Why I am no longer doing cargo runs. Solo Play And Fix your servers please!

  • I've had enough of it. The rum bottles are way too fragile.
    I love the idea of what was done but the execution of what they gave us was poorly done. They advertised on camera that you can 'do cargo runs while doing other voyages.' Technically, that's true, if you want to bring a ruined product to the destination.

    With the new lightning, I was getting hit on my top deck, and my bottles got ruined while they were below deck. How is that possible? If even 1 cannon strikes the ship then they get ruined. If you scrape on docks, they get ruined.

    If you get rum bottles the incentive is to get rid of them as soon as possible. It is not a fun mission. Especially people are not playing this game.

    Solo players have been saying before and I'll add to it, this game does not support solo play. With player numbers this low (server migrations frequent) then one can really only rely on oneself to be a pirate. I kind of like solo play anyways because I can do my own thing. If you disconnect, your stuff is gone. Who thought this was a good idea?

    I hope the devs fix the game up.

  • 26
  • Granted, I don't play as often as I used to, but I have not experienced "frequent server migrations." Honestly, and maybe it is just my luck, I can't even remember the last time I saw the riddle screen. Lol.

    I just recently hit PL. The Merchant NPC was the first place I hit level 50 (weeks before cargo runs were introduced). I was kind of upset I couldn't find much incentive to run them (beyond the doubloons you can earn) when they were first introduced, but it had nothing to do with their coin value. They don't take as much time, nor are they as difficult, as finding & capturing golden & black animals. The animals might pay more (minus the pigs, because time invested in gathering bananas), but require more time and knowledge of where to find them. Cargo runs are made simple, and can be completed much faster.

    If you plan on doing another voyage along the way, and if the cargo is really that important to you still, then perhaps you should be extra cautious with everything you do.

    The only thing I wish they'd fix with Cargo Runs is when you reach the top of your ship's ladder. The bottles are jostled around (and take damage), as you begin to walk on deck. That leaves no other way to get them aboard, without taking [minimal] damage.

    P.S. I play solo roughly 90% (likely more) of the time.

  • @wodyo said in Why I am no longer doing cargo runs. Solo Play And Fix your servers please!:

    Granted, I don't play as often as I used to, but I have not experienced "frequent server migrations." Honestly, and maybe it is just my luck, I can't even remember the last time I saw the riddle screen. Lol.

    I just recently hit PL. The Merchant NPC was the first place I hit level 50 (weeks before cargo runs were introduced). I was kind of upset I couldn't find much incentive to run them (beyond the doubloons you can earn) when they were first introduced, but it had nothing to do with their coin value. They don't take as much time, nor are they as difficult, as finding & capturing golden & black animals. The animals might pay more (minus the pigs, because time invested in gathering bananas), but require more time and knowledge of where to find them. Cargo runs are made simple, and can be completed much faster.

    If you plan on doing another voyage along the way, and if the cargo is really that important to you still, then perhaps you should be extra cautious with everything you do.

    The only thing I wish they'd fix with Cargo Runs is when you reach the top of your ship's ladder. The bottles are jostled around (and take damage), as you begin to walk on deck. That leaves no other way to get them aboard, without taking [minimal] damage.

    P.S. I play solo roughly 90% (likely more) of the time.

    Every game session I have had since approx. the 2nd week after FS was released, I have had migration occur. Once it happened 3 times in one play session over 2-3 hours approx. This was around the same time people have been saying the same things on the theses forums/reddit.

    I don't play for PL or Athena 10. I have both. I have every single commendation unlocked with 3+ million gold. (Seriously, not trying to brag or nothing). I just want to play cause I like the game.

    It's frustrating how fragile the rum bottles are. And you're right, you shouldn't get damage when you go up a ladder. But when you place them at the back of your ship and 1 cannon hits the front, I think that when you say 'you should be extra careful' is completely bogus and does a disservice to what needs to be changed. It means you disagree, as far as I understand what you were saying.

    If you solo then you MUST have had it where you disconnected from the server for no apparent reason thus losing everything. This needs to be fixed. It shouldn't happen. You should have time to reconnect to your session. Losing everything sucks. I would even prefer losing my stuff to a player than to nothing.

