What is happening?

  • I was playing yesterday when I was approached by a player who shot at me. I shot back then my screen froze and I was booted. This seems to happen every so often but not until I'm approached by a player. Thoughts.

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  • @paladindh Hmm, that is pretty odd. Are you on PC or Xbox? I would definitely make a support ticket with as many details as you can provide.

  • @ionei-falcon on xbox

  • "The most powerful gaming console"

    phill spencer is the new todd howard

  • @urihamrayne said in What is happening?:

    "The most powerful gaming console"

    phill spencer is the new todd howard

    Hardly fair. They delivered on their promise. I don't have one but the Xbox One X is an impressive piece of hardware for the price.

    If I didn't have a good PC, I'd probably get one to replace my old Day One Xbox One.

    Phil also seems like a likeable dude. Xbox is in good hands.

  • @realstyli yet SoT is locked at 30 fps, I mean come on Phill don't make it easy to mock your console.

  • @urihamrayne said in What is happening?:

    @realstyli yet SoT is locked at 30 fps, I mean come on Phill don't make it easy to mock your console.

    Locked at 30fps because the hardware, yes, Xbox One S can't do 60fps. Xbox One X might be able to do a performance mode (60fps, 1080p, like FH4). But that would be down to Rare to do and would require a lot more optimisation, but it might come one day.

    But we're talking about a device, Xbox One X, that costs, what, €500? For that price, the results are great from what I've seen.

  • @realstyli I don't work with maybes, it's either yes or no, and Xbox is a hard no. If only it was a 30 fps cut only to make the graphics look amazing, but they are sub par compared to PC, even at the same settings, Xbox lags behind in LOD and FOV.

    Microsoft has yet to release a piece of hardware or software that is actually good. Rare is on the clear in this matter in my book.

  • @urihamrayne this isn't good feedback this is aganist TOS btw id be careful.

  • @natiredgals in what way is this a tos breach

  • @urihamrayne not allowed to belittle someone esles device?

  • @natiredgals I'm farily certain I can criticize microsoft for providing sub par products for me to purchase, as if I can't hold any standards to what my hard earned money should be spent on.

  • @urihamrayne said in What is happening?:

    "The most powerful gaming console"

    phill spencer is the new todd howard

    He never said he had a one x, he might have an original xbox one. I play one x and have never had any issues. Phil isn't lying either, it is the most powerful console on the market.

  • @urihamrayne I've seen people get banned for jt though just saying

  • @urihamrayne said in What is happening?:

    @realstyli I don't work with maybes, it's either yes or no, and Xbox is a hard no. If only it was a 30 fps cut only to make the graphics look amazing, but they are sub par compared to PC, even at the same settings, Xbox lags behind in LOD and FOV.

    Microsoft has yet to release a piece of hardware or software that is actually good. Rare is on the clear in this matter in my book.

    It's quite evident you don't want to listen to actual facts, I'll just say go watch Digital Foundry videos about Xbox One X, it might change your PCMR attitude. It's just ironic that you're anti-MS and Xbox yet playing Sea of Thieves on a PC, on Xbox Live no less.

    Anyway, back on topic, @PaladinDH, if your Xbox is in an enclosed space try moving to somewhere where it has more room to breathe. It could be the hardware is overheating. Though this would be common in a lot of games, if it's the case.

    Alternatively, try moving the game to another storage location (internal to external, or vice versa).

    Or it could be you need to reinstall. However, given that you'll need to reinstall the whole game in 3 weeks time when the next patch hits, you might want to wait for that anyway.

  • MS azure makes it so you're generally grouped up with other people in your region. So if you've got a western EU IP you'll be put on the Amsterdam Azure server, if you meet other players the system will try to make it as smooth as possible with the latency you both have.

    If you or the other person has a VPN set up and the system lets you meet up with someone who is actually in western europe while you're in the US then it will probably lag you out a lot. (maybe even crashing you)

    So my question is: Are you by any chanse using a VPN? I see a lot of promotion for VPN's on the internet and for gaming it's not good thing to use.

  • @realstyli

    hurr you can't play games from a publisher you dislike

    Does microsoft pay you to be this defensive about them?

    It was digital foundry that helped point out the downgrades between pc and xbox, they won't help your case. I advocate for even playing fields, that includes performance and graphical fidelity as well, if microsoft can't provide hardware that runs at the very least 60 fps, it's their failure.

  • This seems to have gone off topic

  • @urihamrayne said in What is happening?:


    hurr you can't play games from a publisher you dislike

    Does microsoft pay you to be this defensive about them?

    It was digital foundry that helped point out the downgrades between pc and xbox, they won't help your case. I advocate for even playing fields, that includes performance and graphical fidelity as well, if microsoft can't provide hardware that runs at the very least 60 fps, it's their failure.

    Microsoft doesn't have to pay me to have an objective opinion. Neither do Apple (I own a MacBook Pro and an iPhone), neither do Nintendo (I have a Wii and Switch), neither do Sony (I have a PS4) - I love them all for different reasons, and they all have faults, but I speak my own mind based on facts presented.

    I never said it was as good as a PC, if it was I wouldn't have spent over €1400 on mine. Fact is, you're asking a lot for a device at €500, bearing in mind its 4k Blu Ray drive, HDR, and media capabilities too. I think for that price it does a remarkable job. And if you actually listen to Digital Foundry, you will find they share the same sentiment.

    For anyone who has the money, I would absolutely recommend getting a PC instead, as most of the games are on both, but Xbox One X is incredibly good value for anyone on a budget.

    And, yes, this is getting off topic, and PCMR fanboy opinions have nothing to do with the OPs problem - a problem which doesn't seem to be widespread, so is not a problem systemic of Xbox but likely affects a small number of players.

  • @realstyli

    I can be an apologist for a sub par product because the lower price makes it ok! You only want Xbox to perform as well as the PC because you are a fanboy.

    It's like I'm talking to xbox customer service.

  • @urihamrayne said in What is happening?:


    I can be an apologist for a sub par product because the lower price makes it ok! You only want Xbox to perform as well as the PC because you are a fanboy.

    It's like I'm talking to xbox customer service.

    You want miracles fine. But don't use quote blocks to put words in my mouth, thank you. This conversation is over.

  • @realstyli I want competency, not "good enough for it's price". But I suppose it's asking for a miracle when it's the first attempt on this console business for microsoft right? Oh wait, we are on the 8th generation of consoles, 3rd for Xbox.

    I don't know what to expect next from console downgrade apologists, maybe next time they'll be telling me that I need to buy the game on both the xbox and pc in order to have access to the game, because "it's the least I can do to help out these struggling developers".

    What a joke.

  • As this thread has been derailed by personal arguments and is not on topic any longer, it will now be locked.

    @UrihamRayne @RealStyli , Please refrain from making off topic posts and engaging in personal arguments . It is a violation of our Forum rules.

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