Captain IluS4oN

  • Ahoy! My Name Is Captain IluS4oN

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves because i was present during the alpha test and beta test of the game, which makes me want to continue the adventure in this dangerous world that can steal the treasures like being stolen our treasures, to go to their search, and especially sowed the térreur and to be able all the same to have the choice to take advantage where name of another boat.

    Me interests consist of battles, pillage of all kinds, to the point of betraying a league if I think the fact that I would be betrayed on my side. But whatever happens, my character likes to think about the best way in which he is going so that in the end he is the winner and not the vanquished, and especially observed the attitudes of others to anticipate their movement that will lead them to theirs loss

    PS: If one day you meet me, avoid getting very close to the ship, my character always 1 barrel explosive loan for any eventuality.

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