Suggestion: Perhaps it's time for more Melee weapons?

    For the most part, Sea of thieves revolves around a rule of three; three ship types, three item types, three companies, three guns. So why not melee weapons? So I believe that there should be three melee weapons the spice up the combat and the two I’ve chosen from (which I admit was a ten minute Google search) is the Boarding Axe and Pike.

    Boarding Axe

    “Common and popular on ships for fighting fires and boarding parties alike. It was used by pirate crews as often as the cutlass. The boarding axe helped pirates climb the high wooden sides of a large ship. It was also very useful in cutting through the rigging lines, bring down the enemy ships sails. The boarding axe weighed around four pounds, and was roughly two to three feet in length. They were a handy tool in opening closed doors and hatches while boarding. The axe was used effectively as a deadly hand to hand fighting tool as well.” *

    The boarding axe is to be a suitable choice for ship to ship combat, specifically as an offensive weapon. The axe will have the shortest hit range of the three weapons and will also be the most damaging. It has a two combo, horizontal swing with a power attack that brings the axe down vertically for an almost guaranteed one-hit kill. Though easily avoidable it can make quick work of a pirate not aware of his surroundings, leaving him open to be cut down like lumber.

    However its unique ability is to be able to pry the boards from repaired holes.

    This is to address the issue some players have with PvP combat where both ships get into a position where neither can sink the other because of lack of cannonballs or the ships have become tangled and unable to fire at each other. To remove a plank, the player will approach the repaired hole and hold the interact button (X on controller, F for PC); this will take the same amount of time as repairing and leave you just as venerable to attack.

    Boarding Pike

    “Pikes were basically long spears with a wooden handle and metal point. The ship board version of the pike was usually slightly shorter than its land based counterparts. They could be thrown at a target, or used held by the sailor while fighting. The boarding pike weighed around six pounds, and was between four to six feet in length. It was a common weapon on board a ship. They were often kept in racks around the base of the ships mast. Because of there length, they would have been most effective against swords and knives in a boarding action.” *

    If the boarding axe is the weapon of choice for the attacker, then the pike is the choice of the defender. It while it lacks a combo, damage and has a very narrow damage arc (much like a pistol or rifle) however it’s true strength is its greater range used to clear ladders and push players off the ship with its knockback (think ball and a pool/snooker cue).

    Akin to the sword lunge, the pike has a charged thrust attack that increases both damage and knock back without moving the player and should any pirate try to block attacks from the pike they’ll discover that it ignores blocks.

    When I wrote this I was more focused on the Axe over the Pike (the pike needs more work) but I believe the Axe will help in breaking those stalemates between two ships too close to broadside or exhausted in cannonballs to finish the other off; it'll no longer be a test to see how long one crew will put up with spawn killing before scuttling.**

    *Quotes from ( )
    ** Not saying it will cover all these issues, there will always be those who want to watch the world burn.

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  • How about daggers?
    Short range
    Low damage
    Faster then swords

  • Oh boy man you are onto something here I think. I like the idea of how the Axe can be a one hit kill when you use the heavy attack but is easily avoidable if you see it coming and my most favorite part you came up with is that you can use the Axe to remove any planks that have been used to patch up holes!! Just think about how a sneaky pirate could hide on the bottom deck and every now and then remove a plank!! Also, I like the idea that you could instead of having a gun and sword have a sword and pike which could give you a bit extra range!!! Great ideas man!!

  • @karloss00

    Technically 5 companies with Arena and Hunters. 7 if you count Athena's and Bilge Rats.

  • With regards weapons I think probably the boarding axe has the most potential for emergence. The ability to climb up the side of a ship would be good, as would the possibility to use it to remove planks.

    The other idea I had was a net that could be thrown. It could be used for entangling victims temporarily and also catching animals.

  • You know what I want for melee?

    • Cannonballs to be used to stove in heads or be lobbed
    • Being able to swing a bucket or lantern at someone - the lantern could set skellies who have clothes or weeds on them alight!
    • Being able to pistol whip, gun butt etc with the BB or the EoR
    • Being able to swing the shovel at Skellies, rather than having to switch to my cutlass in a treasure hunt
    • Being able to Swing the plank of wood at someone - even it breaks after one use and they just get a stun!

    There are some cool melee weapons already in our possession; Rare just need to open up the possibilities!


  • @karloss00
    I like your ideas. I think the boarding axe should be used to widen holes instead of to remove planks, so you don't have to scuttle after every fight to keep people from removing them. Also, they would need to lock the enemies armory(if they don't already) for this to work.

  • @sshteeve said in Suggestion: Perhaps it's time for more Melee weapons?:


    I like the cut of yer gib, lad.

  • @****-hombre Aye, this was written months ago before the other trading companies appeared. the original mentioned the gun meta that we had a couple months back.

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