When it rains....the game throws everything at you

  • My crew and I were casually sailing around last night, managed to find a few skulls and chests, nothing major. The weirdest thing that happened though, occurred after we dropped off our loot.

    We did a drive by (where we sail near an outpost, my crew jumps off with the treasure and I keep sailing), and as they were selling the treasure I was attacked by the kraken. I managed to turn the ship to keep the wind at our backs but the kraken managed to wrap a tentacle around us. We managed to get loose and sailed out of the kraken's reach.

    We noticed a skeleton ship at an island behind where the kraken was. Then I noticed something, Kraken tentacles attacking the skeleton, even though there were still tentacles at the spot where our ship was attacked. It really looked like there were two Krakens in the same vicinity. Well, my crew had the idea of turning around and attacking the skeleton ship and the kraken from outside the kraken's reach.

    Well, that didn't work. As we got closer, the kraken attacked us along with attacking the skeleton ship. Then the skeleton ship fired on us. As we were fighting these two entities, a third popped up, a Megalodon. So now we have 3 types of AI enemies in the same spot. The kraken attacking both my ship and the skeleton ship. The skeleton ship attacking us and now the Meg, that also attacked the skeleton ship. And to top it all off, a thunderstorm rolled right over top of us. Needless to say, we did not survive that encounter.

    In hindsight, it was a bad decision to turn back but our curiosity at seeing the kraken go after a skeleton ship had gotten the better of us. But it was an interesting encounter as I had never seen those 4 elements (Kraken, Meg, Skeleton ship, thunderstorm) together at one spot at the same time.

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  • @kiethblacklion

    By Poseidon's hairy... beard, hahahaha! That was quite some adventure and must have been a sight to behold!

  • @kiethblacklion Billions of blue blistering barnacles but that sounds like an adventure! Sad to hear that they managed to take your vessel beneath the waves in the end -- was the skeleton ship shooting the Kraken's tentacles? Were the various AI threats really and genuinely fighting each other off? If so, that's fantastic!

  • @vorondil1 said in When it rains....the game throws everything at you:

    @kiethblacklion Billions of blue blistering barnacles but that sounds like an adventure! Sad to hear that they managed to take your vessel beneath the waves in the end -- was the skeleton ship shooting the Kraken's tentacles? Were the various AI threats really and genuinely fighting each other off? If so, that's fantastic!

    I don't think the skeletons were firing on the tentacles but the Kraken was genuinely attacking the skeleton ship. After the Kraken pulled me off my ship and I got dropped into the water, I boarded the skeleton ship. As I got to the top of the ladder, the Megalodon bit into the skeleton ship, killing a few skeletons and myself. Unfortunately, my ship sank before I could respawn and so my crew and I have no idea if the kraken or Meg succeeded in finishing off the skeleton ship. After that fight, we decided it would be best to call it a night (kinda hard to top that experience).

    I knew you could use some of the game's elements against each other, but I had no idea just how far that went. Knowing the "boss" AI can and will attack each other, it adds a new level of strategy in dealing with them.

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