Brand new UK player - Looking for similar casual players!

  • Hi all,
    I’ve recently got myself an Xbox and I’ve been gagging to give Sea of Thieves a good go... I’m usually a solo kinda guy but having read up online, it seems solo in this game is considered fairly difficult and so I’m hoping to join forces with one or two other players to enjoy the game together.
    I’m a 32 year old male from the UK, who mostly games in the evenings (anytime between 7pm - mid night)
    Looking for people of a similar age and chilled out attitude to enjoy the game with, male or female and ideally from the UK.
    I’ve never played it before so more than happy to join forces with someone else in the same noobie “boat” as me, or if someone more experienced fancies taking me under their wing and show me the ropes... even better!
    Thank you all x

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  • @damaged-mind Ahoy! I am 26 from the UK, I play most evenings between the same times. Happy to show ye the ropes, even though I'm not the greatest player, I know my way around a sloop.

  • @ectoling
    Hey! Thanks for the reply and the offer of teaming up, that would be great. I’m tied up a little with family commitments until the weekend but from this Saturday evening onwards il be free... would it be ok to add you and send you another message on Saturday to see if you’re free?

  • @Damaged-Mind I'm from the US, eastern time zone, but I've been playing since before launch and enjoy sailing with new folks and showing the ropes. Feel free to add me!

  • @damaged-mind yes of course! Hopefully I'll see you then!

  • @badrobott
    Hey, thanks for the reply and the kind offer of your help! I will be sure to add you and hopefully catch you online at a similar time one evening soon, your guidance would be much appreciated.
    Thanks again mate.

  • @damaged-mind hello mate, you can add me too. Im 39 from uk been playing for best part of a year and play similar times to you.

  • @nikjw
    Great stuff, cheers mate! As I mentioned in above comment... I won’t be online until Saturday evening sadly but I will be sure to add you and hopefully see you on there at some point during the weekend. Thanks again mate.

  • I'm always on so you are welcome to add me too

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