[Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.

  • @snowfire said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @enticed-malice said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    I'm ready for the cross play update. Let the good times roll

    alt text

    If that is the xim4, you do know you will be matched with k/m users.

    Thank u for ruining his day. These guys are holding onto anything they can. I get it tho they are all upset for one reason, No more free loot for them.

  • @zuwashi said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @snowfire I don't think he will because it emulates a controller. The system will see it as a usual controller and places him with legit xbox players that don't use third party hardware.

    Edit: If he would just plug in a keyboard and a mouse then the system will place him into the crossplay lobby when MnK gets allowed for xbox.

    Mike Ybarra's tweet on xim4,

    Developers have the choice to use APIs that detect and not allow these. It’s up to them, but the capability is there. https://t.co/jE97R6oj0c

    So rare can do it easy.

  • @snowfire sagte in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @zuwashi said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @snowfire I don't think he will because it emulates a controller. The system will see it as a usual controller and places him with legit xbox players that don't use third party hardware.

    Edit: If he would just plug in a keyboard and a mouse then the system will place him into the crossplay lobby when MnK gets allowed for xbox.

    Mike Ybarra's tweet on xim4,

    Developers have the choice to use APIs that detect and not allow these. It’s up to them, but the capability is there. https://t.co/jE97R6oj0c

    So rare can do it easy.

    If that is true and Rare makes sure that those players won't be matched with us then that would be truly hilarious! I hope that it will be case.

  • @sir-lotus said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Ok, let's do this. Why do I think optional crossplay is a bad decision, my top 10 reasons.

    reason nr. 1

    Put it however you like, the fact is, it does split the community. There are xbox players who will never play with a pc player again. It's a shame, since some people are going to miss out on new friendships. For me, that was always the main point of this game so this is a really disappointing thing to see.

    reason nr. 2

    It will damage already established relationships. Of course people will still play together, if they have friends from other platforms, but we will see situations, I've talked about many months ago. Imagine you're an xbox player, playing with a few xbox friends. One of them wants you to play on an xbox only server. You do it, because why not. Now one of your friends leaves and you'll need someone else to join. Only problem is, your other friends, who are currently online, are all on PC.

    reason nr. 3

    this ties to the previous point, I'll have to keep track of who is playing on which platform, because inviting someone only to tell him "oh sorry, you actually can't play with us" is something I don't want to see happening.

    reason nr. 4

    as I understand it, it's either crossplay, or "xbox with controller only". What about PC and controller? Those guys now have a right to be properly angry about it.

    reason nr. 5

    i'm sorry, but it feels like this is purely business decision. And I kinda get it tbh. The bigger a company/game gets, the more it's about money, than creativity and vision. That's usualy why indie games are the ones, who push the boundaries and bring new things into gaming. I always felt like Rare made decisions about SoT based on their vision, but this time it's different and it makes me sad.

    reason nr. 6

    this sends a message to other developers as well as players. For developers, it's that seamless perfect crossplay isn't yet possible. I honestly thought we were almost there and that more new games will follow this model or at least learn from it. It may sound harsh, but now it will be regarded as a failed attempt to really bring people together and that it not something really worth pursuing or improving right now. (sidenote, i'm not making a prophecy or anything, it's a fact. some of you know, i work with a mid sized dev studio and this is already being talked about in there) as for players, the message is clear. yell about something loud enough and you'll get it. It opens a way to all other ridiculous requests. And for the first time, I'm not convinced, that Rare is strong enough to say no.

    reason nr. 7

    I've said it many times, but I still don't think the PC advantage is that big. Yes, it's there, but I firmly believe, that if you're on xbox, in maybe 75% of fights, the PC player was simply better than you. Not to mention the fact, that a lot of people really can't tell the difference, between PC and xbox player. They simply can't accept, they got killed by someone better than them. And yes, I've made the same claim a few times, when I was new. And I was really surprised, when I learned the other person was actually on xbox as well. (another sidenote, if it wasn't clear till now, I am playing on xbox)

    reason nr. 8

    It really fixes nothing. It's a move to make the vocal players happy. Those of us, who want to play the game as we did, with crossplay on, now feel like we've been kinda kicked to a curb. Will there be future adjustments to bring crossplay as fair as possible? Perhaps, but the message you're sending to us is, that it's not that important to you anymore. Maybe we should have yelled about this more, looks like that would have worked.

