TT9 - Shores of Gold - How Long?

  • How long does Tall Tale 9 - Shores of Gold take to complete? Going to try tonight if I have time!

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  • U want all the books? (10 pieces)
    U know how and want to do allready or u gonna figure it out as u go?

    If u dont go for books and allready know where what to do. Than not considering u have to go to morrow peak to start. And u go fast it takes lil more than 1 hour (max crew size 2)

    Anything added. Books, bigger crew, figuring out clues, aiming your cannon shot. Well could be 2 a 3 hours and still add sailing time to this.

    Good luck

  • @Peteloaf777
    1 hour if you know what to do and speedrun.
    Even then it is also about some little moving and shooting skills what can prolong it to those who have trouble with this.
    I can imagine it takes 3-5 hours for normal to not that skilled people doing it the first time.
    5 is extreme but iirc our 1st run was 3-4 hours when not using any spoilers or help.
    There was one thing what become my nemesis and when i figured out how to, i facepalm XD
    I missed it so often, i still laugh about that, because everybody was watching the fat old man dying, dying, dying XD
    But today i'm doing it like a capricorn ^^

    I did the last 2 in 60 minutes starting from MP and back to MP.

    Oh and it is also prolonged if you are 3+ for the last fight.

    Hope that was not too much spoilers.

    Do it with a full galleone crew and no spoilers.
    Maybe do the Books later and search them also by yourself, you need to comeback anyway ;-)

  • This is my first time trying the TT. Is it something you have to complete in one go? So, will it not save progress if we have to stop playing??

  • The tale itself 1 run. The Journals you can collect some now and the rest later. Most of the Journals are on the main route so they're not too hard to get 🧜‍♀️

    Hopefully someone's been there already so the door to the labyrinth is already open. That cannon shot is a pain.

  • @pithyrumble
    My first one needed 2 shots ^^

  • first time I tried it ( I sail solo) took me like 4 hours to figure out all the puzzles and end battle. by the time I finished the 5th time to get the commendation, I had it down to about 45-60 minutes.

  • Update - we did it! Slooped it in 3.5 hours :) I actually made that cannon shot first time!! And we got 8 / 10 journals as well! Not bad at all. It’s a phenomenal quest, so well put together and such a satisfying end!

  • @Peteloaf777
    Cool that you had fun and liked the end.
    Always remember it's not about the gold, it's about the Glory :D

    The endbattle with 3+ pirates is like 4 times harder ;-)

  • @bugaboo-bill said in [TT9 - Shores of Gold - How Long?]

    The endbattle with 3+ pirates is like 4 times harder ;-)

    I wouldn't say harder, just longer … to an absurd degree :/
    It's 3-4 minutes solo but felt like ages with a brig crew.

  • when you reach the shores of gold, 30-40 min
    It can take you just as long sailing over there, depending on you spawn.
    But if you spawn at ancient/galleons grave outpost.
    it will take you 1-2 hr

    But if you are solo doing it, bring one of those empty chest for 3 items.
    even if you are duo it help having that chest.

  • @bigxredx1x sagte in TT9 - Shores of Gold - How Long?:

    This is my first time trying the TT. Is it something you have to complete in one go? So, will it not save progress if we have to stop playing??

    Like every other chapter of the tall tale you have to do it in one go

  • I would suppose 2 to 3 hours the first time, until you know all the places you have to interact with. If you want to go for a spreedrun, you want to know that you can solve those riddles again just the moment you left their cages. You will note a clicking sound, indicating it is ready again. You can solve those riddles in a sequence and earn more then one medal. If you love to try doing the quest two times, solve each riddle twice. I hope you understand, what I am saying...

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