Different Athena's Voyages...Revamped From First Post About this Topic.

  • With the Athena's Quest, I somewhat miss doing it with having to turn in Animals, rather than shipping Cargo from one place to another (in the old World). So I am thinking, there should be options if you want to do a AQ that is:

    1. Athena Quest (the one where we turn in Animals than Cargo).
    2. Athena Quest (the one where we turn in Cargo than Animals).
    3. DR Athena Quest (where it was only OOS and Gold Hoarders Quest (this was when they were in the process of adding in cargo runs into the quest).
    4. The Current DR Athena's Quest.

    I may confuse some, if so, just let me know. However what do you guys think?

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  • @prorapidkiller I agree. Maybe not #3, and I'm sure most people will still do cargo run ones because it is faster, but it's always nice to have options.

  • @xcalypt0x True, and now I see why to keep it.

  • On the subject of AQ options i'd really like to see the Pirate Lord offer us voyages that are tailored to our playstyles a bit more. I have thoroughly enjoyed all iterations of Athena Voyages thus far but would really love some more variety.

    What i mean by this is not everyone likes all GH missions or OoS or MA on offer. Most fellow Pirates i have met on the seas prefer 1 or 2 of the 3 factions and then with GH and MA its split between players that like X maps but not riddles and cargo runners or animal catchers. Rarely do i meet a Pirate that likes all of them equally.

    What i'd like to see is the regular AV we currently have as well as the addition of ones tailored to the specific factions voyages on offer e.g.

    The Pirate lord asks you dialog lines to tailor the voyage so you can choose any combination of 8 voyages.
    You are then presented your "Tailored Athena Voyage" containing loot you desire to hunt. Want full skelli captains... go for it, full x-maps... sure, Cargo running more your speed no problems Athena Cargo to thy heart's content.
    Want to mix and match it up in any combo you like whilst leaving out voyages that you despise or loathe go right ahead fellow Pirate, you are a Legend you earnt this right.

    Along with this i'd love to see Athena specific Merchant items as well as Athena Skelli captains maybe... I've put wishes to text for too long now an i'm rambling sorry.

  • @ixxolos That would be cool. I assume we have to do all 3 currently because that is what is required to become PL, but all of that changes with Arena. I wonder if there will be any changes to Athena when that patch drops.

  • @prorapidkiller loses cages has to ditch athena nah I like it the way it is :)

  • I miss the animals. They were a good money maker.

  • @zormis

    No we first get empty coops from merchant voyage and then activate athena. The coops from athena are reserve coops we only pick them up if we lost our merchant coops. :") it never was a problem..

  • @zormis Well you have the other options ;)

  • @ixxolos

    The Pirate lord asks you dialog lines to tailor the voyage so you can choose any combination of 8 voyages.
    You are then presented your "Tailored Athena Voyage" containing loot you desire to hunt. Want full skelli captains... go for it, full x-maps... sure, Cargo running more your speed no problems Athena Cargo to thy heart's content.
    Want to mix and match it up in any combo you like whilst leaving out voyages that you despise or loathe go right ahead fellow Pirate, you are a Legend you earnt this right.

    I like this idea, especially having a quest that is only to one specific task. I would like to have 32 (since for AV they give you 8 skulls 4 per island) Villainous/Hateful to do.

  • I would like to see Athena voyages have more meaning. More story and lore to them. I miss the animals as well. Rare needs to mix up all the voyage types if we cannot select a combination of eight ourselves. If we have to get eight at a time, let each map play out like chapters, allowing us to finish them during future sessions. They save allowing us to pick up where we left off. After we complete the eight chapters, we get the final chapter for the Chest of Legends.

    I am hoping at some point we will progress to becoming a Pirate Lord. Get a hideaway, and become a captain with more control of our ships. At this point I would like to see more depth to the voyages. Riddles and puzzles that span multiple islands to complete. Hazards and traps to avoid. Items to collect and assemble to complete maps. Maybe even find pieces of a map that we need to put together. All done with story and lore that plays out in the chapters so we can work on the progress over time.

  • I don’t like the animal delivery idea for an Athena quest. They are long enough as it is. I don’t deliver the merchant cargo. I just drop it and continue the mission. I don’t care for the riddle treasure hunts. I wish they weren’t apart of the Athena quests

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