Game crashes sporadically with Driver crash

  • Ahoy pirates!

    I have a small problem:
    After a while my game crashes and I get a message with "Driver crashed, restart bla bla bla".

    I look into the Windows events so I see an error and a warning:

    1. Error DistributedCOM
      The Application Specific permission settings do not give permission to the DESKTOP-1DOLJG0 \ Christian user (SID: S-1-5-21-488501343-3307876611-2928211604-1001) at LocalHost (using LRPC) Local Activation type for the COM server application with the CLSID
       and the APPID
       in the application container "Not available" (SID: Not available). The security privilege can be changed using the Component Services Administration Tool

    2. Warning display
      The amdkmdap display driver stops responding and has been restored.

    Please excuse any grammatical or word mistakes. I have used the Google translator to help, but I went through the text in retrospect again: P

    To my system:
    Radeon Software Version - 19.5.2
    Radeon Software Edition - Adrenalin 2019
    Graphics Chipset - AMD Radeon R9 200 Series (I have the 280x)
    Memory size - 3072 MB
    Memory Type - GDDR5
    Core clocking - 1100 MHz
    Windows version - Windows 10 (64 bit)
    System memory - 32 GB
    CPU Type - Intel (R) Core (TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz

    All drivers are up to date.

    It happens sporadically and I feel like the further I go down the graphics settings, the longer it takes to crash the game.

    I have already measured the temperature of the graphics card and I never get above 75 ° C.

    Has anyone had the same mistake or else knows a solution?

    I look forward to your feedback.

    Best regards
    Cpt. Laengo

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  • Update: Since I set the shadows and lighting to low in the graphics settings, I did not crash anymore.

  • I think you should raise a support ticket for this, even tho you have fixed it by reducing the shadows and lightning settings

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