  • @lord-szarvas
    I have been loud and vocal about Rare fixing the crash issues. It has been quite some time since I've crashed, personally. The last time I had an issue, I followed the Support Ticket procedure (which is frustratingly slow) to success, and haven't looked back since.

    I do know some people on PC have had some odd issues, not allowing them to play at all - that is one problem with PC's, where there is no standard for hardware/software. Perhaps you are one of them? I don't know. Have you submitted a support ticket after crashing? I know how infuriating it is, when you lose everything due to some reason not programmed into the game (i.e., crashing, losing internet, losing power, something coming unplugged, and so on). It is a chief reason why I am glad that they have decided to slow their development cycle, and are putting the pioneers to work in testing.

    But when it really comes down to it, Sea of Thieves is not a difficult game. Playing Solo is not that difficult. The other players are what make it difficult. Being outnumbered (by players or skele's), and not having any assistance is why playing Solo is difficult. I think it should stay that way.

    Cargo is fragile. If your ship takes damage, then cargo too should take damage. Collide with the docks, or hit the beach/rocks? Take damage. That part makes sense, to me, and I don't have much issue with it either.

  • I got disconnected THREE TIMES last night playing solo. Each time after approximately an hour of collecting. The lag and migration are horrible of late. I made my official tickets, just agreeing something needs to be done. I was ready to quit the game for good.

  • @captain-arcanic said in Why I am no longer doing cargo runs. Solo Play And Fix your servers please!:

    I got disconnected THREE TIMES last night playing solo. Each time after approximately an hour of collecting. The lag and migration are horrible of late. I made my official tickets, just agreeing something needs to be done. I was ready to quit the game for good.

    Did you get something called Hazelnutbeard? I never seen that one before..

  • @lord-szarvas No. I believe they were all cinnamon and almond.

  • The rum bottles being fragile is the whole point of those rum bottles right?
    The only grievance I have is that they don't give enough gold for delivering them as pristine, but otherwise they're fine the way they are.

    In like being extra carefull with them, having to avoid storms, go around islands to avoid being shot at by skeletons and the like. Same with the Cloth, you need to be carefull with rain and when getting them off the ship. It's a fun addition and you dont have to do it.

    As for solo play, I've been playing since launch and I've seen the riddle screen only once in my entire time playing this game, and I've never had connection issues outside of the whole Almondbeard thing.
    Have you tried making a ticket for your frequent disconnects? Have you looked up the beard error you get when you do disconnects?

  • @captain-arcanic

    You might want to check your connection status, and make sure you have an Open NAT Type.

  • @lord-szarvas I love the rum bottles, they are the easiest to do. When you get them, always get to your ship via water, the trick to getting them on deck without breakage is to stop just before you get to the top of the ladder, then ease over. I always drop them on the deck by the anchor. Delivering them I jump into the water and walk them to the merchant, if there is a ladder, again stop before you get to the top. Perfect every time. I can't say the same for silk, without a rowboat I ruin silk every time, ugh!! I play mostly solo so if I do one of these merchant missions I get it done and off my sloop as quick as I can.
    I've only had two server mergers ever, just lucky?
    I used to crash all the time until I massively upgraded my computer to preferred+. I've only crashed once since then, I got potato graphics at the outpost and when I died a bit later I got an unending black screen. I think that was a glitch that has since been addressed. I have been disconnected a number of times, but that is my less than stellar internet. I, like you and others often wish for a grace period where you could return and not lose everything. I hear your frustration and understand, particularly if you are solo in DR, it is brutal isn't it? :-D

  • @wodyo I'll definitely look into it, but this is the same system I've been playing on since the beta, with no issues before. Anything's possible.

  • @lord-szarvas what type of ship do you play on if it's a gallon put the bottles in the captain cabin

  • Cargo runs were a good idea in theory but they just aren't fun enough to complete or worth enough to tempt me. To me they are a throw away quest in an Athena run that makes that voyage shorter. That's the only benefit I see. And cargo washed up on beaches is a waste of a loot spawn in my opinion.

    Besides how is luxurious cloth washed up on the beach not already ruined?

