pirate Legends, when on Athena or something, it used to be a highlight of any voyage to hear the music cue and man the cannons!

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  • @bumbumbac Ahoy matey!

    It won't be long before these are back... they had been taken out for a rebalancing it was found these to be unforgiving on sloops and brigs.

    They should be spicing up your adventures again very soon!

  • Not sure what they have in the works, but I hope they come back soon.

    We have Skeleton Galleons (Skelleons) and Sloops (Skloops). Rather than removing the emergent vessels, they should have added the Skloop into the world as well and make them attack Sloops/Briggs.

    Going forward these should scale towards average crew rankings versus crew/ship size. A Sloop crew with full rep in the base 3 factions should have the experience needed to take on a Skelleon, so let them spawn. A Sloop with a crew of low faction rep can take on a nerfed Skloop or something :?

    We should have Skeleton Brigs (Skrigs) should be available by now if not soon. Makes sense that they wouldn't be around as soon as the Skelleons and Skloops because they were basically created to aid in the Battle for the Sea of Thieves against Wanda during the Cursed Sails, but the skeletons have had plenty of time to build/commandeer their own.

  • @musicmee splendid news! Thanks a lot for sharing the info.

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