What’s your fort strategy?

  • With the seas certainly seeming more hostile at the moment, particularly for sloop pirates, thought it would be interesting to hear some approaches used at forts!

    What’s your fort strategy?
    When is a fort too contested for you to enter the fray—and, if you ally at a fort, what is your play when another ship or two show up?

    Stole this again.... #bemorepirate @cantfindyourgamertag

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  • @KattTruewalker
    Myself and my sloop's helmswoman points at you try to always have a friendly approach if there's a ship at the fort. We always sail in with our Offer Alliance flag up, but stay vigilant at all times. If that allying fails, we look at our surroundings to see what would be the best approach, a place where we can engage more safely. Use the spaces between the towers and the island to your advantage.

    If you are allied and a ship comes, communication is key. Try to persuade the incoming ship that it would be in their best interest to join the alliance. If they prove to be aggressive, work together to bring Mr. Davy Jones' a new ship.

    In everything that you do, the most important thing is to always work together with your own crew. Trust in your partner at all times. Without your crew, without the ones that you have with you, you will have a hard time achieving victory.

  • @katttruewalker Most of the time we want that loot to ourselves (greedy blackguards that we are), so if a fort already has a ship or if another ship comes along when we're there, we'll engage and try to sink them - those fancy hats won't pay for themselves, right?

  • Oh this is a nice one :-)

    First off, me and my crew almost exclusively sail a galleon and we stock up big time. So what we often do at forts is to turtle up. In the case of this screenshot for example we just park in between the two towers, taking advantage of the skeletons spawning in to shoot at others, not using the anchor to park so we have the means to turn to where our targets are.
    We keep 3 hands on deck at all times. Often I'm head strategist, I'll call the shots and the others act on that.
    We have 1 person disrupting, he'll barrel ships, climb on them to drop anchors and disrupt repairs, the others will repair, man cannons and repel boarders.
    We also have one really crack shot guy with cannons who often has some clutch shots with cursed cannonballs who is the bane of every sloop in existance, (seeing him stop a sloop at 200 meters with an anchorball is just magical).

    Generally speaking we win at forts and as of late a lot of sloops and brigs just bail as soon as they see a galleon rolling up. We do mess up from time to time, especially when we get overzelous and all hop overboard to kill a solo sloop just to find no-one was repairing (oops) that one hole.

    I hope some people get some good tips out of this :-) Keep up the great subjects @KattTruewalker

  • @katttruewalker hold cannons pointing towards the other ship with sails and anchor raised. Unleash as many cannonballs as soon as they're in firing range keep firing until the other ship is about 30ft away(ish Im bad with measurements). Then open all the sails all at once as one of your crew members jumps on the island with gun powder barrel. Then just sit back and watch as the rival crew sails right into the island trying to ram your boat only to ram your one crew member with the gun powder barrel.
    Ive managed to do this once, but having come up with the plan on the fly I felt like Captain of the Year

  • Most the time its just disorganized buffoonery

  • We sail to edge of fort when music start and make first contact with the pirates already present by shooting one to the fort for negotiations.
    We can ally and help and they can turn in all the loot or we start circeling the island and shoot over players to sink boats.
    We ally and choose a landing spot then rush in full speed to anchorstop next to a tower so the fort only hit 2 times and then stops firing. Or we keep shooting over if we dont trust them to go in close.
    First prepare the boat for speed departure.
    One stand watch to drop sails and leave when boarders aproach the other starts clearing waves of skellies.
    If new pirates aproach we sail back to edge of fort where music start and start circeling the island again for a fresh round of negotiations..
    In the end escort the allied treasure boat to outpost and defend it against megan, karen and skellandra.
    At outpost shoot the first troll who tries to climb up to change the flag but most make no problems to get 100% and we are fine with 50% and new allies.

  • @KattTruewalker
    I find the way I engage Forts very much depends on my crewsize.

