where are pets rare

  • I know this has been said a lot but it's post mega update where are they you said you'd give them to us post mega update WHERE ARE THEY we need them now.

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  • @closinghare208 guys and gals tell me what ye think?

  • @closinghare208 said in where are pets rare:

    I know this has been said a lot but it's post mega update where are they you said you'd give them to us post mega update WHERE ARE THEY we need them now.

    Hold your horses, lad. The Pets Update isn't released because it didn't meet Rare's Quality Standard. We don't need them now. The game currently needs bug fixes, performance improvements and stability checks. Don't be ungrateful, just be patient.

  • @lt-swag-johnson I've been very patient but I've been waiting since lanch

  • @closinghare208 said in where are pets rare:

    @lt-swag-johnson I've been very patient but I've been waiting since launch

    Would you rather see them fix issues or release an unfinished feature and maybe introduce more?

    Take a look at what the amount of content the Anniversary Update has brought us. Take a minute to think about the about of work, effort, blood, sweat and tears they have put into delivering this amazing content.

  • @lt-swag-johnson I know thanks for that rare but I mean I hope it coming out soon so there

  • I want a rabbit

  • @zomb-bunny why not

  • @closinghare208 Pets have been anounced as a monitisation cosmetic meaning they will be available for purchase for irl money, known since the start.

    A couple dev updates ago joe neate stated they weren’t up to standards just yet and they where going to work on them some more, id rather have them work on it more and then purchase them

  • @closinghare208 They're back at Twycross zoo receiving the love and attention they deserve : )

  • @closinghare208 sagte in where are pets rare:

    @closinghare208 guys and gals tell me what ye think

    think You are fishing reputation

  • @closinghare208 this is more a post for the insider forums

  • @goedecke-michel how so mate

  • @fast-bike94 not really

  • Unless I can get a monkey that throws feces at enemy pirates, I don't see the point of pets :?

  • @archangel-timmy The point of pets is to support rare monetarily, and also, to have a little friend that goes with you in all of the adventures!

  • @eggamer13 Monetary part I understand, and there are lots of ways to do that.

    Money aside, what's the point in this particular game? Unless they ship with some sort of game value, they aren't of much use.

    Will they interact differently between your own crew, alliances crews, and other crews? I can't say for certain, but I highly doubt it. I'm not sure which pets have been officially announced, but the "Tales from the Sea of Thieves" shows a cat, and a parrot...

    Ships don't have mice eating our supplies, so a cat has no purpose.

    A parrot wont repeat game-chat in a mocking manner, and probably wont do much other than fly around, so no real purpose.

    I suppose the only real driving thing here is they are something different than what is currently available so people will throw money at it. Cosmetics will only go so far, so add some AI with limited interactions with a variety of cosmetics that you can call yours.

  • @archangel-timmy said in where are pets rare:

    Money aside, what's the point in this particular game? Unless they ship with some sort of game value, they aren't of much use.

    They're only cosmetics. They're not going to give advantage over other players.

    Will they interact differently between your own crew, alliances crews, and other crews? I can't say for certain, but I highly doubt it. I'm not sure which pets have been officially announced, but the "Tales from the Sea of Thieves" shows a cat, and a parrot...

    Pets will interact with EVERYONE as Joe stated several times in Dev Updates and streams.

    Ships don't have mice eating our supplies, so a cat has no purpose.

    Well, that could change.

    A parrot wont repeat game-chat in a mocking manner, and probably wont do much other than fly around, so no real purpose.

    We don't know it at the moment...

  • @eggamer13 said in where are pets rare:

    @archangel-timmy said in where are pets rare:

    Money aside, what's the point in this particular game? Unless they ship with some sort of game value, they aren't of much use.

    They're only cosmetics. They're not going to give advantage over other players.

    Never said they would give an advantage, that is actually the exact opposite of what I am saying as that would give then a purpose in-game. As they are advertised, they are more than just cosmetics, they are a new AI that is sucking up developer time, and will take up game resources. Something that doesn't have an actual purpose in the game, which is my argument.

