Prevent the doubleshot issue.

  • So how would you prevent it to be used?

    I'd go for a mandatory sword and gun equip.

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  • @reapinglegion I think itll be along the lines of an animation delay so players can still play how they want

  • @reapinglegion dijo en Prevent the doubleshot issue.:

    So how would you prevent it to be used?

    I'd go for a mandatory sword and gun equip.

    No please. That would reduce the options, strategies and ways of playing.

    A delay it is what should be done.
    Remove double gun would be a disaster.

  • Ideally, I'd go for a combination of factors.
    I'd make it so that a firearm cannot be shot until the drawing animation has completed (brought the firearm across your body and held outward) - which is basically the delay most suggest.
    Plus, I would like to add a 'holstering' animation to put the equipped firearm away, before drawing the next weapon. That'd add a little bit more time between swapping and firing.

    This second change would also help prevent the EoR/sword from being able to take advantage of running up with a quick EoR hip shot, followed by quick death from my cutlass. ;) (I mean, it'd still be a valid attack strategy, but shouldn't be too quick.)

    So long as 1.5-2 seconds, minimum, are added between potential weapon swapped shots, I think things will be fine.

  • @pdt-mindstream Yes, that is imo the best sollution!

    Although i think the pistol should be drawn faster than the EOR and Blunderbuss. A bit wild-wild-west style with a quick-draw :)

  • Delayed animation gets my vote. Not a huge delay though, just a small one. Perhaps not being able to shoot the “second shot” until the current animation of swapping guns is over. At the moment, the second shot can be shot before the second gun is barely even on the screen after swapping. It’s not fair to the double gun players to nerf this too much.

    Note: I’m a sword and gun player.

  • @reapinglegion I think switching weapons should take about the same amount of time as it takes to put a bullet in the gun, maybe a tiny bit faster.
    This way, you have twice the amount of bullets to shoot without to ability to shoot those bullets at the same time.

  • @reapinglegion I personally never thought I'd say this. However, with the growing number of dual wielding that is going on, its clear that it is really too strong.

    When I board a galleon I might be able to kill 2 people before dying to a hail of pistol and sniper fire. I die because even though I can dodge 2 or 3 bullets, I can't dodge 6 or 8 bullets. The amount of banana's needed to stay alive is ridiculous.

    Pistol & Sniper - combo is too strong. I don't think they should address only double guns, I think they need to address the amount of damage P&S do.

    I have 3 thoughts and honestly I'm just spit balling at this point.

    1. Have only 1 set of each gun on each ship. Only 1 pistol to equip for the whole crew, 1 sniper, 1 blunderbuss. This way players can still dual wield if they want to, but that just means someone on the boat does not have a gun..

    I myself don't really like that idea but again just spit balling. Maybe someone will find a different version of that one or get inspiration from it to make a whole new idea.

    1. Make guns share ammo first off. Add a pouch so to speak for game reason, if a character has 1 gun the pouch is auto equipped and if you are holding 2 guns you can't carry the pouch. If you are only holding 1 gun, you have 5 rounds total, if you have 2 guns, you have 3 rounds total to share among the 2 guns. Increase the amount of time it takes to swap from 1 gun to another gun while leaving sword and gun alone. If rifle damage is the lowered from 90% to 80%, increase reload time by 0.5 seconds. If rifle damage is to stay the same, increase reload time by 1.5seconds.

    Again do not like my first idea but eh. Second idea I'm kind okay with but it would ultimately lead to a need to restructure sword combat a little.

  • why is this called an issue? You can use it, if you want to.

  • Whatever they decide, i just hope it means more people start to engage in sword play again.

    I've missed those duels on the decks of a ship and not just some clown bouncing around firing shots off. It's both annoying and a ridiculous spectacle to watch.

  • @goedecke-michel it's called an issue because the combo is so powerful you are at a significant disadvantage if you don't run this set up AND most importantly the Devs have said that this instant kill is not an intended style of play.

    If the people who designed the game don't want it in the game that's a fairly definitave answer about whether it is an issue or not.

  • @boxcar-squidy sagte in Prevent the doubleshot issue.:

    If the people who designed the game don't want it in the game that's a fairly definitave answer about whether it is an issue or not.