    When playing by myself, I rarely engage contested forts. It is a lot of work, and often not worth the effort to repeatedly repel people coming back to contest. But, sometimes I feel adventurous. I mostly always approach with friendly intentions, I'm by myself and it can be difficult fighting another crew at a fort and deal with the fort cannonfire. If friendly relations are established, I always expect to be backstabbed as I'm by myself and an easier target. So I try not to die, and try to clear up all the explosive barrels on the island to avoid nasty surprises.

    If being friendly doesn't work out, I will keep my distance and either swim over to the fort, find an explosive, and blow them up. Or, I use a rowboat and do the same. OR, I hide on their ship and wait for the "right moment" like them all dying or the captain appearing, or when they're close to an outpost I just take a high value item and jump overboard.

    On larger crews, the process is similar but with more man-power you can divide the tasks. We try to establish friendly relations most of the time, and always keep one person on the ship even if they turn out to be friendly. Usually we have a "back-up" plan for when things go awry, which usually involves someone with an explosive ready to blow when things go bad. We also try to collect, or destroy the explosive barrels scattered around the fort. This is important regardless of your crewsize.

    When we sink a ship at a contested fort, we try to clear the waves as quickly as possible (duh!) and always have a look-out; except for the last wave when all hands are on deck to kill the captain as soon as possible. Then we usually take the key and go about doing something else if we notice that ships are roaming around the fort. If there's no ships in the area, we open the fort and take the loot (duh!).

    pfoe... long text.. sorry!

  • I mostly solo so it's golden chickens for me. lol

  • That depends on the fort and the other crews that are there.

    I don't mind sharing, I don't mind fighting for every last scrap of loot, I don't mind a last minute double cross.

    What you will get from me depends on my level of sobriety, my sweetness to salt ratio at that particular moment in time, what I ate for breakfast, how long it is until dinner time, whether I have enough money in the bank to make my monthly repayments, whether or not you have one of those faces, and many other factors too variable to mention.

  • There's no such thing as "too contested" if you're in the mood for it and you've got the right crew! Solo though I'll hope for an alliance or try to just grab a couple of high end items. Never hang around for long after you've cleared a fort with another crew though, just grab something valuable and run, the longer you loiter the more tempting it'll be to betray you. If I'm in a big crew it's very dependent on them, I can go either way but I do usually take pity on a solo slooper and allow their existence until I don't. Stick to the door method but be ready to bail if they've got barrels, otherwise just hold your ground. A good magician never reveals his tricks though so that's all you're getting from me lol

  • @katttruewalker said in What’s your fort strategy?:

    Stole this again.... #bemorepirate @cantfindyourgamertag

    Nah, you pirated it. 😆

  • My strategy at Forts is since Weeks—> Because for the Commendation Legendary Gunpowder Plot! I’m heading to an Fort is no ship in sight, I’m waiting until a other crew is in Fort Range to make the Commendation count, then I’m searching Gunpowder Skellys and group them up with other Skellys to commit suicide! And that’s I’m doing over and over and over only with one Goal and Hope—> Make it count for the Commendation! I try to ally but when a hostile crew there is I try to hide or swim over from an Island to be in Fort Range only in the hopes that the other crew gimme an count for the Commendation! So you see it’s an very sad story, I can’t enjoy Forts right now it’s hard work and hope :(

  • Until they start giving commendations for being in an alliance and having someone else turn in items, it's better to just attack the people there after they've done some waves first =)

  • We don't Alliance, the more the merrier. A few factors play a role and who we would go about doing this. Number of ships, Alliances, ship type, and finally proximity to Fort. How we implement the attack depends on these.

    Number of ships: If their is more than two, we will focus on the ship closes to the fort. We also want them sandwhich between any other unfriendly ships. We avoid getting in cannon range, and focus more on disrupting their ship management. The other ship can worry about the holes.

    Alliances: If they are in an Alliance, we take it out to sea and deal with them one at a time if possible. We prioritize one boarder with 3 crew on ship duty. Can't afford being down to 2 people on the ship.

    Island Proximity: If anyone of the ships is parked on the island we will leap frog it. Send crew on the island to take advantage of the forts resource. Use the fort cannons? Why not. Keg them? Sounds good. Use the cannons to board their mast? Sounds like a plan. Going on the fort opens up the possibilities.

