Pirate Name Giveaway!

  • My favorite part of the update is the harpoon guns. You can do so much and they’re handy in battle!!
    @ROGUEM8TE @MetalKitten2087 @Bloodhunter7981

  • There are so many great features in this Anniversary Update but if I have to choose something it's definitely Tall Tales. They are amazing and create some very epic adventures and lovely memories.

    I'm enjoying them so much with everyone I'm playing but I think I'll tag my little sister @Terrific-Poppy8. Sea of Thieves allows us to spend wonderful moments together even if we live far away from each other and Tall Tales remind me when we were kids and we were doing our own Indiana Jones adventures.

    Thank you for the great stuffs everyone at Rare is doing!

  • Definitely and without a doubt The Arena! Smashing other ships with the best pirates I have met in this year: @Cpt-Kronk, @LoyalMouse, @Slatts87Odin @CastleCrasher61 and @Capt-Soul-Beard.

    P.S. The Tall Tales is a close second.

  • @DiVine-Killla G'day fellow Pirates and Privateers. you might have noticed that ship damage has expanded. My prayers have been answered because for such a long time I have wished ability to take down an enemy mast. Now I feel like a true pirate! Cheers Rare!

  • Join old friends @InetoI @skipbra @sutisW, and new ones @hikuu1 While doing Tall Tales and goofing around with the harpoon.

  • My favourite part is more treasure. MOAR TREASURE.

    I dont think my friends are on the forms either, but they go by AtticusHex

  • @roguem8te

  • Me favourite part about the new Anniversary Update is putting down a tall tale, hoping in a rowboat, leaving the ship and sailing off with me and a chicken to fight Skeleton Lords. Living off fish on the empty waters, and holding back the temptation of a tasty looking feathery crew-mate. The feeling of having no stove on me ship and rowing to neighbouring islands to whip up a meal or two of fish and slashin' at a few pesky snakes for lunch. Then after having slogged hours of rowing and having taken down these menacing lords to row up to Derrick on the way back to hand over my hard earned perfectly cooked fish. Rowboat's are the best way to do Tall Tales and Hunter's Call and nobody can tell me otherwise.

    Oh yea i need to tag a crewmate, i don't really have one so uhhh... @Eriks-The-Drunk because they the only one i know who has a forum account and was in me launch crew

  • @BeastyAlex64 My favorite part by far is the tall tales. This is so much fun, it adds a whole new element to the game and a whole new story line. I can play these quests hours on end.

  • My most favorite part of the Sea of Thieves Anniversary update is the harpoons. Either it being where you can harpoon on the meg and use it as a uber, or that you can have a ship on ship on ship conga line. The Harpoon gun is a serious new asset to use on the seas to get that small, but needed advantage. @Jacksparrow922

  • @HitboTC my favorite part is the arena! What a great way to encourage combat upon the seas. The sizzling sound I hear while cooking is pleasant too. Aye.

  • I love the detail that went into the new fishing option in SOT. The detail from the different type of fish to the difficulty levels to catch each one is spectacular! And being able to cook them but also needing some slight skill as not to burn them as well is a super cool feature. I can't wait to get plenty of gold from fishing and look forward to catching more amazing creatures as I progress. I love how realistic everything is. Absolutely amazing update! 😁👍👌

  • @PlayfulVagine
    The overall story (Tall Tales) so far seems amazing, I love the aspects of being able to fish and cook food now. The Harpoon gun is pretty awesome too!

  • The riddle depth in Tall Tales so far as been the most fun I've had in Sea of Thieves. The use of all the new mechanics with the plank riddles, the constellations all stellar (you see what I did there?) I hope we get more Tall Tales to flesh out the world even more and give life to more parts of the map!

  • @captainoverboard definitely the arena fishing and harpoon. Wait did you say just one? But they ARRRRRE all great! CptDeathbell

  • @old-salt-gorg 100% Tall Tales. It's soooooo fun to play with friends. Fishing is definitely a close second.


  • @Captianoverboard

    The fishing Arena and harpoon are the best one!! Wait lad did ye say just one? What ARRRR YE BE TALKIN ABOUT AMAZING ALL OF IT!!!

  • My favorite part about the update is the fishing I have been fishing a lot since the update.

