Kraken Pulls Plug on Game

  • Anyone else feel like when the Kraken appears your game just ended?

    I frequently am sailing alone and enjoying a merchant mission when a Kraken appears. It is fairly certain your ship is now guaranteed sunk, you are dead, and any loot you had is now gone. Generally the way of death appears to be a tentacle reaching inside the boat and holding you up in the air so you can watch as your boat sink. I'm not sure if this is the funnest part of the game... I also enjoy having a pirate chase my empty boat for hours on end.

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  • I'm usually okay when I'm solo or duo slooping. As soon as I hear the telltale "kraken" music, I quickly come about and make haste for the nearest clear water. Then I focus on repairing and bailing, mostly staying below deck until I'm free. The key is to make sure you're heading out of the black water as quickly as possible, and stay alive and on the boat at all costs. Don't try to fight the kraken, except perhaps to free your ship from a tentacle. As long as you do that, you'll survive and break free.

    When I'm with my crew in our brigantine, however, it's a different story. The kraken almost always sinks us. Brigs are fragile to begin with, and if the tentacle covers the hatch, especially with one or more of us off the's all over.

    I don't mind the battle though. We get a bit better every time. I think we've had a bit of bad luck is all. The last time the kraken sank us, we were able to save all the loot thanks to our rowboat and a very determined crewmate. So that's something to consider.

  • Pop up events dont belong in free open world. They should make it free roaming enemies and players can choose try to evade, escape or fight whatever they like. Pop up clouds are ok too i guess while thats less fun.

    I dont like some monster fanatic to control my game when i try to play a free pirate

  • Depends on my crew. With good people the Kraken is easy, but since some people dont know what to do, it can get really tricky sometimes.


    @Xultanis-Dragon made a good video talking about fighting the kraken solo. I've had good luck fighting the kraken most of the time and even I learned a thing or two from him. Check it out and you might have better luck next time you run into it.

  • soloing the kraken is trivial, shoot it instead of going to the forums when one pops up

  • I used to hide and repair when the Kraken came calling, then I learned how to kill it... I just got my 'Legendary Kraken Hunter' title this evening.

    Once you get your first solo victory over Karen, you'll almost look forward to her visits.

    Don' t hide, shoot each tentacle like it bullied you in grade school, and you'll no longer fear her arrival.

  • Nyah, Karen is like that bad relationship you had in High School, that always manages to find you and pop back into your life every few years. Just keep walking and ignore her.
    Have yet to beat her solo, but have always been able to just sail on thru patch bailing with no issue (unless yer pulled off). Managed to do it tonight in a duo, so methinks I just need to refine the solo game.

  • Nah, it's pretty easy to escape him - just keep sailing to one specific direction (preferably w/ full wind sails) 'till you get to the blue water...
    Not that hard to beat him solo as well, you just gotta have a decent amount of resources on your ship (~50 wood and cannonballs).
    Beat him solo last week while a purple meg was around attacking my ship... With roughly that same amount of resources. Kraken's loot is worth dogshit tho, they really need to boost it a little bit.

  • Fight back. Kill him!

  • @martinelli break line of sight of the one trying to grab you. You can also do enough damage to interrupt it, but it can go wrong with that approach.

    I have defeated it multiple times while solo. Once I was at a cannon when she blocked off the entrance to head to the hull and still managed to get her to let go before the damage was fatal and defeat her.

    The threats on the sea can be learned to be defeated, even when solo. Just analyze what went wrong and learn from it.

  • @martinelli said in Kraken Pulls Plug on Game:

    Anyone else feel like when the Kraken appears your game just ended?

    Nope, I'm desperately hoping for Karen to show up when setting sails. Still waiting for my chance to beat up Karen and Megan together. Karen is pretty easy especially on a sloop, just make sure to not sail with low supplies.

  • @martinelli Kraken I'm starting to hate the bloody thing. It seems to show up at the worse times.

    2 days ago me and a friend ran into the Kraken and we actually wanted to kill him because he needed the accommodation. We took down 6 tentacles no problem, hull is dry, next thing I know a meg came in hit our ship (didn't even hear him), I flew in the air AND got sucked by the kraken, friend died, I get let go and swim back to the ship but it sunk before I got to the ladder.

    I feel it shouldn't spawn in PVP fights (unless both get swallowed) or let megs/skelly ships attack you.

  • @genuine-heather exactly, the Kraken isn't a problem in a Galleon or Sloop at all. It's the brig that does it. The tentacle wrap used to be handled quite easily with sword swipes, just do a few combos at it and it let you go. One person was often enough to get it to let go.

    Now I also don't mind that it changed to having to fire against one of those tentacles that sicks out of the water and all but there are two factors that mean insta death.

    1. The Tentacle wraps on your brig, covers your route down (either because you're at the front end with no way of getting back there or it's just over the hatch and you just got smacked (3 holes + holes caused by the tentacle gives no time to kill the tentacle.
    2. The tentacle wraps so you can't get cannonballs and you just can't kill the tentacle with the ammo you've got left.

    I feel the tentacle wrap is a bit too powerfull and could use a little nerf. Maybe have it let go after 3 combos again (not die ofc just let go) and we'll be able to fight it off again.

    On a galleon we're often just fine because of the firepower and the fact that the tentacle rarely wraps in sush a way as to prevent us getting ammo and/ or repairs but on a brig it's just an instant death unless 2 people are on cannons and kill the tentacle within a few seconds.

  • @martinelli Yeah for me the only thing that ruins the Kraken encouners is when it wraps its tentacle around the entrance to the lower decks and prevents you being able to bail water and is basically an instant game over.

    It’s one of the main reasons I don’t particularly enjoy playing the brig or Galleon now, especially since it’s spawn rate has been increased dramatically.

    On the sloop I actually feel the balance is good, it’s still really challenging but it doesn’t feel unfair for me. When I get sunk by a Kraken on the sloop I can usually pinpoint the mistake I made and try not to do it again.

  • @knifelife

    It’s s ‘great game’mechanic btw =) blocking the stairs is a terrible idea, I’ve suggested removing that tentacle from the encounter. There are situations where it’s only one guy on the boat, who might be occupied with shooting the tentacles.

    If you don’t know the encounter, the norm of the fight is to leave someone on the stairs, you almost sink every time. Due to being in the wrong placement.

    Kraken fight;

    1. wrap front
    2. wrap back

    Suggestion about loot;

    1. longer sink timers 15 minutes
    • 5-7 minutes sailing
    • 1-3 minutes looking for the loot within the “ this is about where I sank”
      -5 minutes to collect everything from the NPC encounter.

    The timer on the merchant items is perfect, I can always get my stuff back, gold hoarder and order of souls always sink to the bottom ( I made a post about this but no one replied)

    I dislike the tentacle around the middle, I had a guy board my ship, hit the anchor AS she wrapped the boat. Blocking us from the invader, anchor and stairs.
    We sunk because we were unable to get to him and we were unable to get under the boat to repair.

  • Just made another post about this, but not necessarily about it being an "instant death" (because it isn't, just shoot the tentacles next to your boat when they rise and go in your boat when one is sucking in air). But I do think the Kraken needs to have its loot boosted and centralized. It messes with you worse than the other two random spawns, for less loot that you have to actively go find.

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