    Implementations: Play to win, pick out the ship that is the biggest threat. Whether its due to cosmetics or ship type gang up on them. Burn island resources over your own, and if you board, take only bananas for health. This way you can steal their cannons and planks. Hard to fight when you have no means of offense or repair capabilities.

    Play the Key: If by some means the captain spawns, we try to acquire the key. It really isn't about the loot, this puts us in power. If we have the key we can retreat, and keg those who chase us. They can't board us, but we can board them. That is the power of being chased. This also forces them to fight us if they want the loot. We like that part. Worst case scenario, we gain distance and stash the key on an island. Go fight them without no worries. If by some chance we sink, they gain nothing.

  • Sneak and steal every time. With the addition of the rowboat this has become even more successful of late.

    Favourite heist of recent times was during a 3 ship contest at the fort, myself and my seadog partner silently aided the one ship that was clearing the waves without being detected. Ended up rowing off with the best items under cannon fire from 2 ships.

    To this day I'm not sure if anyone involved even realised the existence of a fourth ship in that fight.

  • @katttruewalker mine is hiding right next to the towers so they can't shoot at me and miss truewalker please stop stealing posts from twitter ok make your own posts

  • My favorite as of recently, while playing in a solo sloop, has been to hide in a cannon tower while an enemy crew works on the fort. I can get there by parking my sloop at an inconspicuous nearby island or behind a rock and swimming to the tower. Upon fort completion, snipe the mega bomb as while someone is trying to stow it and dispatch the crew. Doing this successfully sure does feel satisfying as so much can go wrong.

  • @katttruewalker
    When it comes to Forts there's one mandatory rule within our crew:

    • If we're going to fight for it, it needs to be all for ourselves.
      There's no place for alliances! And for that reason, the only Commendation still Locked for me and my thrusty crewmate is that one requiring us to create a chain reaction of gunpowder barrels... I cannot stand a player from another crew on land at the same time as us during a Fort... I'm way too greedy!!!

    When it comes to strategy, it's simple:

    • Use the Fort architecture to help us out.
    • Make them come to us instead of going after them
    • Locate places where they stack all together so we can fight them all together at once.
    • when the rounds have too much Gunners, wait them around corners so they cannot have aim for us then slash them when they turn the corner.
    • Use Gunpowder barrels for metal skeletons. Get them together and blow them at once.
    • If the round isn't metal skeletons and they have a gunpowder with them, RUN! RUN, and try to blow them up before anything...

    The decisions about taking forts or not are taken before we know if someone is already there or how many ships will arrive after... If we decide to fight for it, we will fight for it !!! Untill we win everything and everyone, or loose by a shameful defeat ehehe ...

  • I always try to park my boat in a position that I can leave all the skeletons in the cannon towers alive. They are crucial as an alarm to let you know if other boats are approaching as well as providing extra fire power making any other boat's approach that much harder.

  • @KattTruewalker
    What’s your fort strategy?
    Just going towards the fort, repairing the boat as it auto-sails and when I am in the clear from other cannon fire (mainly from the towers), then I park.
    When is a fort too contested for you to enter the fray—and, if you ally at a fort, what is your play when another ship or two show up?
    This game has cause me and (not trying to speak in behalf of some of my crew mates) to have trust issues, so I would do two things.

    • (Solo and Crew), either destroy them as best as possible, or just leave the fort and let them handle it (because it's not like that's the last for in all of SOT to do).
    • If they seemed "friendly" we would ally with them, but it's cautious decision since it's a pirate game...trust issues...put the pieces together.
  • My crew:
    1- Our strategy is to go there, kill the skeletons, and get the loot. o.O Is there another strategy?
    2- Too contested? There is not that definition in our dictionary. The fort will be ours and you can't do anything to avoid that.
    3- Alliances? We can't make an alliance if first we destroy all your ships.

    1- Go there, pray and try to repair the sloop.
    2- I think I would avoid other ships if they are galleons. Basically because it would be a really long battle and I don't need a fort that much.
    3- Nah, if I play alone, I play alone.

