Art of a Trickster bug

  • This has happened twice in 4 play throughs already, but when I’m in the trap maker’s lair, I’m killing all the skeletons and I end up dying a few times. I always end up eventually getting back, but after a while the skeletons stop spawning without a captain even spawning.

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  • @nmancini40 did you try to kill yourself once more, so they maybe spawn again?

  • Update:
    I restarted the mission and it worked again

  • @schwammlgott
    I did. It didn’t work. You have to restart the mission

  • Just ran into the same issue on a sloop about an hour ago. Died fighting the skeletons, then after a few waves they stopped spawning. Tried everything from killing ourseleves, sailing to another island and back, fished, looted a sunken ship, then still no skeletons in the lair.

  • Yeah we had the same problem last night, you aren't alone buddy.

  • We got the same thing 2 days in a row now.. and that is without dying, they just stop spawning...

  • Happened to me last night and I stayed up till 5am trying to complete it. I just need to do it 2 more times to be done. 😢

  • Happened to me right now!
    Doing Chapter 6 solo.
    Died a couple of time killing skelys waves in the Trickster's Lair.
    Final wave, the boss spawn, get killed and upon coming back only the skelys were there... The boss disappeared.
    Killed the remaining skeletons, and I was left with an empty lair while the bossfight music was still roaring.
    Tried to get killed by a trap and respawn, sailed to the next island, nothing worked.

    That's the third time I have to restart a Tall Tale because of a bug...

  • @nmancini40 Had this happen to me also and I've heard from others that the Captain could be spawning outside the cave, which is why dying or sailing away doesn't seem to reset the skeles.
    For now, definitely worth bug reporting by raising a support ticket and hopefully it gets fixed soon.

  • Aye happened to me at the captain wave. Definitely disappointing that this makes it into the update. Spending two hours getting involved with the tale and feeling the tension with the keg. To have it end from a bug that’s happening to a good amount of players makes you put a game down and play something else. Feeling the burn from multiple session killing bugs is starting to be a bit ridiculous. Sad to, love the game to death but it’s a tough relationship that’s for sure.

  • Happend again … sad.

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