Ahoy Mates! New to the Forums

  • Been playing since launch with my father and friends. Hit PL in June of last year with my regular crew and been hunting achievements off an on with all the new content drops. Today, I joined the insider program and hope to become a pioneer to test some of the new and upcoming content with my father and friends who are already in the program. This game has provided me with so many good memories in gaming and connectivity with friends who have moved from the local area that I want to do my part to give my feedback and see this adventure continue to be successfu for years to come. SoT continues to get better with every new content drop and the Rare Devs stay engaged like no other game company I have experienced to date. Keep up the awesome work! As for the rest of you scallywags, its been refreshing to read so many posts on the forums offering quality feedback and continued interest in this game. I hope to run into ya on the seas!

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  • @sagefurball Good Luck hope you get in to the next round they do for Pioneers!

  • That was a good read!

  • Ahoy, welcome to the forums! Glad you've enjoyed the game so much, and I hope to hear from you here and on the high seas as well! :)

  • @sagefurball Welcome to the forums mate! Always good to have new faces join us! And good luck getting into the pioneer program :)

  • @sagefurball

    Aye.. welcome abroad matey!!!

  • @iceman-0007 Thank you. Me too, I am looking forward to the Arena and would like to get in and provide feedback. We tend to seek out PVP when playing normally... so a gamemode focused on this will be nice for when your in the mood to test your mettle.

  • @bugaboo-bill Thanks M8, its all about having fun with your crew and making this game the best it can be.

  • @piratecraggy Arr! matey... <raises glass> "Here's to the crew"

  • @vorondil1 Appreciate the warm welcome!

  • @knifelife Thanks M8, are you in the programme? If I get in I will let you know and maybe we can group.

  • @sagefurball Welcome to the forums matey. I think there are many of us that wish to help out in the pioneer program, but let me encourage you that even without being in the pioneer program you can still offer valuable feedback here in these forums. Rare takes a lot of social media feedback into their decision making and these forums are a great way to hash out any idea, fixes, or improvements that can be made to the game. So, you are starting in the right place, and hopefully, will become a consistent contributor.

  • @nofears-fun Thanks for the welcome! I agree that even if I don't get in to the programme, this is definitely the right place to make constructive posts. Glad I joined!

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