Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, Here's how to fix it (Easily)

  • I 100% agree. Make all the Tall Tales loot sellable. I believe it's a big reason a large portion of the player base left after the shine wore off the mega update.

  • @kin-h4chi No. A ship in Adventure is not in Arena, ergo... Arena has no bearing on whether or not a ship in Adventure has loot.

  • @saintjace said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, Here's how to fix it (Easily):

    I 100% agree. Make all the Tall Tales loot sellable. I believe it's a big reason a large portion of the player base left after the shine wore off the mega update.

    Waste of time. Do that and an entirely different large portion will leave. It’s no good just swinging the pendulum from one extreme to the other. I don’t think that Rare has really cracked this yet. The marriage of PvE and PvP is throwing up too many negative posts from both sides of the debate. It’s not where it needs to be yet.

  • @entspeak

    Right a ship in arena isn't in adventure enhance it's not generating loot ruining the economy

  • @kin-h4chi No. You’re talking about the possibility that Arena impacts the number of ships on the sea in a particular Adventure server - which it doesn’t because of matchmaking and server migration. Either way, it has nothing to do with what I was talking about - whether or not a ship in Adventure has loot. Don’t attempt to derail my point with a red herring.

    Arena has zero impact on whether or not ships in Adventure have loot.

  • @entspeak

    So when people play arena they are simultaneously playing adventure? I'm pretty sure that's not how it works. Arena is taking away the loot generation of adventure cause people are playing arena not adventure

    Please keep up

  • @kin-h4chi

    No it isn’t. Adventure servers are populated exactly the same as they were before Arena. Even if 50% of the playerbase went to Arena, the remainder wouldn’t notice. There’d just be fewer Adventure servers in use. For the players it makes no difference.

  • The issue isnt Tall Tales...the issue is Rare doesnt give us anything to spend our mountain of Gold that most of us are sitting on.
    You can basically trip over treasure at this point...heck check a recently defeated fort and you'll probably find most of the treasure still there cept for the big 4.

    Rare needs to give pirates a reason to spend our gold and thereby go out and earn/steal more.

  • @xshadovvhunterx

    But how important is a cosmetic to the average player? Why would anyone repetitively do something they didn’t enjoy just for a hat, or sail design or whatever.

    Gold should be a bonus for doing something that was fun anyway. If it becomes the reason for playing then the game has failed/is failing.

    Fun events and challenges. That’s all this or any game needs. Get this right and gold/cosmetics are secondary.

  • @Dadiodude
    Most people doing TT are doing it repeatedly...otherwise they would have wrapped up long ago. They are doing for the cosmetic...which they wear like a badge of honor.

    The game is fun but super repetitive. It's why you get a lull in between events.

  • @genuine-heather said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, Here's how to fix it (Easily):

    PvP has never been the best way to collect loot in Sea of Thieves.

    Correct! However in no wa

    Tall Tales changes nothing.

    A ship doing a tall tale has as little (arguably less) loot then a ship without any voyage at all, meaning there is less loot for pirates attacking ships. So you are incorrect, tall tales very much change something.

    If PvP is what you want, the loot doesn't matter.

    All playstyles should be profitable in some way, I can almost guarantee if the tables were turned and pvp was the only viable way of getting loot you would be complaining on the forums

    If loot does matter to you, go run some voyages like everyone else. You can hunt for ships while you're doing voyages. Then maybe you won't be so bored. There's no lack of loot in Sea of Thieves. Adding "stealable" loot to Tall Tales solves nothing and is a step in the wrong direction.

    I disagree, adding stealable loot to tall tales provides a reward for players attacking people on tall tales. This in turn, makes the tall tales less boring since they have actual challenge to them rather then just having a boss with 100000000 health to pick away at.

  • @dadiodude
    Doesn't matter if there's a notice. That fact is arena is a sot population that isn't producing loot

  • @kin-h4chi

    And it doesn’t matter. The only thing that affects your game is what the other 5 ships on your server are doing.

  • @tart-tee sagte in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, Here's how to fix it (Easily):

    @closinghare208 Silence him because he wants loot in Tall Tales and I have no good argument against it.

    The fact is I am in a lot of the top tier PVP communities. Everyone is quitting. Adventure SUCKS for loot and after 240 wins, Arena loses a lot of its appeal because you're playing terrible players for hours on end. If that's what you want, that's fine, but let's not pretend like no loot in Adventure is increasing the player count.

    You say: no loot in adventure. Seriously, you are wrong and you try to push it.
    Tall Tales are just a little aspect of adventure. You can't claim there was no loot in adventure. This is far from reality.

  • @saintjace sagte in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, Here's how to fix it (Easily):

    I 100% agree. Make all the Tall Tales loot sellable. I believe it's a big reason a large portion of the player base left after the shine wore off the mega update.

    Tall Tale items are only useful for those who can read and use them. That's the joke and it's just right. If you don't explore the myth, you only see an old object, usually worthless for outsiders.
    It is done just well.

  • @kin-h4chi LoL. It’s you who is a bit behind. My original comment was how Tall Tales - in Adventure - has an impact on whether or not ships in Adventure have loot. To which you said, same for Arena. But, as you’ve correctly said (reiterating my point), a ship in Arena isn’t in Adventure and, therefore, it is irrelevant whether or not that Arena ship has loot. Ergo, Arena has no bearing on whether or not a ship in Adventure has loot.