  • @closinghare208

    If I'm solo, it makes the best sense to use a sloop. Galleon could be solo'd but it would be tedious and slow. And a bigger target to those nasty cannons on islands with aimbots.

  • Bit of information and hopefully this helps everyone.

    First is even though I can't say where I worked, I can say with certainty I know what I am talking about. So when it comes to everyones internet connections as of late (past 2weeks, month in some parts, maybe longer depending on weather). Depending on your provider you could have been going through a bunch of outages the past 2 weeks or so depending on your area. Cold fronts (freezing weather basically) have been affecting this particular provider so with the temperatures dropping to freezing and the constant rain on top, it is causing actually maintenance issues. I haven't been able to play because I usually play at night around 11pm till around 2am sometimes and that is generally the time the Maintenance Technicians are working on the cable. So if you connection has been poor for the past couple of weeks I would take note of it. If it only happens when its cold then you are fine, but you are just going to have to wait for them to fix it, and no there is no way you can put a rush or demand it gets fixed first, its something they have to do from the start of the line and work their way down.

    Next is the server migrations. I think the server migrations are mainly caused regionally. I keep hearing everyone talking about server migrations but I don't ever migrate servers, not even if its 3am in the morning. Only time I ever get migrated is when I join someones game and its a Aussy server or Europe side server. I live in a major city in the USA so we probably have more people playing the game here than you guys do over there. Possible fix for this would probably be if Rare lowers the amount of servers available as it gets later evening early early morning. Exampe 500 servers before 10pm, 200 servers between 10pm to 8am? Something like that maybe.

    Last and foremost the Cargo Runs. The bottle will crack depending on how fast you climb the ladder. When you get to the top of the ladder let the character go through the animation of climbing and standing, THEN move. Don't hold "forward" while after climbing to the top of the ladder because the character will do a sort of hop and land on the ship instead of just climbing onto it. Bottles are horrendous for Devils Roar side of the map. No one does them because you can't avoid the volcanoes. However, if you are not doing Devils Roar, then the bottles are a piece of cake. You are complaining about stuff you have control over. Lightning striking your ship, don't sail into a storm. Cannons hitting your ship, avoid islands that have cannons mounted or at least sail to the side that doesn't have the cannon. (all islands have a side that is safe from cannons). Hitting the shoreline or seabed, just have to up your driving game. The bottles are basically a test of your map awareness. Is it annoying? BIG TIME. Can you do it? Easily.

    edit I do agree that cargo runs are stupid though. I'm with you on that.

  • 17 pristine items to go, for me. I'm over Lootin Penelope.

  • I got the legendary commendation inside 3 days just avoiding cannons on islands and only jumping into water with the rum bottles

  • @lord-szarvas yes I meant what type of ship do you play on usually

  • @lord-szarvas how did u trade in 50 wood crates already? I aaaaalllllmost never find MIBs for wood crates...

  • Not sure if your aware of this @lord-szarvas but the core gameplay was intended to be a completly and entirely co-op experience, it was only do to player feedback that they gave the option to play solo. Cause when they took the first player polls at a thrid of the player based wanted to play solo so they added the sloop. But even then it was designed to support 2 players. It was understood and accepted that playing solo would be gye equivent to hardmode. As the game is and always will be balanced around the Galleon as that was the intented core experience. Your blaming Rare cause your asking it to cater to a playstlye it was never actually meant for.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Why I am no longer doing cargo runs. Solo Play And Fix your servers please!:

    Last and foremost the Cargo Runs. The bottle will crack depending on how fast you climb the ladder. When you get to the top of the ladder let the character go through the animation of climbing and standing, THEN move. Don't hold "forward" while after climbing to the top of the ladder because the character will do a sort of hop and land on the ship instead of just climbing onto it. Bottles are horrendous for Devils Roar side of the map. No one does them because you can't avoid the volcanoes. However, if you are not doing Devils Roar, then the bottles are a piece of cake. You are complaining about stuff you have control over. Lightning striking your ship, don't sail into a storm. Cannons hitting your ship, avoid islands that have cannons mounted or at least sail to the side that doesn't have the cannon. (all islands have a side that is safe from cannons). Hitting the shoreline or seabed, just have to up your driving game. The bottles are basically a test of your map awareness. Is it annoying? BIG TIME. Can you do it? Easily.

    edit I do agree that cargo runs are stupid though. I'm with you on that.