    reason nr. 9

    even without it being implemented yet, it already starts arguments inside the community. I'm a part of a few SoT related discord servers and on each of them, people who are good friends started to argue about this. That's not what a game like this is supposed to do and I'm sure it's not something you want to hear.

    reason nr. 10 - closing message to Rare

    I hate it. I hate it, i hate it. :) I've been supporting you from the first time I've heard about this game. It made me go back and play other older Rare games as well. I've made many new friends because of you, you made me start trying to be creative again. I stalk a lot of on twitter, some of you are stalking me as well :), I sometimes talk to some of you and your ex employees on discord. I know you're all very passionate about what you do and I thank you for it. Without your dedication, we wouldn't have a product as amazing as SoT is. That's why it pains me to say, that this move is very disappointing. I don't know where we'll go from here, I still hope good things are coming, but it will never be the same for me...

    I wish i could downvote. Number 7 is flat out ridiculous.

  • It makes me sad that Rare have decided to step away from their "vision" as they so often described it when refusing to make this change early in the discussion.
    What makes me more sad is a statement about not accepting any kind of discrimination against anyone and then in pretty much the next breath, telling us that they will implement a change for only the console players using a controller to opt out of cross play.
    I say all in or all out. Stop these ridiculous half measures. What about PC players playing on controllers. Shouldn't they be able to opt to a new server too.
    If an xbox is playing with a controller and then connects their KB&M will they be kicked from that server?
    The entire situation is a disgrace and I play on both PC and XBone, so don't start flaming me as a "PC player who wants to keep your advantage".

  • @zuwashi said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @snowfire sagte in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @zuwashi said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @snowfire I don't think he will because it emulates a controller. The system will see it as a usual controller and places him with legit xbox players that don't use third party hardware.

    Edit: If he would just plug in a keyboard and a mouse then the system will place him into the crossplay lobby when MnK gets allowed for xbox.

    Mike Ybarra's tweet on xim4,

    Developers have the choice to use APIs that detect and not allow these. It’s up to them, but the capability is there. https://t.co/jE97R6oj0c

    So rare can do it easy.

    If that is true and Rare makes sure that those players won't be matched with us then that would be truly hilarious! I hope that it will be case.

    EPIC games tried and failed miserably. Nice try though.

  • I sincerely believe that if the weapon balancing is done right, then there will be no need to split the player-base. Please, keep working towards your vision of gun and swordplay as it should be and keep the community together.

  • @d3monwo1fx said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @sir-lotus said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Ok, let's do this. Why do I think optional crossplay is a bad decision, my top 10 reasons.

    reason nr. 1

    Put it however you like, the fact is, it does split the community. There are xbox players who will never play with a pc player again. It's a shame, since some people are going to miss out on new friendships. For me, that was always the main point of this game so this is a really disappointing thing to see.

    reason nr. 2

    It will damage already established relationships. Of course people will still play together, if they have friends from other platforms, but we will see situations, I've talked about many months ago. Imagine you're an xbox player, playing with a few xbox friends. One of them wants you to play on an xbox only server. You do it, because why not. Now one of your friends leaves and you'll need someone else to join. Only problem is, your other friends, who are currently online, are all on PC.

    reason nr. 3

    this ties to the previous point, I'll have to keep track of who is playing on which platform, because inviting someone only to tell him "oh sorry, you actually can't play with us" is something I don't want to see happening.

    reason nr. 4

    as I understand it, it's either crossplay, or "xbox with controller only". What about PC and controller? Those guys now have a right to be properly angry about it.

    reason nr. 5

    i'm sorry, but it feels like this is purely business decision. And I kinda get it tbh. The bigger a company/game gets, the more it's about money, than creativity and vision. That's usualy why indie games are the ones, who push the boundaries and bring new things into gaming. I always felt like Rare made decisions about SoT based on their vision, but this time it's different and it makes me sad.

