The Friendly Sloop and the Two Sharks

  • Who ever you are, I hope you find this and we meet up again sometime!

    So There I was, alone on my sloop as is always the case anymore. I know my limits, I can hold my own and do pretty well for myself with no crew which is the way I like it. That said, I am always excited to meet a friendly player, but that is rare indeed. So I had just finished a slew of missions, and was holding a pretty large amount of loot. I had sailed to Plunder Outpost to sell and passed another sloop leaving. We got close enough for me to yell with my horn so I did but no response. I was wary but went ahead and parked to sell. No one attacked, no mermaids, just me and a rather large amount of gold. As I sold my last chest, I sailed off towards the very close sloop now only one island away. I will admit, I was logging out soon and was willing to risk being attacked to try and make a friend. As I closed in on the sloop a Meg just popped out and started to circle. At this point I chose to hunt the shark as I really like their reward both after the fight and during! I was so close to the island and other sloop that they could have shot me while my anchor was dropped but they did no such thing. It's a long fight solo in a sloop and nearly drained all my wood but I got it! Then, my biggest fear was realized as the sloop turned sail and headed my way just as the loot pooped up. Ready to fight I swam and grabbed the meat and best loot and swam back to arm cannons. To my surprise as the sloop closed in it raised it's sails and a friendly voice said "hello! I saw you fighting that meg, do you need any help?". I was so surprised that the sloop was also solo, and offering me help, and being friendly! Unfortunately I didn't even get their name before another shark popped up! You guys, the first sharks body had JUST sank!!! The poor sloop didn't seem to be ready for it and the Meg specifically targeted them. The other pirate was knocked off their boat, which sank rather fast. They swam on my boat for safety but the shark then hit my boat killing them as I guess they had low health. I did not know their name, no way to find them and needed to call it quits soon. I felt bad, as they had some loot floating in the waves from their ship. I was truly excited for the polite gesture of the player.

    Thank you mystery pirate! If you read this, and this is you, message me!

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  • @xxxrookxxx
    A very nice story , Mr XxxRookxxx, i love reading all kinds of SOT stories and the ones where Friends are made ,still stand out as being the best for me...Some would say , " Sea of Thieves isn't Sea of Friends" but i like to disagree on that one often...Friends and Friendship, comaraderie and creating a bond between players , friend or foe , enrich the experience that SOT always offers...

    i can only hope you may retrieve yer Friend ,outthere wherever he may roam ( * George ,it's not roam ,it's sailing ….dufus).
    It's always nice to be not shot upon straight away , and Pirates had only eachother ,allthough they liked to doublecross eachother often , certainly as the goldfever was getting grabs on them…

    i hope to read more sortalike stories of you and others to be written on this Forum , because it's heartwarming that not every encounters ends with the buldering of cannons...

  • if your on xbox you can view your recent players

  • @xxxrookxxx nice story! i usually sail with my ally flag up. a random sloop joined my solo sloop for that. i was parked at an outpost trying to figure out a tale tall when a galleon started shooting me up. they sank me and as i was fuming on the beach my ally came out of no where to return fire for me and drove them off. i swam to his ship and we actually needed to go to the same island even though we were doing different tall tales. was pretty awesome.

  • Those are the events I love most. Nice surprise, mate.

  • @kraken-slap I had no idea recent players would show people I have ran into on the open sea but not been crewed with! Checking that ASAP!

    @RevanJStone I pulled up to an outpost last night with another solo sloop but made sure to park where my cannons were not aimed and said "Friendly!". They joined an alliance with me and we shared each others turn ins. Not 5 minutes later I was sailing away from a sea post and saw them get jumped by the Kraken. I slooped right up on him and we killed it together. I told him to keep the loot and when he turned it in I got a lot still!. I love the alliance feature, just cant get many ships to respond to me via chat wheel. Maybe I am too far away?

  • @xxxrookxxx not sure. i assume if you use the megaphone chat wheel where its all in caps it should go as far as a voice. a lot of ppl just dont talk though.

    i hope they expand on the alliance systems sometime. add a way to send a message when far apart, ive seen a messager pigeon suggested and it circles your crows nest chirping to alert you and there is a note on your desk with a short pre made message like 'lets meet up, lets do the fort, help im under attack'.

  • @xxxrookxxx From what I have seen both on the game and here on the forum is that a lot of people are saying that. It is just a lot of bad experience piled on to one another. I myself don't bother with alliances as most of the ones that do say "Let's form an alliance" or "I'm Friendly!" only to have them try to: board me, sink me, kill me, steal my loot/supplies and so on. I ignore the requests, though I was playing with an old friend and we got into a very nice alliance made bank off of them, they were doing DR merchant stuff and we did forts and an Athena.

  • @ThaUndeadOne I joined a multi ship alliance last night and made an estimated 50-60K extra off their turn ins combined and one ship was only fishing so hunter rep was great. Who the heck knows what they made off my turn ins! We were the majority of the server and I soloed 3 Forts with no contest. I wish I could be this lucky more often.

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