    @ionei-falcon dijo en What’s your fort strategy?:

    I always try to park my boat in a position that I can leave all the skeletons in the cannon towers alive. They are crucial as an alarm to let you know if other boats are approaching as well as providing extra fire power making any other boat's approach that much harder.

    You can kill all of them. The skeletons reappear if a new ship approaches.

  • I see a lot of people are against forming allegiances with others, but thats the first thing I do as I approach a fort, occupied or not. I have solo’d plenty of forts and have been bamboozaled many times but thats alright, every failure is a lesson for the next go. Keeping an eye out for rowboats has kept me safe a few times. Also keeping an eye on those scallywag galleons or brigs that dock behind rocks or islands to hide and wait for us real pirates to clear forts for them just try to come pirate said loot. At first was disheartening, and infuriating, but with lessons learned from those scurvy dogs, I now always hope for the best but prepare for the worst and prepare boom booms and the sloop for defense.

  • @reedski said in What’s your fort strategy?:

    There's no such thing as "too contested" if you're in the mood for it and you've got the right crew! Solo though I'll hope for an alliance or try to just grab a couple of high end items. Never hang around for long after you've cleared a fort with another crew though, just grab something valuable and run, the longer you loiter the more tempting it'll be to betray you. If I'm in a big crew it's very dependent on them, I can go either way but I do usually take pity on a solo slooper and allow their existence until I don't. Stick to the door method but be ready to bail if they've got barrels, otherwise just hold your ground. A good magician never reveals his tricks though so that's all you're getting from me lol

    What about when we fought off those 3 other ships and you managed to set off a war between two sloops??

  • @sshteeve a story for the ages that one! You and the Dane grabbed the key, Pixie watched our galleon, I let our friendly sloop slip away to a nearby shipwreck and I hijacked the other sloop to attack the other galleon! Complete bloody chaos! If I remember rightly though it was during the Gunpowder Plot, before alliances, so it was true carnage, wiped out 6 pirates and 2 ships in a matter of minutes!

  • @reedski I think you'll find that I was the one to run off the with key! Though Fake was just stood there swiping at the Captain yelling "Don't hit him, the Captain is ours!"

  • My strategy has been the same since the forts were first activated. Regardless of what ship I’m on, as long as I’m not solo, always play aggressively when sailing up to a fort that is already player controlled. That is their territory and I wasn’t invited.

    If I’m the first ship to arrive at the fort, I’m willing to ally with players that are obviously friendly, or new to the game, as long As it is understand that My crew will be hauling and turning all the loot in. But at the first sign of suspicious plays from the other crew, I immediately turn hostile. Never trust anyone at a fort. Especially these days with how much money you can make and how often they spawn. Pick your allies carefully and even then, be prepared for betrayal. I have lost very, very few fort engagements with this mind-set, and I encourage every other pirate to play the same way. If you let others hang around that aren’t in your best interest, you cut your profits, and waste time.

    And finally, even if you’re part of an alliance, make sure your crew picks up the key. This way you can hide it, or run with it. The crew that has the key, has all the power.

  • @katttruewalker Humh, I guess we don't have "one" strategy.

    It depends very much on the circumstances. In our experience, two players in the fort work at maximum efficiency. Two fighters working together and concentrated in the fort are fast and effective enough, every other player would scatter the skeletons, there would be a fragmentation of the front, wings and attacks in the back. Two well moving and well standing fighters can literally delegate the skeletons and fight where the terrain offers an advantage - at a doorway, for example. This is the basic approach: no more than two fighters go into battle.

    Depending on the type of ship, this leaves one or two people for protection. So if there are still people left, we switch through. If a fighter has died in the fort, a guard goes into the fight, the fighter takes over the guard role. This has the advantage that everyone keeps an overview and does not lose himself in a role and dream away. Here are two examples: Even when fighting in the fort, remind me that a ship was approaching from the north and listen to the guard better, or ask, what happened to the ship? The guard knows where and how many barrels are still available and can order a return to the ship if necessary. An advantage, in our eyes.