    In that case, the people who know they don't want it are the same who can change it, so what is this about?

  • @goedecke-michel they have said they are changing it. This is a thread discussing what the change is likely to be and what the community would prefer to see.

  • Good that they are changing it, but there are times when two guns are useful (Kraken fights) I hope the solution is to introduce some sort of reload delay rather than limit us to only holding one gun.

    How I would like the delay to work - If you have a gun and a sword you can still insta-switch after firing. However if you had two guns the reload animation would have to complete before you can switch. At the moment its fire, switch, fire, switch, reload it should be fire, reload, switch, fire, reload, switch

    I realise this might not be easy to code, as you would have to write a different code branch if the player had two guns, but I think it would be the best solution.

  • I would make the game more difficult.. wet flintlock and powder cant shoot 1 minute. Reloading takes a minute... Use a rowboat, stay dry, use a sword more

  • good god some of these suggestions are so bad. 1.5 to 2 second weapon switch min no shoot for wet 1 min reloading times....gimme a breaking ideas, just stop already.

    All that needs to happen is prevent shooting during the initial weapon switch animation. That will give enough time in between shots for the enemy to have a chance to react properly.

  • @enticed-malice I think 1 - 1.5 seconds would be about right. But yea the wet powder would be too much,

  • @enticed-malice

    Lol yeah i dont like guns srry ^^

  • @octopus-lime 1 second is a lot longer than you think it is in this context.

    I think we're talking in terms of fractions of a second here.

    1 minute is madness. 1 minute is longer than some people spend on the ferry. It feels longer, but that's what adrenaline does to your sense of time, use a stop watch, you'd be amazed how short an entire battle can be.

  • @boxcar-squidy I still think that is a good amount of time.

    Of course I may have a biased opinion on this as personally the ideal solution in my eyes would be the sword + 1 firearm arguments.

  • @reapinglegion
    Remember the timer that used to happen before, when we sat on the rowboat and we could start rowing right after?
    And when we couldn't move for a bit after exiting the Barrel's inventory?

    It was due to some animation issues... those could be used to fix this exploit.
    Like making the animation of changing between weapons a bit longer, and within that animation we couldn't shot any weapon.

  • @nunoazuldimeter Agree, agree!

  • @octopus-lime I'd need to play it to get a sense of how it feels.

    You might be right, 1 second might do the job. I also run sword and gun so I may be biased here.

    But I'm basing what I say on the delay when you miss a lunge. That delay is around 1 second, I think, but it feels a lot longer when you've just fluffed a lunge and need to get your guard back up.

    Basically, I don't think the delay for switching weapons should be as long or longer than the delay that is supposed to be a punishment for missing a lunge. That would seem a bit broken, if they were going to go that route they might as well just say no double guns, it's 1 sword and 1 gun.

  • Why not make the loading fun and a matter of skill

    Those guns you need some handelings to fire right?
    Press y to draw, press something to clean, press something to put in bullet, press something to set the fuse then press trigger to aim and fire

    Make it real and take a few seconds maybe

  • @ruigtand-nl This seems a bit too much like a mini-game that I hear is present in that ATLAS game. It might be fun at first but I think it would get pretty old pretty quickly

    @Boxcar-Squidy Yea I had the sword lunge in mind as a barometer of time for this. For some reason the value of 1.5 seconds for that missing lunge comes to mind but I'm not sure where I heard that. If I remember I will time it tonight when I get online.

  • They have a "solve" for it already. Expect it soon.

    For other suggestions, they have a board just for them.

  • Personally, I'd solve it by simply having you load the weapon whenever you draw it. Those weapons weren't carried around loaded back then, the ball (bullet) would fall out. It wouldn't be a popular solution but it would solve the issue and bring a little bit of old world realism to the game (not that realism is, or should be important in a game where we fight skeletons and megalodons lol).

  • Simple :

    Nerf both EoR and Flintlock to avoid any 2 shot situation.

  • @xot3rm1n4t0rox They will solve this by "slowing down" the animation which wont help sheit.

