Game seems to crash my pc. resets pc

  • My pc is running fine 8600k 1080ti and a xfx pro 650watt psu, no issues in anny other modern AAA games like AC odeesye and others.
    My problem is only accuring in this game, this is the secound time it hapands/secound time i try sea of thieves, i play for 15 min and my pc shuts off and starts up again seems like the game crashes the pc and force it to restart.
    any one ells got this issue ?

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  • i found the problem, if there is any form of OC on the system it happends.

  • @xfxforce92 my friend has this same trouble

  • check your cpu temps if your pc is shutting off and rebooting it maybe a hardware problem the game may be putting extra stress on it whitch is causing it i have a similar set up as you and run fine.. first thing i would do it check all your temps and launch the game with your task manager open and see if anything peeks and holds at that peek. hope this helps

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