Bunny hopping

  • Does anyone else agree something should be done to make bunny hopping a less effective strategy? It breaks immersion a little for fighting to be pirates bouncing around at high speeds. It also feels like the hit registration sometimes can't keep up with the high speed and changing direction so it might help to slow things down. Healing mid fight also seems to be made a little too easy with bunny hopping. I'm interested what other people's takes on it are.

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  • I hate it. I wish there was a slight penalty for jumping continuously.

  • It's the only way to fight!!!!

    But yeah, it sucks. I think that everybody agrees with you.

    Maybe Rare should introduce a stamina bar under the health bar that drains when you jump, sprint, fast swimming and recharges over time or when you drink Grog!

  • @absurditee85 yeah it's annoying...but I'm against some kind of stamina...better would be if EVERY other animation (healing, reloading) breaks up when jumping

  • Jup, we all have made threads already.
    Maybe time for a Megathread @Musicmee

    I want it this way.
    2 hops are ok to traverse obstacles
    After a 3rd jump you should exhaust like after a charge / lunge.

    This way you would need to Plan your movememts more and it becomes a more tactical aproach regarding combat and running around...

  • There have been some decent FPS games produced on this engine so why SoT is so limited and clunky is anyone’s guess. This is particularly annoying when doing things like solo forts.

  • @absurditee85 said in Bunny hopping:

    Does anyone else agree something should be done to make bunny hopping a less effective strategy? It breaks immersion a little for fighting to be pirates bouncing around at high speeds. It also feels like the hit registration sometimes can't keep up with the high speed and changing direction so it might help to slow things down. Healing mid fight also seems to be made a little too easy with bunny hopping. I'm interested what other people's takes on it are.

    Well, i'd say buff defensive sword mechanics, that would make Bunnyhopping not only less effective, but also cause it to carry a risk, as the person you are attacking could turn the tables on you quite fast... This would mean people would have to think twice before mindlessly spamming jump and mouse1. xD

  • I think Rare has already tried to balance this with how now if you land a slash on the bunny hopper it'll freeze them for a couple seconds. I wouldn't be super opposed to a cool down or something but then that'll affect AI interactions and I think we would then end up with a hundred complaint threads.

  • Very much agree on this. Not sure what the best solution would be, though.

  • @absurditee85

    Yep, limiting the bunnyhopping would only improve the game.

  • @absurditee85

    Jumping around like a bunch of silly fools seems to be part of the PvP meta in this game. At present, the only way to compete with bunny hopping is to bunny hop yourself. Similar to the way double gunning was before it was fixed.

    Obviously the concept of the practice is to make yourself a difficult target, which is a valid strategy, but it doesn't seem right to just spam the spacebar/A button over and over to do so. In other words, there needs to be a balance without simply dumbing things down.

    I don't know if making jumping exhausting is the way to handle this though because it would have adverse affects on other aspects of gameplay. I'd be willing to bet that this is something Rare are already discussing internally.

  • The best way to take on a bunny hopper is to predict where they're going to land and hit them on the way down, since while airborne, they can't change their direction.

    Alternatively, you can space your crew out in a surrounding pattern or put them in a corner forcing them to take a risk by having no choicebut to go through a member of your crew. With this method, while engaged with another crewmate, this affords the others time to perform sneak attacks, like a shot in the back.

  • At this point I'm just copying and pasting previous responses from similar threads.

    It breaks immersion a little for fighting to be pirates bouncing around at high speeds.

    We shoot ourselves from cannons and sail through the air and don't break our legs. We dart through the water with the aid of our swords. We fix all wounds with the power of potassium, but some guy repeatedly jumps to avoid getting hit, and all of a sudden the immersion breaks?

    It also feels like the hit registration sometimes can't keep up with the high speed and changing direction so it might help to slow things down.

    Improper hit registration isn't really a player input problem. Its a serverside problem. No slowing things down will actually fix the problem you describe. I've had a person swimming at a constant speed in one direction. I exhausted all shots with a two gun loadout, with near all hitting, yet the person survived. This isn't a problem relating to jumping.

    Otherwise back to the main topic of bunny-hopping.

