
  • I was doing a skull fort and a troll player joined my crew. He wouldn't help with the fort, fired all the cannon balls, and wouldn't leave the ship. I tried to brig him but one of the crew members wouldn't brig him for some reason. I guess he didn't speak English and he wouldn't give me a definite answer. We cleared the fort and sold our stuff and decided to do another fort. He was still being a troll and when we were loading our stuff aboard, he grabbed the megakeg and blew up our ship. Earlier, he detached our rowboat so we had none. Our ship sank and he teleported to the new one. Me and the guy who didn't speak English were trying to load our stuff onto a rowboat on the island when the rowboat got pushed into me and I was teleported back to my ship with the troll. I just needed to sell one more megakeg to get the stronghold achievement and he ruined it. I would say his gamertag, but I don't want to be banned so I won't. This game is testing my patience.

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  • as much as a pain that is, id report him for trolling to rare but remove the name from here as mods will knock you for public naming.

    also, open crew is a gamble. its great for entertainment as most in open crew are clueless. use the official sea of thieves community discord LFG to get a good crew.

  • @familyguy8000 yeah, definately edit his name out or you'll be bang in the barney mate!

  • It's so stupid that I can't say his Gamertag.

  • "...decided to do another fort. He was still being a troll"

  • @familyguy8000 I want to feel sympathy for you but I can't.

    "We finished one fort, got everything turned in while having to deal with the troll.......AND THEN we went to another fort"

    I understand the first time, but you went ahead and went for another fort with a known troll on your ship?

    The person that would not brig him was probably his friend. They were both in on it.

    Next time, if you are lucky enough to finish what you started and got everything turned in, don't try to do another with a known troll onboard.

    I'm sorry all I can say is that second time around is your fault.

    SIDE NOTE The reason why you are not allowed to call players with their names is because its "he said she said." Even if you have proof of a 10 second video, we have no idea what transpired before or after those events. Also, there is no reason to call someone out in the forums. Whatever happens to you in game does not give you enough reasons to use the forums as a place to point fingers. I don't care if you get trolled for 8 hours a day for a week straight. Not only is it a complete waste of time, its stupid to use the forums for that.

    Forums is not a place for a witch hunt, we have a place for trolls and its the reporting system and it works really freaking well. Rare is on top of that stuff.

  • The moment I have a troll on my crew, i let them know I have started recording thier behavior. I then type in what they are doing in chat, and get thier gamertag in the video.

    So far, this has resulted in the troll leaving the game immediately. Once they hear me say "You will get a one day ban from microsoft for breaking the terms of service", they take off immediately.

    I have yet to submit a recording. They always run away before I get in 30 seconds of video.

    PS: Things I would record:
    -Foul/discriminatory language
    -barreling your own crew/ship
    -not relinquishing the wheel after ship has been anchored to avoid island collision
    -repeated dropping of the anchor when attempting to leave anywhere
    -using up all ships supplies needlessly (eating all bananas, firing all cannonballs for no reason)
    -and of course, dumping loot overboard. This one is too hard to catch in time though.

  • @dislex-fx said in Troll:

    "...decided to do another fort. He was still being a troll"

    I know right?

  • I didn't think he would blow us up because the first time he helped turn everything in. At the second fort, he decided to blow us up.

  • Hey @familyguy8000! Just to check real quick -- with this post, are you providing feedback to Rare, or are you looking for help from some of the vets in the community?

  • Feedback to Rare.

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