    Everyone, this is a classic example of 'get good'. No, your suggestions are not amicable to the situation. The amount of navigating for a single rum crate of 350 (max mind you) for what you're talking about is bogus. Even if I had 2-5 crates, you get my point. You are not addressing my concerns of (if the ship gets hit in the FRONT then why do the crates break in the BACK - issue). And, sometimes the crates break based on slow scrapes on islands. Sometimes they are unavoidable because being a solo player you can't see in front and under your ship. Some islands have low spots starting early.

    Then you agree partially with what I am saying because you're right, Devils Roar has an issue because you can't avoid the volcanoes. Again, this goes back to my solution, if you get hit in the front, it shouldn't affect the back. There should be safe areas on the ship to store cargo...

    @enf0rcer said in Why I am no longer doing cargo runs. Solo Play And Fix your servers please!:

    Not sure if your aware of this @lord-szarvas but the core gameplay was intended to be a completly and entirely co-op experience, it was only do to player feedback that they gave the option to play solo. Cause when they took the first player polls at a thrid of the player based wanted to play solo so they added the sloop. But even then it was designed to support 2 players. It was understood and accepted that playing solo would be gye equivent to hardmode. As the game is and always will be balanced around the Galleon as that was the intented core experience. Your blaming Rare cause your asking it to cater to a playstlye it was never actually meant for.

    So, player feedback obviously changed the game which is what I am intending to do. You whining about that is counterproductive, so why even make a response?
    I'm not the only Solo player out there. So, its simple, if you get disconnected, give people a chance to reconnect to the ship instead of a complete wipe. I don't know why that's so hard for you to accept or say yeah! It doesn't hurt you. It doesn't make the game 'easier'. It is still hard mode. But no, you want to come here like the other threads and make nonsense replies. Please...

  • @enf0rcer said in Why I am no longer doing cargo runs. Solo Play And Fix your servers please!:

    Not sure if your aware of this @lord-szarvas but the core gameplay was intended to be a completly and entirely co-op experience, it was only do to player feedback that they gave the option to play solo. Cause when they took the first player polls at a thrid of the player based wanted to play solo so they added the sloop. But even then it was designed to support 2 players. It was understood and accepted that playing solo would be gye equivent to hardmode. As the game is and always will be balanced around the Galleon as that was the intented core experience. Your blaming Rare cause your asking it to cater to a playstlye it was never actually meant for.

    So, player feedback obviously changed the game which is what I am intending to do. You whining about that is counterproductive, so why even make a response?
    I'm not the only Solo player out there. So, its simple, if you get disconnected, give people a chance to reconnect to the ship instead of a complete wipe. I don't know why that's so hard for you to accept or say yeah! It doesn't hurt you. It doesn't make the game 'easier'. It is still hard mode. But no, you want to come here like the other threads and make nonsense replies. Please...

    @lord-szarvas You seem to miss the point of what i was trying to say. Frist off i didn't say or imply that what you were doing was Counter Productive. Your feedback is just a valid as anyone else is. I was simply givening the appropriate information so that you a context to understand the scope of what your asking. Yes player feedback has an impact that was clear from day zero. I just wan't you to have the understanding why you are having these problems and what you realisticly expect achieve. I'm a solo player also as i stated we are a third of the player base and it's fine to advocate for your side but realize 2/3 of the player base don't have same playstyle as us. We are not the majority therefore compromises have to be made. Your the one whining in this senario. I understand your greviences and i was trying to offer you some relief. What your asking for is not a simple fix granted it's truly annoying but this is an issue that may never fully be resolved.