    If we go for a sloop, we go into battle with the full crew. All-in. The focus is on quick success, time works against us. A different ship can appear at any time. There is no inhibition threshold not to attack a single sloop at the fort. Between two waves of skeletons each player has to monitor a section of the horizon. In case of an encounter with another ship, the whole crew goes on board. The ship now has the highest priority.

    With the Brigantine, an on-board guard remains on board, two people go into the fort. With approaching ships all go back on board.

    With the galleon, one on-board guard remains on board, one guard draws the next watchtower, from which the dead corners of the galleons can be temporarily secured, or from which the troops in the fort can be supported. Two people go into the fort. With approaching ships all go back on board.

    Is that how it works all the time? No. Most of the time not all of us stick to the agreement. Everybody has own ideas and the right of false decissions. So one remains in spite of approaching ship in the fort - still want a fast finish! Then: Oh dear, I was so near to succed- and is missing on board. Or someone tries to board the approaching ship quickly - thus weakening the superior position of a full manned ship parked between skeletons on watchtowers.

    If a ship is already at the fort, there is free choice. How was our day, do we want to do something sporty and quickly? Are we risking a fight or going for an alliance? Is the crew sluggish at the fort, or is it keeping its ship in a defensive position? We have already sunk a galleon at the fort in the fast passage, which had just won the fort. They preferred to collect treasures instead of defending the ship. In such cases we just get in touch and react to the actions, or simply leave it at that and give our colleagues a friendly greeting.

  • @katttruewalker

    For me there is not just one way to do a fort, as this is also based on the crew that I am running with and what the sea throws at you. My choice to head there will always be based on my crew or calling it off due to other crews being near, as all crew members are equals.

    My personal approach to it and what I default to is the following principle:

    Uncontested: Park outside the firing archs of the skeletons, they are an additional alarm system for approaching ships and start killing skeletons. Occassionally check the horizons, area awareness is key in this game. The skeletons should be a last chance, you are late to the party type of alarm.

    Contested: Deal with the other pirates over skeletons! Till it is no longer contested and continue with the above approach.

    For me personally there is no such thing as a too contested fort. The bigger the better (especially in a free for all). Any type of contested is better than a free one even if you lose. It provides a PvP environment where you are actually fighting over control of a specific area of the map, which usually ends up in a good fight or a massacre with a reward at the end and a chance of revenge.

    I am personally not a fan of creating alliances at forts as this is an area prone to betrayals. Naturally, with communication I can be convinced. Though it doesn't happen a lot anymore. People aren't willing to talk to the guy boarding and fighting them to forge a truce usually or if things work out they are already sinking before we had the chance to talk.

    I would never fully trust an alliance forged at a cloud event till the loot has been handed in. I will tend to go to a different outpost once I got my fair share with a farewell after I dropped sails.

  • @KattTruewalker
    "What do we do? What do we do?! What do we dooo!?"

    That's the question usually asked by my crew every time we pass an active skull fort. Unless we're specifically on a mission that night to complete "X" commendations we'll usually stop by and try to collect some extra loot. Our tactics have changed over the last 10 months or so and it's entirely dependent on whether we're running with two ships or just one. I'll detail below both scenarios for those that are interested (this is our galleon strategy but the basic idea works for the brig and sloop as well):

    Solo Ship Scenario - Uncontested Fort - The Core Strategy:

    1. We raise sails and send someone below deck to immediately start repairing the holes of all incoming cannon fire from the skeletons. Two people jump on the island and begin clearing out the "basic" skeletons on the island and in the towers.

    2. We usually park our ship between two towers, but out of their range, so we have extra cannon fire should an opposing crew decide to ram us or simply sail by and hit us with cannon fire.

    3. Once the ship is secured we send three people on land to begin clearing skeleton waves while one person begins stocking the ship with all the resources on the island. This is because one, you can never have too many resources, and two if hostile ship comes into play we don't want them to be able to restock their ship should they run low on resources. The resource collector also puts the gun powder barrels in one location so that we can keep an eye on them / easily dispose of them should an enemy crew get on the island.