    reason nr. 6

    this sends a message to other developers as well as players. For developers, it's that seamless perfect crossplay isn't yet possible. I honestly thought we were almost there and that more new games will follow this model or at least learn from it. It may sound harsh, but now it will be regarded as a failed attempt to really bring people together and that it not something really worth pursuing or improving right now. (sidenote, i'm not making a prophecy or anything, it's a fact. some of you know, i work with a mid sized dev studio and this is already being talked about in there) as for players, the message is clear. yell about something loud enough and you'll get it. It opens a way to all other ridiculous requests. And for the first time, I'm not convinced, that Rare is strong enough to say no.

    reason nr. 7

    I've said it many times, but I still don't think the PC advantage is that big. Yes, it's there, but I firmly believe, that if you're on xbox, in maybe 75% of fights, the PC player was simply better than you. Not to mention the fact, that a lot of people really can't tell the difference, between PC and xbox player. They simply can't accept, they got killed by someone better than them. And yes, I've made the same claim a few times, when I was new. And I was really surprised, when I learned the other person was actually on xbox as well. (another sidenote, if it wasn't clear till now, I am playing on xbox)

    reason nr. 8

    It really fixes nothing. It's a move to make the vocal players happy. Those of us, who want to play the game as we did, with crossplay on, now feel like we've been kinda kicked to a curb. Will there be future adjustments to bring crossplay as fair as possible? Perhaps, but the message you're sending to us is, that it's not that important to you anymore. Maybe we should have yelled about this more, looks like that would have worked.

    reason nr. 9

    even without it being implemented yet, it already starts arguments inside the community. I'm a part of a few SoT related discord servers and on each of them, people who are good friends started to argue about this. That's not what a game like this is supposed to do and I'm sure it's not something you want to hear.

    reason nr. 10 - closing message to Rare

    I hate it. I hate it, i hate it. :) I've been supporting you from the first time I've heard about this game. It made me go back and play other older Rare games as well. I've made many new friends because of you, you made me start trying to be creative again. I stalk a lot of on twitter, some of you are stalking me as well :), I sometimes talk to some of you and your ex employees on discord. I know you're all very passionate about what you do and I thank you for it. Without your dedication, we wouldn't have a product as amazing as SoT is. That's why it pains me to say, that this move is very disappointing. I don't know where we'll go from here, I still hope good things are coming, but it will never be the same for me...

    I wish i could downvote. Number 7 is flat out ridiculous.

    Me too, then I would downvote your post for being wrong :)

  • @zormis please tell me how I am wrong? :)

  • @enticed-malice said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @zuwashi said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @snowfire sagte in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @zuwashi said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @snowfire I don't think he will because it emulates a controller. The system will see it as a usual controller and places him with legit xbox players that don't use third party hardware.

    Edit: If he would just plug in a keyboard and a mouse then the system will place him into the crossplay lobby when MnK gets allowed for xbox.

    Mike Ybarra's tweet on xim4,

    Developers have the choice to use APIs that detect and not allow these. It’s up to them, but the capability is there. https://t.co/jE97R6oj0c

    So rare can do it easy.

    If that is true and Rare makes sure that those players won't be matched with us then that would be truly hilarious! I hope that it will be case.

    EPIC games tried and failed miserably. Nice try though.

    That was epic, this is rare. Are you that bad that you need a cheating advantage?,.

  • @snowfire epic, a billion dollar company vs rare. sorry bad argument!

  • @d3monwo1fx said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @zormis please tell me how I am wrong? :)

    Everyone on my friends list but one is on Xbox, and even that PC player uses a controller. They wreck PC players all the time, and they have been called PC players plenty of times. We hardly ever get sunk and if does manage to happen we get our revenge :)

    I think a lot of people who cry about PC imbalances are just simply bad, the only big advantage I have seen is macro double gunning which is getting fixed.

    We put up our reapers flag and do forts, we get attacked all the time I am in several PVP skirmashes a night, I wonder how many PC complainers get into as many fights as us. Because other the DG, none of them complain about PC players.

  • @snowfire said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @enticed-malice said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @zuwashi said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @snowfire sagte in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @zuwashi said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @snowfire I don't think he will because it emulates a controller. The system will see it as a usual controller and places him with legit xbox players that don't use third party hardware.

    Edit: If he would just plug in a keyboard and a mouse then the system will place him into the crossplay lobby when MnK gets allowed for xbox.