  • @lord-szarvas said in Why I am no longer doing cargo runs. Solo Play And Fix your servers please!:

    @xultanis-dragon said in Why I am no longer doing cargo runs. Solo Play And Fix your servers please!:

    Last and foremost the Cargo Runs. The bottle will crack depending on how fast you climb the ladder. When you get to the top of the ladder let the character go through the animation of climbing and standing, THEN move. Don't hold "forward" while after climbing to the top of the ladder because the character will do a sort of hop and land on the ship instead of just climbing onto it. Bottles are horrendous for Devils Roar side of the map. No one does them because you can't avoid the volcanoes. However, if you are not doing Devils Roar, then the bottles are a piece of cake. You are complaining about stuff you have control over. Lightning striking your ship, don't sail into a storm. Cannons hitting your ship, avoid islands that have cannons mounted or at least sail to the side that doesn't have the cannon. (all islands have a side that is safe from cannons). Hitting the shoreline or seabed, just have to up your driving game. The bottles are basically a test of your map awareness. Is it annoying? BIG TIME. Can you do it? Easily.

    edit I do agree that cargo runs are stupid though. I'm with you on that.

    Everyone, this is a classic example of 'get good'. No, your suggestions are not amicable to the situation. The amount of navigating for a single rum crate of 350 (max mind you) for what you're talking about is bogus. Even if I had 2-5 crates, you get my point. You are not addressing my concerns of (if the ship gets hit in the FRONT then why do the crates break in the BACK - issue). And, sometimes the crates break based on slow scrapes on islands. Sometimes they are unavoidable because being a solo player you can't see in front and under your ship. Some islands have low spots starting early.

    First and foremost, what I gave you were examples on what to do. If you take it as "git gud" then maybe you should get better. I did almost all of the cargo runs solo. The only time I had any difficulty was when I was in the devils roar, which I made sure to do with a crew, and yes we did infact leave any and all Rum bottles behind.

    You talk about getting hit by cannons, well then don't sail to side of the island with the cannon, go to the other side if you have to. There are blind spots on the island, its not that hard.

    You talk about hitting the island. Well maybe figure out which islands have high sea beds and park farther out. This is learned from experience, so either your really new in which case just give it time, or you just don't bother learning in which case stop being lazy.

    You talk about not being able to seeing the front of your ship as a solo player. Again there are a lot of people who do this without any issue. I play solo from time and time and navigating my ship is a lot easier solo than it is with a crew. You want to see? Then get off the wheel and go take a look. You afraid of hitting the sea bed? Well park farther out and row boat in.

    You make it sound like 1 cannon a lone breaks the bottles when it doesn't. The game does give you some leeway. So if you are ramming hard enough into something or getting hit enough by something to break those bottles than you need to sail more carefully.

    Then you agree partially with what I am saying because you're right, Devils Roar has an issue because you can't avoid the volcanoes. Again, this goes back to my solution, if you get hit in the front, it shouldn't affect the back. There should be safe areas on the ship to store cargo...

    If the bottles are on the boat and the boat sakes then yes the rum bottles should be affected. Its not that you get hit in the front and it cracks in the back, no, its that you got hit at all and it rocks the boat hurting the cargo. The whole point of the cargo run is that when you transport it you have to be careful with it.

  • @enf0rcer said in Why I am no longer doing cargo runs. Solo Play And Fix your servers please!:

    @enf0rcer said in Why I am no longer doing cargo runs. Solo Play And Fix your servers please!:

    Not sure if your aware of this @lord-szarvas but the core gameplay was intended to be a completly and entirely co-op experience, it was only do to player feedback that they gave the option to play solo. Cause when they took the first player polls at a thrid of the player based wanted to play solo so they added the sloop. But even then it was designed to support 2 players. It was understood and accepted that playing solo would be gye equivent to hardmode. As the game is and always will be balanced around the Galleon as that was the intented core experience. Your blaming Rare cause your asking it to cater to a playstlye it was never actually meant for.

    So, player feedback obviously changed the game which is what I am intending to do. You whining about that is counterproductive, so why even make a response?
    I'm not the only Solo player out there. So, its simple, if you get disconnected, give people a chance to reconnect to the ship instead of a complete wipe. I don't know why that's so hard for you to accept or say yeah! It doesn't hurt you. It doesn't make the game 'easier'. It is still hard mode. But no, you want to come here like the other threads and make nonsense replies. Please...

