New Bildge Rat Event?

  • Been a few weeks with no event etc, any news?

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  • A competitive game mode is coming to the game in early 2019. Soon™
    link text

  • @conal-cuan I know this but it’s still a ways away would like events in between or something.

  • @corrupt-fellow due to the multiple occurrences of bugs every week last year, Rare announced they would be moving away from weekly updates to a more "whenever it's ready" type of approach. Good stuff is definitely on the way, though, not to worry. 👍

  • They could repeat the previous events when there is such content draught. Plenty of players who haven't done them and the old players can help the new ones.

  • @archaell I wanna know what's eating Duke, and I want a nice new hat, sword and some ship cosmetics. Got a big pile of doobies burning a hole in my pocket.

    Plus I really look forward to each new iteration of SoT even if all that's new is that Duke has a major case of "the fear".

  • @corrupt-fellow ahoy there fellow Pirate!

    Whilst others have highlighted the (hopefully) imminent release of Arena (I guess end of Feb), we also have to remember that the doors of Rare closed down for a week or so for the festivities, not to mention a load of bug fixes that were required following the gilded voyages.

    I would assume we will get a BRA soon(ish), a sit's a long time until the end of February without new content for us older Pirates who have been there and done that already!

    SIDE NOTE: Kinda hoping forts are left as are, though I know they likely will not be...

  • @sshteeve what's happening to forts?

  • @theassassinoath Ughh they need a bigger team then

  • @sshteeve What do you mean Forts left as are?

  • @corrupt-fellow oh but they supposedly have 4 teams! Each team works on a different update and that's how they can make consecutive content drops. Doesn't get better than that if you ask me!

    Game development is difficult and requires lots of testing. Therefore it requires a bit of time to perfect an update. That's why they need more than a week, so that it goes through the pioneers first as a sort of screening and they can then get the green light to release it to the wider audience after enough testing. They've also got to give themselves enough time to make any changes pioneers might emphasize are required.

    Hope that clears things up for you a little bit!

  • @corrupt-fellow in constant rotation rather than back to one very 4 hours.

  • @sshteeve ohhhh.

    Yeah I hope they keep the constant rotation too.

  • @sshteeve They are planning to switch it back?

  • @sshteeve It kind of becomes a problem when they release an update (Jan 3rd) that introduces a bunch of problems and then no news on whether they are going to hotfix any of them in the meantime.

    Waiting for bigger content updates is one thing, but they should be a bit more flexible to address issues that are interrupting service or creating an immediate gameplay problem.

  • They should release something soon to keep the momentum going

  • @d3adst1ck said in New Bildge Rat Event?:

    @sshteeve It kind of becomes a problem when they release an update (Jan 3rd) that introduces a bunch of problems and then no news on whether they are going to hotfix any of them in the meantime.

    Waiting for bigger content updates is one thing, but they should be a bit more flexible to address issues that are interrupting service or creating an immediate gameplay problem.

    I can tell you that Joe confirmed 3 things coming in the next update:

    • Stream sniping protection - ability to hide other player's names if you are streaming
    • A nerf to the double-gunning one-shot exploit
    • A fix for Nvidia graphics issues

    There may be more but they were the 3 ones I remember.

  • @sshteeve

    Why are you saying that? As far as I know, Skeleton Forts are not planned to be back to every 3 hours!

    It might be reviewed for the Skeleton Ships Battle tho:

  • That's great news @skulliah!

    I'm guessing they'll be releasing a hotfix update next week.

  • I just want to know why they removed the barnacle ship set from Duke?

    They don't have another event ready to rock so why not let us keep shooting for that?

  • @bloodfrenzy187 Yeah I wanted that! I have enough doubloons for it now of course

  • We need to earn some wayward tokens!

  • @dyfrin huh

  • @skulliah I was saying I want them in the new rotation and not every 3 to 4 hours!

  • I hope they release a roadmap soon. Keeping my fingers crossed!

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