    Mike Ybarra's tweet on xim4,

    Developers have the choice to use APIs that detect and not allow these. It’s up to them, but the capability is there. https://t.co/jE97R6oj0c

    So rare can do it easy.

    If that is true and Rare makes sure that those players won't be matched with us then that would be truly hilarious! I hope that it will be case.

    EPIC games tried and failed miserably. Nice try though.

    That was epic, this is rare. Are you that bad that you need a cheating advantage?,.

    Everyone against this that’s complaining obviously loves the unfair advantages and free loot bc they wouldn’t care about this change if they didn’t.

  • @enticed-malice Microsoft own rare, a trillion dollars company.

  • AM happy about the change. Will be selecting Xbox-only once it is available as an option.

    For those of you outraged or whatever (player base is huge and certainly there will still be plenty of full servers so I’m not seeing a proble) we’ll see what happens in the PvP potential imbalance issue. At the very least you won’t have to respond to constant complains about imbalance anymore (big plus!). No doubt, when hundreds of “cheating Xbox” player threads show up you’ll be proven correct that there was never an imbalance (no doubt you’ll be waiting a long time for those). In the meantime, I for one am glad for the change.

  • Why would this even be necessary if the weapons are being balanced and keyboard/mouse support added to console? The only advantages a PC player might have is faster and more accurate aim with a mouse and good monitor. But how often would this even matter? I've played probably 500 hours on PC and I almost always use a controller. I don't know what the console players are complaining about. I can aim better with a controller.

    I don't see why Rare couldn't optimize the matchmaking more to match players of similar skill level. I think that would solve the real problem, not dividing up the community where one side gets to choose and the other doesn't. They should understand why this is upsetting to PC and even Xbox players.

    The other thing is cheating with PC. In my 500 hours or so, I don't think I've run into a single cheater. And I primarily play for PvP. If this is really a problem, Rare should be able to hire engineers/contractors to implement proper anti-cheat tech. Yes, they are expensive, but Rare is backed by Microsoft.

    From what I can tell, this change is causing more distress than anything. There are some players that are happy about it, but it seems like a previously vocal minority.

    I hope this isn't a lazy workaround for unbalanced matchmaking and cheaters, and I hope Rare really knows what they are doing and they have some data we are not privy to. Please don't kill your own game.

  • Going to add another point

    How many people have been on SoT discord and see "LF PVP Group, must be on PC players only" I'm betting 0
    Some people (like me) are very competitive, if PC had some sort of huge advantage you would see this all the time.

  • @snowfire im sorry but cheating is a violation of terms of service and I do not participate in cheating. Please refrain from accusing people of cheating. Thank you.

  • @jingleberry69 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Why would this even be necessary if keyboard/mouse support added to console?

    Like seriously? I don’t want to play on M&K. Your advising them forcing me to play M&K to have a fair playing field...? Give me a break. Go try telling PC players that they need to play any game using a controller. See how that goes. What a joke

  • @enticed-malice said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @snowfire im sorry but cheating is a violation of terms of service and I do not participate in cheating. Please refrain from accusing people of cheating. Thank you.

    It IS against the terms of service.

  • @SnowfirE yes cheating IS, like I said in my previous. Where in those terms are the 3 letters XIM. We are getting off track. Bring on cross play! This is exciting!

  • Just to reiterate
    @marrl said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Hey everyone,

    Just a reminder that this thread is for discussion about this change to the game not a platform to launch personal attacks. Please keep the conversation civil and on topic even if you disagree with what a previous poster has said.

    We will be deleting posts that do not:
    -Adhere to forum rules about respecting other players
    -Contribute to the conversation

    We appreciate that you are all so passionate about the game but encourage you to make sure your post follows the above.

    Below is a link to the forum rules:


    Please stay on topic and refrain from engaging in personal arguments.

    Remember that agreeing to disagree is also an option.

    Here's the thing......... By the time the console/ controller servers are implemented an entire year of SOT's will have been played using only cross play. In that time most of us have created friendships with players who use both PC and Consoles. I happen to be one of the console players who will stay in crossplay due to those friends. Guys like @Shugmat & @Swan amongst many others have been awesome shipmates along with many others. It was a great ploy by RARE to force the cross play for as long as they did!