  • I love the tall tales and figuring out the clues with friends. Also really enjoy fishing for that trophy fish, and putting it on the grill for a health boost!

  • I really love fishing, honestly. Fishing and cooking were something friends and I were really interested in and I'm really happy it's a feature now.
    None of my friends are on the forum, but their gamertags are @AlchemistPrime9 and @SureShot790

  • The best part of the Anniversary update are the quest lines and the interaction it gives you with the environment and the NPCs! Quest lines within a voyage makes you feel like a real pirate following clues.

    Or the fact you're trying to fish and accidentally eat the face off your fish(don't even ask it was like 4am and I was having a moment).

    Totes mah goats would tag @RiceNPeaRoy because where would I be without peas?

  • The first time I fished up a Wildsplash and showed it to my Pirate Husband, he said "LOOK AT IT'S LITTLE FISH ARMS!" (the whisker like tentacles that come off the front). So my favorite part of the update has been the fish arms.

    Pirate Husband: @Kelixi-00

  • I'll just say Merrick and that's it. No need to explain that..... And can't tag a friend unfortunately, i think hes not here.

  • My favorite (*or favourite if you prefer) thing so far is the changes to ship damage. Now when my terrible parking job runs us "slightly" aground at an outpost, my pirate-wife @ladymoffitt can't say I'm ACTUALLY going to sink us, since it's a tiny 3-sec repair hole!

  • @old-salt-gorg Adding Tall Tales to the game gives so much more depth to the world, beyond the things that us pirates do. Giving backstory and narration to the NPC's makes the Sea of Thieves feel alive.

  • Best thing about the new update: I can fish to my heart's content as my ship's designated navigator. No need to run below the decks of the galleon to check a pesky map when I can enjoy the sea air and sunshine while catching lunch for my crew! Who hasn't memorized the lay of the sea already, am I right? My only wish -- that I could fish the sharks I so love to hunt!

  • By far my most favorite things in the update is the Tall Tales, (and of course fishing.) I love being able to do story based quests with @ReconSpoon and the rest of my Crew, I really enjoy getting a bit of lore on the infamous Pirate legend and normal people around the sea of thieves. It gives it more life.

  • By far.... The coolest dang thing i did with the new update... was whilst riding with me crew in a galleon full of booty aloft. I hitched the harpoon of the ship into a Megaladon who was near the outpost, and used a massive surge of speed from the Megaladon charging a parked Brigantine to literally smash and almost run over completely the brig parked there who just gotten bit by 'ol Meg. We seized the opportunity me and my lads and maiden, to kill those filthy pirates that remain and steal their treasure....

    Never thought id be saying I was happy about the monstrous beasts of the sea on the prowl of us pirates, by by golly, that was a day me and my crew shall never forget.

    (True Story)

  • Haven't had the time to try the update yet, but I am sure looking forward to head out on some Tall Tales.

  • the Moment when...

    "It's not about the Gold.
    It is about the Glory" was amazing tbh.

    Its my credo playing this game, i dont speedrun or whatever, i really immerse into it.
    We did this together last night and i dreamed of it.

    This Crew did it: @Alena1603 @TheShmoho @Paeaeng

  • @Old-Salt-Gorg
    My most favourite part of the Anniversary Update has to be the Tall Tales - they complete the world, further tying the lore together and reward with a completely new sense of adventure.
    Love Indiana Jones and Goonies, so this is very very satisfying.
    @DrBullhammer @Erinome

  • That's not fair.. Just one??

    I personally love Cooking with @mister lozz (who I can't tag)
    He just loves cooking while playing French music in the background using a fake french accent and going all ham! I've not laughed so hard in ages.

    I also love fishing with my buddies @samothewolf @crypt0meria @knukkle and @Gipsyhunter266 and many others.

    Honestly it's not fair that you're making me choose the best part of my favorite update so far! ^_^

  • @XxDarkSenixX is a very good teammate, better than flavientronix hum hum. I love the new Tall Tales, it's an insane upgrade for the lore!

  • The best part is that the game is constantly getting better! It had a rough start and I was shocked by the reception. The game was great but the scores and reviews... And now... You did a hell of a job! Keep it up, you are making something wonderful! @VIP GRIFFON

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