    @lord-szarvas You seem to miss the point of what i was trying to say. Frist off i didn't say or imply that what you were doing was Counter Productive. Your feedback is just a valid as anyone else is. I was simply givening the appropriate information so that you a context to understand the scope of what your asking. Yes player feedback has an impact that was clear from day zero. I just wan't you to have the understanding why you are having these problems and what you realisticly expect achieve. I'm a solo player also as i stated we are a third of the player base and it's fine to advocate for your side but realize 2/3 of the player base don't have same playstyle as us. We are not the majority therefore compromises have to be made. Your the one whining in this senario. I understand your greviences and i was trying to offer you some relief. What your asking for is not a simple fix granted it's truly annoying but this is an issue that may never fully be resolved.

    Nono, you're objecting to my feedback which is wrong. The whole point of the feedback thread is to give feedback, as you know. What I read from you is well 'its not that simple, 2/3s of the player base doesn't play solo, etc' (By the way I have no idea where you're getting your facts from.) 2/3s might be true but isn't relevant to what I am saying. It isn't actually that hard for ships to save states for an allotted period of time. Servers have to monitor where loot is and where ships are at all times. How do you think server migration happens? They have to rely on the object code to have fixed positions to transfer over. So, what's your point? The feedback is to point out that this is a major design flaw. If you include solo play, then prevent unnecessary wipes because not every has stable internet connections or maybe there were faults with the server. Who knows. Give players a chance to reconnect... But no, you haven't even agreed with this idea at all.

    No, I am simply stating that we need a countdown timer for us to reconnect instead of a wipe. Again, there is no mention of this critical point in your rebuttal. So, what's you agenda in this thread? Stick to the topic...

    @xultanis-dragon said in Why I am no longer doing cargo runs. Solo Play And Fix your servers please!:

    @lord-szarvas said in Why I am no longer doing cargo runs. Solo Play And Fix your servers please!:

    @xultanis-dragon said in Why I am no longer doing cargo runs. Solo Play And Fix your servers please!:

    Last and foremost the Cargo Runs. The bottle will crack depending on how fast you climb the ladder. When you get to the top of the ladder let the character go through the animation of climbing and standing, THEN move. Don't hold "forward" while after climbing to the top of the ladder because the character will do a sort of hop and land on the ship instead of just climbing onto it. Bottles are horrendous for Devils Roar side of the map. No one does them because you can't avoid the volcanoes. However, if you are not doing Devils Roar, then the bottles are a piece of cake. You are complaining about stuff you have control over. Lightning striking your ship, don't sail into a storm. Cannons hitting your ship, avoid islands that have cannons mounted or at least sail to the side that doesn't have the cannon. (all islands have a side that is safe from cannons). Hitting the shoreline or seabed, just have to up your driving game. The bottles are basically a test of your map awareness. Is it annoying? BIG TIME. Can you do it? Easily.

    edit I do agree that cargo runs are stupid though. I'm with you on that.

    Everyone, this is a classic example of 'get good'. No, your suggestions are not amicable to the situation. The amount of navigating for a single rum crate of 350 (max mind you) for what you're talking about is bogus. Even if I had 2-5 crates, you get my point. You are not addressing my concerns of (if the ship gets hit in the FRONT then why do the crates break in the BACK - issue). And, sometimes the crates break based on slow scrapes on islands. Sometimes they are unavoidable because being a solo player you can't see in front and under your ship. Some islands have low spots starting early.

    First and foremost, what I gave you were examples on what to do. If you take it as "git gud" then maybe you should get better. I did almost all of the cargo runs solo. The only time I had any difficulty was when I was in the devils roar, which I made sure to do with a crew, and yes we did infact leave any and all Rum bottles behind.

    You talk about getting hit by cannons, well then don't sail to side of the island with the cannon, go to the other side if you have to. There are blind spots on the island, its not that hard.

    You talk about hitting the island. Well maybe figure out which islands have high sea beds and park farther out. This is learned from experience, so either your really new in which case just give it time, or you just don't bother learning in which case stop being lazy.