    @dotcomrobots yea or do as i said but that would make people dead crazy ALLTHOUGH im into "punish the whole community for exploiters" path.
    And the sword is a fun pvp thing, it's the most piratething to do basically if you ask me but "ohhh that would be a terrible idea if you encounter kraken" - Dafuq shoots a kraken with only guns anyway? (Said by a doubleshotter for sure)

  • I've only been playing a few days. I think I've run into it once. I have been constantly harassed by crews of 4 while I solo though. I did see a video where a guy used it, so I actually just logged in to see if I could write a macro to do it. As I was testing it out, of course 4 dudes in a Galleon roll up and start cannonballing my ship.

    They get out to taunt me so I tried it out. I have to's pretty fun. Once shot and he goes down as his friends cannonball my ship and he starts to wave at me. Felt good to get back at these jerks for once. As they sink my ship and sail away I smiled as they called me a loser since I knew it bothered them.

    After a few days of playing, I've come to the conclusion that everyone in this game is a jerk (and I played UO). I haven't come across a single person who hasn't immediately attacked me. I've never seen a more toxic community or worse player base.

    IMO, make swords better. They're clunky and time to kill is too slow compared to a blunderbuss up close. I don't know if a longer animation to equip a weapon is the best thing, as a solo player I have to juggle a lot of things. Slow equips would make things more painful. If there's a delay it should be after the shot.

  • Just a random idea - bleeding damage.

    EoR - 40 direct damage and 40 bleeding damage over 12 sec.
    Pistol - 30 direct damage and 20 damage over 6 sec.

    The 10 damage per 3 sec. bleeding time adds up being capped at 12.

    Two pistol shots = 100 damage (2 x 30 dd, 40 bleeding), time to kill 12 sec.
    Two sniper shots = 130 damage (2 x 40 dd, 50 bleeding due to 3 sec. reload), time to kill 6 sec.
    Double shot = 110 damage (40 + 30 dd, 40 bleeding), time to kill 9 sec.

    *Time to kill when only two shots are fired.

  • @digitalvertigo It's not that we're all jerks. It's that you are solo.

    Solo players are easy targets. They can't really do a whole lot to defend themselves against a larger crew unless they are quite a bit more experienced than the crew they are fighting.

    People tend to pick their targets based on what they can tell about the player from a distance. If they look new, inexperienced (sailor clothes, no ship skins) or undercrewed that's tempting for a certain type of player who wants an easy win. Actually that does sound a little bit like a jerk.

    Let me put it another way. Would you dress up in your finest clothes and expensive jewelery and walk around your local high crime, gang hotspot, waving handfulls of cash around shouting 'look how much money I have"?

    I'd say not. Because you'd be asking to get mugged. Sailing solo puts you in a similar position.

    Best bet is to avoid any other ships that come your way if you are solo. Even if they're decent folks, the temptation to rob you might be too much for them.

    Sailing solo is an acquired taste, for the more experienced pirate. Join a Galleon crew, it's a lot easier to learn the ropes when you only need to do 1/4 of the work.

    Alternatively, if you have to solo, maybe try a brig. They can be managed easily enough by one person, and the Brig is The PVP ship, so the people looking for an easy sink might avoid you. On the other hand, sailing a Brig might attract more skilled crews to come over and see if you are up for a fight, but the higher the level of skill, the less toxic players tend to be, in my experience.

    The main thing is, don't let them find out you are sailing solo, or they'll mark you down as prey.

  • @reapinglegion

    There are a number of ways to sort this (besides fixing the animation draw skip):

    • Melee/gun combo only (your suggestion) but this would require some more melee weapons to balance out things.
    • Shared ammo guns work off the same amount of shots. You increase the max ammo to 6/8 .
    • Put a wind-up for collecting ammo (like using a plank) to give using only guns another vulnerability. The longer you hold the button the more your ammo fills, release too soon you get less ammo.
    • lock ammo boxes so players can only use their ship's ammo box or neutral ones on islands.
    • make the Eye of Reach unwieldy at close range, giving a drastic accuracy reduction when un-scoped.
  • Hopefully they'll just do a simple animation for switching weapon 1 second delay.

    I'd also like rng on hip firing maybe reduce hipfire to 60% accuracy

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