    4. Once the waves are cleared we dedicate one person to staying on deck and watching both the crows nest, for someone who might attempt sneaking aboard to grab a gun powder barrel, and the captains quarters where we stash all the treasure usually in one giant pile so that opposing crews can't easily pick out the best items should they happen to get on board at some point. The other three crew members load all the treasure and destroy the gun powder barrels left on the island.

    5. We look for another skull fort to rinse and repeat.

    Solo Ship Scenario - Contested Fort:

    1. Before starting step one of the strategy listed above we need to deal with that second pesky crew. We only do skull forts in an alliance if we were in an alliance prior to seeing the skull fort. Normally we don't trust other crews around skull forts, it's not personal but we've been burned before.

    2. We'll take a look and see where the best place to attack them is located. Normally if they're in between towers we'll sail past them and drop someone off with a powder keg on the side that they can't see someone falling into the water (basically if they're facing our starboard side we'll drop someone off the port side of the ship as we sail past). Two more will run distraction for the "swimmer" by attempting to launch themselves at the docked ship.

    3. Once the keg is detonated it's just a matter of protecting the holes and making sure the ship sinks.

    4. We then start at step one of the strategy listed above except the person gathering supplies stays on the ship and looks out for boarders and anyone who might want to keg the ship. The other three get on the island and destroy every keg they come across.

    Two Ships - Uncontested Fort:

    1. This strategy is very similar to the solo ship strategy except instead of piling all of the kegs into one pile on the island we load them all into the second ship's, usually a sloop or a brig for more maneuverability, crows nest. This is our interference ship. As soon as that crew spots another ship approaching they run interference on them. They're loaded with cursed cannonballs and kegs and they're only goal is to protect the "treasure ship" (our galleon).

    2. From there the galleon crew just completes waves on the island unless the opposing ship either sinks or breaks free of our interference ship. If that does happen our galleon crew reports back to the galleon in order to assist in sinking the opposing crew.

    Two Ships - Contested Fort:

    1. This strategy is again pretty similar to the Solo Ship - Contested Fort strategy except the interference ship does the kegging while the galleon posts up out of cannon fire range and begins raining cannonballs down from above. Usually two additional pirates from the galleon launch themselves over to the opposing ship and two stay behind to handle repairs and the cannon volley.

    2. Once the ship has sunk we follow the strategy of the Two Ships - Uncontested Fort strategy.

    We love interacting with forts because it's usually a solid place for some PvP and with the most recent Shrouded Spoils update it's also a great place to make money. This is especially true if the fort is uncontested. Either way it's a win win for us :)

    As always, great post Katt. I truly enjoy these discussion starters even if I tend to ramble a bit too much :p

  • @hynieth First off, me and my crew almost exclusively sail a galleon and we stock up big time.

    This is what I like to see. Read all your post sounds like a good crew. Can’t be better then mine though. Hope too meet you on the seas one day or in The Arena.

  • @je0rgie-p0rgie My question is how you always manage to get two ships?

  • Idk why no one has said this but I make sure our galleon has basic cosmetics. Then on our approach if there is already a ship we talk through game chat to sound brand new.

    And then we absolutely obliterate anyone standing. Also I don’t even know what the alliance flag looks like.

  • @katttruewalker Dock up between the main towers of a active fort after getting stocked up from an inactive one to meet minimum battle supplies stock, bring all kegs off the fort to the crows to keep them from being used against us with leaving one or two for any gold waves that show up as needed.

    Door Strat for all but the golds to speed through the waves then its load everything on board and head to any outpost along the way.

    I always stay on lookout and watch the horizon like a hawk letting the rest of the crew work on the fort so that I can call out when there is a ship on the way to us or any where near even if they are not pointed at us and I keep them updated on its position, if need be my first mate or I will jump down and intercept with a keg long before they get in cannon range of the fort or our ship.

    Here is a clip from closer to the launch of the game of Fort Defense in action: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/268081869?collection=8gS6d1elJhWb4w

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