    You talk about not being able to seeing the front of your ship as a solo player. Again there are a lot of people who do this without any issue. I play solo from time and time and navigating my ship is a lot easier solo than it is with a crew. You want to see? Then get off the wheel and go take a look. You afraid of hitting the sea bed? Well park farther out and row boat in.

    You make it sound like 1 cannon a lone breaks the bottles when it doesn't. The game does give you some leeway. So if you are ramming hard enough into something or getting hit enough by something to break those bottles than you need to sail more carefully.

    Then you agree partially with what I am saying because you're right, Devils Roar has an issue because you can't avoid the volcanoes. Again, this goes back to my solution, if you get hit in the front, it shouldn't affect the back. There should be safe areas on the ship to store cargo...

    If the bottles are on the boat and the boat sakes then yes the rum bottles should be affected. Its not that you get hit in the front and it cracks in the back, no, its that you got hit at all and it rocks the boat hurting the cargo. The whole point of the cargo run is that when you transport it you have to be careful with it.

    Well, I appreciate that you're offering tips on how to play but that doesn't address the issue. I already have all the commendations. I am a PL with Athena 10. So, I am giving my feedback to the gameplay which I find is not fun. We care for animals so they don't die. You make way more money just doing regular merchant quests. So, there isn't an incentive to do cargo runs. And what you're just describing is something that is too much for a marketed 'casual' game, which you don't address.

    Your arguements are basically, get good. Learn the map. Not all islands have blind spots. And you're taxing soo much extra time trying to navigate that because the rum bottles are... too fragile.

  • @lord-szarvas said in Why I am no longer doing cargo runs. Solo Play And Fix your servers please!:

    @enf0rcer said in Why I am no longer doing cargo runs. Solo Play And Fix your servers please!:

    @enf0rcer said in Why I am no longer doing cargo runs. Solo Play And Fix your servers please!:

    Not sure if your aware of this @lord-szarvas but the core gameplay was intended to be a completly and entirely co-op experience, it was only do to player feedback that they gave the option to play solo. Cause when they took the first player polls at a thrid of the player based wanted to play solo so they added the sloop. But even then it was designed to support 2 players. It was understood and accepted that playing solo would be gye equivent to hardmode. As the game is and always will be balanced around the Galleon as that was the intented core experience. Your blaming Rare cause your asking it to cater to a playstlye it was never actually meant for.

    So, player feedback obviously changed the game which is what I am intending to do. You whining about that is counterproductive, so why even make a response?
    I'm not the only Solo player out there. So, its simple, if you get disconnected, give people a chance to reconnect to the ship instead of a complete wipe. I don't know why that's so hard for you to accept or say yeah! It doesn't hurt you. It doesn't make the game 'easier'. It is still hard mode. But no, you want to come here like the other threads and make nonsense replies. Please...

    @lord-szarvas You seem to miss the point of what i was trying to say. Frist off i didn't say or imply that what you were doing was Counter Productive. Your feedback is just a valid as anyone else is. I was simply givening the appropriate information so that you a context to understand the scope of what your asking. Yes player feedback has an impact that was clear from day zero. I just wan't you to have the understanding why you are having these problems and what you realisticly expect achieve. I'm a solo player also as i stated we are a third of the player base and it's fine to advocate for your side but realize 2/3 of the player base don't have same playstyle as us. We are not the majority therefore compromises have to be made. Your the one whining in this senario. I understand your greviences and i was trying to offer you some relief. What your asking for is not a simple fix granted it's truly annoying but this is an issue that may never fully be resolved.

    Ok lets try this one more time.

    Nono, you're objecting to my feedback which is wrong. The whole point of the feedback thread is to give feedback, as you know.

    Frist off i never once objected to your feed back i was simply critiquing your arugent as you appeared to be uninformed of the situtation. So i provided you that information in order to help you improve on your feedback. But it's starting to appear as thou you don't care and are simply angry and have do not want to understand.

    What I read from you is well 'its not that simple, 2/3s of the player base doesn't play solo, etc' (By the way I have no idea where you're getting your facts from.)