    As a person who has played mostly high paced fraggers for most of his gaming career, its a nay from me. Its just a different style shooter (not going to argue whether this is an FPS) To me its just a form of evasion, if going prone or crouching was a thing in this game, people would just do that. I can understand that console players normally don't run into this style of game, but its pretty common in PC shooters. It is also pretty easy to adapt to it. Its just mostly aiming where they will land, or just watching for a pattern. People unknowingly do patterns without realizing.

    I don't go into other games and ask them to change their mechanics to something I'm more familiar with. I just adapt to the game with what mechanics are native too it. This is Unreal Engine, most of the popular shooters on this engine have bunny-hopping. Unreal Tournament to name the big one.

  • I'm against changing the 'bunnyhopping' in this game. I think @Nabberwar put it nearly perfectly. "Bunnyhopping" is a learned skill. Spamming it leads to missed attacks which puts you in recovery, making you an easy target for literally everyone. Making poorly thought out jumps puts you off the side of the ship or collides you with objects on/in the ship, again making you an easy target. The best defense against bunnyhopping is dodging or simply attacking. The attack area of swords in this game is enormous, so even if someone it jumping around you, it's still very easy to hit them. If they start removing or limiting the range of motion available, then the combat in SoT is going to make a massive downturn, since that's mostly what makes it interesting

  • @sweltering-nick said in Bunny hopping:

    @absurditee85 said in Bunny hopping:

    Does anyone else agree something should be done to make bunny hopping a less effective strategy? It breaks immersion a little for fighting to be pirates bouncing around at high speeds. It also feels like the hit registration sometimes can't keep up with the high speed and changing direction so it might help to slow things down. Healing mid fight also seems to be made a little too easy with bunny hopping. I'm interested what other people's takes on it are.

    Well, i'd say buff defensive sword mechanics, that would make Bunnyhopping not only less effective, but also cause it to carry a risk, as the person you are attacking could turn the tables on you quite fast... This would mean people would have to think twice before mindlessly spamming jump and mouse1. xD

    The defense needs a buff/fix in general as a good portion of attacks seem to flow right through. This is both in PVE and PVP, and probably stems a good deal from hit registration. In either case, something needs to be done.

    This is the first time I have heard of this idea and I could also get behind as a good defensive mechanic towards combatting the hoppers would benefit both camps (KB&M and Controller). Not trying to turn this into a debate of input, but it is quite easy to hop over someone, do a 180 and sword them in the back before they can follow through with a block or strike as a maxed out controller just can't turn that fast.

    I could also get behind a stamina approach.

    Honestly, I wish they would throw some of these different ideas at the insiders to gauge reactions without any immediate attempt at putting it in the live build. Just tinker more! 1st week, stamina trial. 2nd week, updated blocking. 3rd week, increased airborne weapon bloom. Don't mix them, test them individually, see how they perform and then try to mix them or something.

  • @nabberwar said in Bunny hopping:

    It breaks immersion a little for fighting to be pirates bouncing around at high speeds.

    We shoot ourselves from cannons and sail through the air and don't break our legs. We dart through the water with the aid of our swords. We fix all wounds with the power of potassium, but some guy repeatedly jumps to avoid getting hit, and all of a sudden the immersion breaks?

    there is a big difference between breaking fantasy and breaking immersion. if the game were about ninjas or acrobatic pirate assassins (reference), i'd be more convinced. however, seeing how this is a pirate fantasy game similar to that of a more "fantastical" Pirates of the Caribbean, the combat should feel more grounded, engaging, and easy to keep track of.

    saying that bunny hopping makes the game more engaging or high paced is equal to that of movie directors thinking that an intense camera shake adds more suspense.

  • @mysticdragon297

    saying that bunny hopping makes the game more engaging or high paced is equal to that of movie directors thinking that an intense camera shake adds more suspense.

    To be clear, I haven't said anything of the sort. Especially the part where it makes the game more engaging. My stance on that is that it doesn't add or subtract anything to the game. Its simply using the mechanics of the game at my disposal. Trying to make an argument of immersion is such a subjective argument that can vary person to person. I don't find it immersion breaking, you may say otherwise. However, we both have pretty much the same amount facts behind us, of which is none due to this being an opinion of ours.

