New Feature - Free Look

  • After alot of discussion with some pirates across the digital seas the free look ability would be a welcomed addition to the game.

    At present Free Look is incorporated to an extent (Helm, Sails & Ladders)

    An ability to free look while running would be great but above all it would be great if the player animations complimented the free look. I will give an example;

    Your crewmate is on the helm. You make him aware of a ship in the distance on the right hand side. In his client he is looking in that direction but to everyone else he is still staring straight ahead.

    Having the players head move in the direction he is actually looking would be great for knowing that the ones without mics and have the ability to confirm you will be able to see if they are actually looking in the said direction.

    I wouldnt imagine this feature being too difficult to incorporate but would be a nice added touch.

    So to round up my post....

    Allow free look while running and have the heads move in the direction the player is looking whether they are running, on the helm, on ladders or adjusting the sails.

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  • so your talking moving head while having control of different items like sails, canons etc? I know the head moves a tiny bit up and down, but not to much. This could add a little more immersion if implemented correctly.

  • @enticed-malice disse em New Feature - Free Look:

    so your talking moving head while having control of different items like sails, canons etc? I know the head moves a tiny bit up and down, but not to much. This could add a little more immersion if implemented correctly.

    I make his words my words.

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