    I see you didn't bother to try understand the post. That Facts i stated came directly from Rare out of Joe Neate's mouth in a live panel they gave at a PC convention i forget which one ill see if i can find the link. Anyway that data can from a Poll they took very early on and is the very reason the sloop exist. This is a known fact. Now the playbase has changed over time but the issue here is Rare never originally intended for this game to be played solo thus they are limited to what they can do cause it would be foundamental departure from the core design.

    2/3s might be true but isn't relevant to what I am saying.

    This information is quite relevent.

    It isn't actually that hard for ships to save states for an allotted period of time. Servers have to monitor where loot is and where ships are at all times. How do you think server migration happens? They have to rely on the object code to have fixed positions to transfer over. So, what's your point?

    If your asking me what i think, I think the object code you speak of is tracked and stored by the player looby cache block to which the point of Migration happens as the looby is tranfered to a new stack in another session runing on the same virtual enviroment. So all objects tag by the lobby are tranfered and not repopulated. This would explian why loot dissapears if a ship disconects and why properties get messed up during migration when certian parts of code take to long tranfer or fail to tranfer entirely do to memory limits. Thats why when all players in a crew leave the Looby is disolved and new fresh one is to be created. Now this is my belief as i don't have view of the source code but this is taking from observation. You don't know etheir as you also don't now whats in the SC.

    In short everthing is temporary cause it's tied to the looby in a dedicated server once all players leave the looby. Everthing in the looby is wiped as the server desolves the looby to make room for new ones. Adding a timer for somthing that no longer exist would be pointless.

    The feedback is to point out that this is a major design flaw. If you include solo play,

    This is the point of the argument. It's not a design flaw as the game was never originally designed to support solo play. Solo play was a compromised add-on Rare were not prepared for.

    then prevent unnecessary wipes because not every has stable internet connections or maybe there were faults with the server. Who knows. Give players a chance to reconnect... But no, you haven't even agreed with this idea at all.

    It's not about agreeing or disagreeing with your idea, It's was me trying to have you understand what would need to be done to have your specific request done and how unrealistic it is. Having a reconnect timer for a player in a group reconnect so long as ghe looby intact fine not that big of a deal and i ask for that 2. But to make it so that a looby does not disbaned upon all connection being lost is so you can hopefully reconnect is somthing completely different. That is an ideal in networking one in which you can only apire to achieve.

    No, I am simpllyy stating that we need a countdown timer for us to reconnect instead of a wipe. Again, there is no mention of this critical point in your rebuttal. So, what's you agenda in this thread? Stick to the topic...

    Well i hoped i answered all these question above. I do hope you understand i'm not agianst you , I'm trying to help you.

  • @enf0rcer

    "Uninformed of the situation." This is the kind of ego trip that your type of people have in all games. This is a FEEDBACK category of the forums. How can I be uninformed of my own ideas and my critique of current game mechanics? Simple answer, I can't. So, you haven't explained your argument.

    The point is we have solo play whether it was intended or not. And if your stat is a fact, 33% is still a very big portion of the population. If you said 1/20 players play solo per actual game statistics then I can honestly see the devs not really looking at adding the ability to prevent wipes. So if you want to refer relevance then there it is. But, I disagree that its relevant because of the number itself.

    I wasn't asking what your opinion on object code was. I was asking what was your point because you haven't provided one. If a ship disappears due to a disconnect, items still stay in the game. If players left items on a rowboat, the server will keep it on there. Or animal crates will float in the water because the server generated an object for players to interact with. So, again, what's your point? (Refering to your notion that it is too complex for them to do - "its not a simple fix") Really? I don't think so.

    If the lobby placeholder (being us players) is compromised due to a disconnect, then I don't see it being that difficult for a placeholder to be programmed (with a timer) to allow a player to rejoin the vacant ship. That program communicates with the hive server and says, hold on, keep the ship alive for 5 minutes until a player occupies the lobby.

    No, it is a design flaw because its incomplete. You even said its annoying that you get wiped. It doesn't matter if Day 1 on the board they didn't have solo play on the burner. They have it in the game now. Server populations are in decline. I love solo play and so do people in my fleet. It makes perfect sense to prevent ship wipes due to disconnects. Why are you arguing this? Why do you have to come in here and throw around your ego and say "oh, this guy is just uninformed, time to get my keyboard ready!!"


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