  • @zormis said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Going to add another point

    How many people have been on SoT discord and see "LF PVP Group, must be on PC players only" I'm betting 0
    Some people (like me) are very competitive, if PC had some sort of huge advantage you would see this all the time.

    This 100%. As a PC player I happily play with Xbox players for PvP. And we win. I’ve also died at the hands of Xbox players plenty of times.

    At the end of the day this will have ZERO positive effect on the balance of this game. The PC vs. Xbox balance only matters if the players behind the controller/keyboard are equally as skilled, and even then we’re fighting in an environment with a lot going on.... cannonballs/skeletons/sharks, and you expect me to believe that playing against PC players has caused you to lose more often? Absolutely not!

    At the end of the day, Rare has bent over backwards, compromised on the crossplay vision, and disrupted the community more than ever all so that people can feel better about their losses, even though the change will have little to no effect on the reason they asked for this in the first place.

    So far, people who support this have only been able to come up with one argument for the optional crossplay, not even a good argument mind you, and everyone against it can come up with 10 different reasons why this is wrong for Sea of Thieves. I’m sad, dumbfounded, and completely disappointed that Rare truly thought this was right. I hope our feedback doesn’t fall on deaf ears.

  • @tak225 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Great update and exactly what is needed optional cross play is required the combat advantage to mouse and keyboard with guns makes it required I was a very in favour of cross play at the beginning as long as thing seems equal not matter control method but with the games twitch popularity and the influx of hyper aggressive pc players it has become obvious that is not the case you can tell when your up against pc players because they get perfect sniper shot even from distance a impossible shot with controller and the get on your ship and jump around like crazy while get perfect head shots and double gunning you and the only way I can see this working is having swords only as this won't happen the cross play optional was needed

    My question to people who use this argument is, how much of your play time is taken up with gun play?

    The rest of your post just mentions "hyper Aggressive PC players"

    Those "hyper aggressive Players" as they should be called will still be there on Xbox.

    My last question is what are people going to complain about then?

    oh wait I know, probably how all the PvE elements keep rolling over them and how the PvE elements must be on a PC and therefore they want optional PvE

  • @chronodusk said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @zormis said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Going to add another point

    How many people have been on SoT discord and see "LF PVP Group, must be on PC players only" I'm betting 0
    Some people (like me) are very competitive, if PC had some sort of huge advantage you would see this all the time.

    This 100%. As a PC player I happily play with Xbox players for PvP. And we win. I’ve also died at the hands of Xbox players plenty of times.

    At the end of the day this will have ZERO positive effect on the balance of this game. The PC vs. Xbox balance only matters if the players behind the controller/keyboard are equally as skilled, and even then we’re fighting in an environment with a lot going on.... cannonballs/skeletons/sharks, and you expect me to believe that playing against PC players has caused you to lose more often? Absolutely not!

    At the end of the day, Rare has bent over backwards, compromised on the crossplay vision, and disrupted the community more than ever all so that people can feel better about their losses, even though the change will have little to no effect on the reason they asked for this in the first place.

    So far, people who support this have only been able to come up with one argument for the optional crossplay, not even a good argument mind you, and everyone against it can come up with 10 different reasons why this is wrong for Sea of Thieves. I’m sad, dumbfounded, and completely disappointed that Rare truly thought this was right. I hope our feedback doesn’t fall on deaf ears.

    LOL the only reason why this happened was is clear. It’s called a unfair advantage.

  • @enticed-malice said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @SnowfirE yes cheating IS, like I said in my previous. Where in those terms are the 3 letters XIM. We are getting off track. Bring on cross play! This is exciting!

    Last one
    This is from Xbox live code of conduct:
    Don’t cheat or tamper. For example, don't:Use unauthorised hardware or software.

  • @snowfire said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @enticed-malice said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @SnowfirE yes cheating IS, like I said in my previous. Where in those terms are the 3 letters XIM. We are getting off track. Bring on cross play! This is exciting!

    Last one
    This is from Xbox live code of conduct:
    Don’t cheat or tamper. For example, don't:Use unauthorised hardware or software.

    So they specifically state xim is unauthorized? I sure don't see that there. Nice try though. You are continuing to derail this topic, look above where the mod said to keep things pertaining to this topic!

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