Sweet sweet justice

  • (Warning video contains bad language)

    sinking ships for the skullfort

    Hopped into open crew (as usual) doing some chill voyages, saw no ships the whole time so we decide to do the skullfort..

    At the time the pvp kicks off its just two of us, we take out a sloop, two briggs and a galleon, I anchor them as I'm keeping them occupied my teammate swam out with a keg to finish them off, they get krakened coming back to us which gave us time to load up (thanks devs) they escape the kraken but get ghost shipped (thanks again) I load up a ballast ball and my teammate delivers the fatal shot.

    After we sell, our next voyage is at sailors bounty, as we approach.. Yup they got a respawn there! The battle ensues again, eventually get them lined up behind for a keg, killing two of them and they sink again, was a fun night.

    At first these guys were majorly trash talking more than what's shown (thought I clipped more than I did) until I told one on the ferry that was apologising that it's ok I've clipped footage ready for reporting, and then he came more apologetic, he ended up seemingly cool by the end of it though.

    So we won the loot, we won the battles, I hold no hard feelings, I told the guy on the ferry at the end it's cool it's only a game (which he replies see you on the battle field mate) somtimes the pve likes to dish out some good karma 😂

    Seing as how I hadn't clipped as much as I thought and the change in attitude and the fact we won I never bothered to report, thankfully it was me and good adult open crew teammates they ran into and not other kids playing and hopefully they now have a change In attitude.

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