    What @Dadiodude said. The only thing that impacts whether or not a ship in an Adventure server has loot is what the ships in an Adventure server are doing.

  • @goedecke-michel Meh. A golden chalice is a golden chalice and a skull is a skull (worth something to the OoS).

  • @dadiodude

    So cosmetics, gold, doubloons, rep, and commendations aren't shared between games? The fact they are shows the economy for both are the same. Which pushes the point I said arena does ruin the economy.


    Your clearly behind as a ship in arena is equivalent to a ship farming for alliance grinds. Just not nearly as effective. You said he's right but was blind to the fact if a player is in arena and not adventure then they are equivalent to doing a TT

    So yes it's the same

  • @entspeak sagte in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, Here's how to fix it (Easily):

    @goedecke-michel Meh. A golden chalice is a golden chalice and a skull is a skull (worth something to the OoS).

    And some of the items can be sold and are worth some money. In Tall Tale it's already hard enough to solve the puzzles and guard your ship, unless you have a large crew. The last will rarely be the case, because if someone has finished the Tall Tale sufficiently often, one won't be rewarded for more times (At this point it would also be boring and way to easy to earn more gold for already solved puzzles, wouldn't it? One more argument against earning the big money doing Tall Tales).
    So regulary, only small crews regularly go on Tall Tale missions, as far as I experience. A lot of pirates know Tall Tales' hot spots. If a raid on Tall Tales where lucrative, those hot spots would be harvested, Tall Tales would no longer be chosen as an option. For the sake of balance, it seems quite important that raids on Tall Tales are not very lucrative.

    My insignificant opinion.

  • @kin-h4chi Uh. No. Nope. Not true. A ship not in the server is not anything like a ship in the server. There is no possibility for a ship not on the server to impact gameplay in the server. A ship on the server doing TT does impact the server and could potentially have loot onboard, but they just tend not to because they are focused solely on the Tales. It’s not the same thing at all... in any way, shape, or form... so, let it go.

    You must be arguing for the sake of arguing at this point, because you are just plain wrong and have been shown repeatedly how you are wrong. Enjoy the day.

  • @triheadedmonkey said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, Here's how to fix it (Easily):

    @tart-tee said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, Here's how to fix it (Easily):

    Yes, they are, but they have one fatal flaw you are ignoring. No loot. But yes, continue ignoring the problem.

    There is loot everywhere on the Seas! It doesn't only come in stolen form. If you only want loot that you steal, then you are just placing restrictions on yourself.

    A lot of people don't like losing loot, so turn it in often and/or avoid others whilst carrying.

    Saying there is "no loot" is just not true as it is everywhere.

    Saying that "Tale Tales are terrible for Sea of Thieves" (in my personal opinion) is also not true as it gives players something more to play and enjoy.

    Not everybody enjoys the game in the same way you do but that does not make it broken or you/them wrong.

    Well, i get this opinon but the biggest issue tall tales has, is replayabilty. It's boring as hell. The first time is fun, but the 4 times after it is not. My crew want the cosmetics, but it's just not worth it. Every tall just gave you 3000 gold for 1.5 damn hours work or longer if the clues are vague. And the end mission, which takes even longer gives only 10k. Which is nothing. Yes for the first time it was fun, not worth it. Let alone doing every Tale 5 times without getting any loot or gold is just stupid. It has to feel rewarding.

    I know for a fact, my crew is not gonna play Tale tales again, or if there are more coming in the future dont gonna play that as well. Why? Just not worth it.

  • @mentimjojo said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, Here's how to fix it (Easily):

    @triheadedmonkey said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, Here's how to fix it (Easily):

    @tart-tee said in Tall Tales are Terrible for Sea of Thieves, Here's how to fix it (Easily):

    Yes, they are, but they have one fatal flaw you are ignoring. No loot. But yes, continue ignoring the problem.

    There is loot everywhere on the Seas! It doesn't only come in stolen form. If you only want loot that you steal, then you are just placing restrictions on yourself.

    A lot of people don't like losing loot, so turn it in often and/or avoid others whilst carrying.

    Saying there is "no loot" is just not true as it is everywhere.

    Saying that "Tale Tales are terrible for Sea of Thieves" (in my personal opinion) is also not true as it gives players something more to play and enjoy.

    Not everybody enjoys the game in the same way you do but that does not make it broken or you/them wrong.

    Well, i get this opinon but the biggest issue tall tales has, is replayabilty. It's boring as hell. The first time is fun, but the 4 times after it is not. My crew want the cosmetics, but it's just not worth it. Every tall just gave you 3000 gold for 1.5 damn hours work or longer if the clues are vague. And the end mission, which takes even longer gives only 10k. Which is nothing. Yes for the first time it was fun, not worth it. Let alone doing every Tale 5 times without getting any loot or gold is just stupid. It has to feel rewarding.

    I know for a fact, my crew is not gonna play Tale tales again, or if there are more coming in the future dont gonna play that as well. Why? Just not worth it.

    In the time it takes me to do a TT, I can find plenty of bonus bottle quests to do along the way, loot that can be pilfered from the sandy beaches and other more obscure places, or stop for a peek into a shipwreck or a few. You're not just getting 3k in gold unless you're completely ignoring what's right in front of you (a good experience, and oh so much loot).

  • Well I see the diaper babies got their Devil's Roar nerfs.

    ....gee, Thanks


  • @pithyrumble

    Maybe, but with monetisation on the way they’ve got to get players on board. No good pandering to the few, got to pander to the many.

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