A Letter from a Pirate Fashion Victim

  • Dear sir or madam

    I am currently facing a pirate fashion crisis, I do not seem to be able to find the style and look that I would like to go for in the sea of thieves.
    I believe this is due to a lack of bandana selection, namely colours in this fair land.
    Can we please see, for example an orange/yellow one for the Royal Sovereign a light blue for the Bilge Rats and a red/dark blue for the Admiral, as well as a purple legend one would be nice.
    But best of all would be a plain black or white one to go with everything, this would be greatly further my fashion ambitions in the sea of thieves.

                                        Yours faithfully a concerned pirate fashion victim.
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  • @xboxonegeek I like this. I like this a lot. Pretty sure there's only one bandana in game at the moment and I'd love to see some more options. Perhaps even the ability to dye clothing to get even more variety out there!

  • @luciansanchez82 Thank you it would be great to see this in the game and i think it would not take a lot of work to do and would add so mush

  • If the skellies at the forts have them why can't us pirates!!!!

  • The lack of bandanna headwear is a serious problem for me too. Fortunately for me, the one color available works.

    Personally, I want the UN Peacekeeper blue the skellies wear.

    Also, a version with the knot in front.

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