Love on the Seas

  • So I wanted to share a Sea of Thieves love story. First off. I want to thank Rare for developing this game and being so amazing at interacting with the community and listening to their community!

    So I started playing Sea of Thieves in May 2018. I was convinced to try it out on gamepass as I saw quite a few of my friends playing it.

    In June of 2018, I met a pirate, who, unbeknownst to me, would change my life forever. His gamertag is SPANARD! I never knew the excitement I would soon get whenever I saw that name pop online in the future.

    I wasn't quite a pirate legend yet, I was pretty close to it, and once I met Spanard, he made everything seem possible. Soon, we began spending hours upon hours, sailing the seas, fighting pirates, sinking ships, and just being two of the most fearsome pirates on the seas (in our eyes).

    Days turned into weeks, turned into months and our friendship grew into something deeper, much more serious in fact. We realized how much alike we really were. Our interests, thoughts and views, everything just clicked together. I found out he is in the military, soon to go on deployment. I myself, am an EMT fulltime for a Rescue squad.

    Although we live two states and 7 hours apart, we found out ways to spend quality time with each other. Fast forward to October, we met for the first time outside the game and in person. Everything just fell into place from that moment on. Our feelings for each other has grown into a love that neither of us has experienced before and officially became a couple. Since then we met up two more times, with Christmas being the last time I got to see him before he deployed overseas. Now, on deployment, I won't be able to see him until sometime in October, but still to this day, we are able to play our favorite game together from time to time as he gets some rest. This deployment is hard for both of us, but playing Sea of Thieves makes it so much easier as it just still feels like he is closer to home for me.

    He had helped me become pirate legend back in August, as of two days ago, we obtained our Athena level 10 together!!

    Our plans are to move in together once he is back from deployment. We are also planning to get married now in 2020-2021! We are even planning to have a pirate themed wedding! (Arrrrrrrrr!!!)

    So I just wanted to say. Thank you Rare, and Sea of Thieves, for making this game awesome... because of this game... I have found my soulmate! We call ourselves the Bonnie and Clyde of the Seas... the King and Queen of the Sea of Thieves... and without this game... it probably would have never happened. So thank you once again for being such an amazing gaming community!


    ❤UEG HaloGurl and SPANARD❤

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  • @ueg-halogurl

    That is such a wonderful, wonderful story and thanks so much for sharing it here for us to enjoy too, congratulations to you both!

  • Oh, how heartwarming and romantic this story is. I wish you fair winds on your journey together!

  • @katttruewalker Rare should carve a heart and their player names into a tree or a table! Aye!

  • @KattTruewalker Love the cupid pic!

  • @friedwilly

    That's from a series of pics which Rare released for Valentine's Day :) There are a few others if you google it!

  • i have absolutely enjoyed this story...i don't think that there are many games in the world that can bring people so close to eachother...Although i don't understand some of the abbreviations , i think they have to do with the military language , i really hope that you both become selected to station not that far away…

    i don't think that there is one Pirate that won't wish you the best to the both of you...Both your stories have made my day to see that nothing is impossible. Take care , congratulations and may you have many adventures on the Sea and in real life...Thank you for this great Heartfelt Story.

  • This shows the true power of online games. I myself have not heard of a story like this since my days playing Everquest.

    In a time before World of Warcraft with it's mass appeal, a shared world gaming experience was the domain of computer geeks. EQ was the first time players could meet and adventure in a shared, first-person, three dimension digital gameworld. This game would invent the long grind and power progression.
    Relationships would form, them become more personal. Weddings would occur in-game and IRL.

    That seems like decades ago and electronic entertainment has evolved, but Rare is on to something special and your story is proof of that to me.

    Thanks for sharing, a serviceman and a first responder, may the wind always be at your back.

    /raise tankard

  • Congratulations to you both I wish you love forever and may the wind ever be in your sails , the sun at your back and the waters calm. Know that when the storms of the seas rattle your boat and you feel like the helm is too hard to handle you’ll now have your first mate to help ya steer you both on course. Happy for you both and may you continue to have many adventures together

  • That's awesome! Congrats!

  • Awesome work Pirate!

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