    Will they interact differently between your own crew, alliances crews, and other crews? I can't say for certain, but I highly doubt it. I'm not sure which pets have been officially announced, but the "Tales from the Sea of Thieves" shows a cat, and a parrot...

    Pets will interact with EVERYONE as Joe stated several times in Dev Updates and streams.

    I know they will interact with everyone, I was asking if they will interact differently between the 3 different types of crew. If they don't, what's the purpose?

    Like a cat hissing at an enemy, meowing at an alliance, and purring at your own crew for example.

    Ships don't have mice eating our supplies, so a cat has no purpose.

    Well, that could change.

    I doubt it, players would complain more gathering supplies than they do now. What's the purpose?

    A parrot wont repeat game-chat in a mocking manner, and probably wont do much other than fly around, so no real purpose.

    We don't know it at the moment...

    As great as this would be, the technical work and potential for abuse are too great for it to be a thing. So, what's the purpose?

    Being able to pet something, have it follow you around, and shoot it out of a cannon isnt really any added value for me. I haven't said these shouldnt be in the game, I'm just trying to find the value in it.

  • @closinghare208 sagte in where are pets rare:

    @goedecke-michel how so mate

    'cause you answer your onw post to get a refresh in recent topics? People have been banned for doing so.

  • @goedecke-michel I see but some people don't comment unless you tell 'em to

  • @closinghare208 sagte in where are pets rare:

    @goedecke-michel I see but some people don't comment unless you tell 'em to

    Therefore the danger to be banned. If they won't comment, they won't. Furthermore, I am helping you to have this thread refreshed by answering. :) Meet at sea, matey.

  • @goedecke-michel then we'll duel

  • just E3

  • @zomb-bunny said in where are pets rare:

    I want a rabbit

    LOL, now me as well,,,, At first I was hoping for something like…. a baby sea, or better, a SEAGULL...

    But a Rabbit, Hell yes :D

  • @archangel-timmy I even often got scared by my own pet, thinking I was alone on the Island :D

  • @freshfreddy1969 rabbits are life rabbit are love rabbits are justice alt text

  • @zomb-bunny said in where are pets rare:

    I want a rabbit

    Why doesn't that surprise me?

    On a serious note however:
    Pets will be micro transactions, so Rare wants em to be in acceptable condition when they release em.
    Just imagine the uproar if they were buggy and lame upon release.

  • @sgt-palooggoo said in where are pets rare:

    @zomb-bunny said in where are pets rare:

    I want a rabbit

    Why doesn't that surprise me?

    Was it my name that gave it away XD

  • Be nice if pets were on the shoulder or on the head bunny on my head would be fun

  • @closinghare208 said in where are pets rare:

    I know this has been said a lot but it's post mega update where are they you said you'd give them to us post mega update WHERE ARE THEY we need them now.

    Spoken like a true 6-year-old.

  • @zomb-bunny said in where are pets rare:

    Was it my name that gave it away XD

    Hehehe, actually your profile picture. 😂 lol

  • @fluidsc i'm not one though

  • @fluidsc said in where are pets rare:

    @closinghare208 said in where are pets rare:

    I know this has been said a lot but it's post mega update where are they you said you'd give them to us post mega update WHERE ARE THEY we need them now.

    Spoken like a true 6-year-old.

    @Deckhands @Quartermasters

  • @ClosingHare208 And this is why we end up with bugs, and system breaks. People sit here demanding things from rare without giving them time to maintain their game. The game needs to be patched, fixed, and made stable enough for more features. Simply adding them when they are not ready (Especially pets as they are supposed to be simply cosmetic) leads to more issues.

    Even now we have a broken tall tale that can't be started. Tall Tales with randomly end without any reason. The Kraken still wraps on top of the boat stairs. There are a number of items that need to be corrected before pets come. Stop sitting on the forums whining and complaining that pets aren't around, they will show up when they show up. The rest of us would prefer a functioning game rather that a pet that sits there with no real purpose.

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