  • the solution is very easy (in concept, I don't know about the coding part of it)

    1 stamina bar,
    stamina drains when you jump,
    stamina drains when you melee lunge
    stamina drains when you run with a drawn weapon

  • I would be so sad if I lost my hops. 🤣
    I truly enjoy bouncing around the world, around the ship, across boulders leaning out over those precarious precipices. 😜

    I'm not much of a PvP player so it's not an advantage that I employ offensively....mostly defense....if running for my life could be called "defense". 😆

    I wouldn't be against stamina as I'm also very agreeable to realism and immersion....just don't want anything added to the UI.

  • @nabberwar said in Bunny hopping:


    saying that bunny hopping makes the game more engaging or high paced is equal to that of movie directors thinking that an intense camera shake adds more suspense.

    To be clear, I haven't said anything of the sort. Especially the part where it makes the game more engaging. My stance on that is that it doesn't add or subtract anything to the game. Its simply using the mechanics of the game at my disposal. Trying to make an argument of immersion is such a subjective argument that can vary person to person. I don't find it immersion breaking, you may say otherwise. However, we both have pretty much the same amount facts behind us, of which is none due to this being an opinion of ours.

    there is no point in arguing that some opinions are subjective when every statement is an opinion and every opinion is subjective which can vary from person to person. this is a public forum.

    i say that bunny-hopping does not belong in the game. it makes the combat look ridiculous. combat in a pirate game should be more grounded. i'm still standing by that point.

  • No to ending bunny hopping.

    I am not a bunny hopper. I do not have an issue with it.

    Good on others on learning it.

  • I hope they do something about it, its ridiculous in fighting. Too bad it gonna cost the free jumping apart from fighting as well.

  • @schramm00 Perhaps any jumping limitations would only be applied when actively holding an object; whether it be equipment, food, loot, or whatever?

    For instance, you shouldn't be able to hop indefinitely while firing a sidearm (or hit the broad the of a barn) or swinging a sword, and definitely not while swallowing a banana whole as your character would surely choke!

    Realistically you are at a major disadvantage carrying any loot regardless of size, even while hopping. With that, I don't see it being a big game-changer in that regard, more of an effect in combat.

  • Nearly any problem you may have with combating bunnyhoppers is due to the poor hit registration and sometimes ridiculous server lag rather than the other player jumping up and down.

  • @archangel-timmy Oh yeah, it can be by that, limiting jumping holding sword and gun or swinging and firing with an arma as well.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Bunny hopping:

    Nearly any problem you may have with combating bunnyhoppers is due to the poor hit registration and sometimes ridiculous server lag rather than the other player jumping up and down.

    It is also a contributer to the balance disparity between KB&M/Controller.

  • I get the idea Rare loves bunnyhopping.

    It's as much an essential SoT movement technique as sword surfing.

    The emmerson argument is hilarious considering how combat in SoT looks like a cartoon.

  • @absurditee85 I disagree, it's OK... could be better if we could jump even more like in q3

  • @barnabas-seadog said in Bunny hopping:

    I get the idea Rare loves bunnyhopping.

    It's as much an essential SoT movement technique as sword surfing.

    The emmerson argument is hilarious considering how combat in SoT looks like a cartoon.

    as i have made the point before, there is a big difference between breaking immersions and breaking fantasy. for example, i would be more convinced that bunny hopping belonged in the game if it were about ninjas. i am more convinced that we are able to shoot ourselves from cannons because this is a pirate game; and in a pirate game, combat should be more grounded.

    saying that bunny-hopping does not break the immersion of a game is like saying an intense screen shake won't ruin a good action scene from a movie.

  • Rare disagrees, bunnyhopping remains an intentional, viable movement technique.

    Immersion breaking, or not, it has been in SoT from the start.

    Does anyone see this going away?

    Not without a complete overhaul of combat and movement.

    Or a nerf, for no reason. Just because some refuse to accept it for what it is.

  • That’s typically a PC thing. Because their hardware is superior to any console they can effectively do this. Once rare comes out with an “Opt out” for PC players, the experience should improve dramatically.

  • The PC's superior hardware allows them to push a button repeatedly? TIL.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Bunny hopping:

    The PC's superior hardware allows them to push a button repeatedly? TIL.

    Isn't it amazing? The magical things we can do on PC.

  • @absurditee85 you mean jumping around as bunny hopping isn't a thing in this game
    actually google what bunny hopping is.

  • @d3adst1ck same as a game pad just get better at using it

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