Enjoy the game, enjoy the forum - a few of my thoughts

  • What makes this game great?

    I have pondered this question for some time, it is something that I have discussed at length and to be honest there is one simple truth – one reason why so many people keep coming back to the Sea and why we are seeing Legends born every day, even months after the game has been released and when others around us have been there long before us - THE JOURNEY

    People refer to the GRIND of the game, but there truly is no grind in my mind, or at least there shouldn’t be, there should be shared experiences, voyages that make you laugh, make you cry, make you want to hurl your controller through the TV screen so it hits that damned Pig who keeps running into those bushes over there - NO – over there – THAT ONE – IT KEEPS HIDING FROM ME!

    Seriously though – whilst I would like to see Lore in the game more and persistently (don’t hit me @personalc0ffee) the main reason I have come back to the game over the past second months has been to enjoy the game, not to make Pirate Legend. Athena doesn’t interest me so much, I doubt I will reach, or aim to reach Athena 10, but I keep coming back to have fun and make new friends.

    What I find amazing is the community that we have here – one that if we take a step back for a moment and remain calm, can be one that is such an excellent place to be. Those who were here prior to launch will know what I mean – a place to share ideas, to share excitement, to share stories. I love this part of the community and I will remain here as long as the lights are left on in order to keep those stories coming. To keep those positive posts coming – not to be a ”fanboy”, “Rare employee”, “white knight” but to simply show folks that there is another way – one that doesn’t involve entitlement or demanding content, one that simply thinks – “hey – that’s a cool idea, I can’t wait to try that”, or “hey, that’s an interesting name for a content drop – what do you think might be coming”.

    So enjoy the game, enjoy the stories, enjoy the JOURNEY – avoid a grind, please, it won’t make you enjoy the game! I certainly never tried to grind and as such I am happy to go back to the seas this evening and see what new adventure awaits.

    And remember – that Boatswain title some of us hold is not there for anything special – we just try to play by the rules and help folk out where we can – we don’t even have a closed number – ANYONE can join us, and do regularly when the powers that be recognise you for your awesomeness – so keep the community there – keep posting, keep smiling!

    Captain Sshteeve – not my pirate legend.

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  • @sshteeve

    Well said, sir.

    I've played the game for a long, long time now, still sail regularly, have not ahem reached Legend yet, but very close now.
    It's never been about the attainment of that status for me, it's been about the adventures and the other pirates I sail with, as you rightly say, the journey; as well as the pirates who are part of this Community on all platforms and those wonderful folks at Rare Ltd.

  • I disagree about the grind and it's a probably a controversial subject for any games.

    It's not because you are not enjoying the grind it should be like that for everyone. It's a different play style that some players fully enjoy - not all, but some - and I'm happy that Sea of Thieves is a welcoming place for every play style, hence the choice you have to grind them or to bypass it by buying levels. To each his own way of playing, apprehending and loving the game.

    Grinding doesn't mean you're not making any stories or adventures, especially in Sea of Thieves where unexpected encounters can happen at any moment. All those emergent or players encounters are contributing everytime to the overall experience.

    I love the grind, to unlock cosmetics and titles as much as doing everything crazy in the game.

    I'm enjoying the game in my own way, you're enjoying the game in your own way. And some other players may enjoy the game in their own way.

    Some like to mess around, some like to challenge themself.

    Everyone has his own story - or should I say legend - to tell.

    It doesn't make anyone less legendary nor it makes the grind play style something wrong.

  • @personalc0ffee I know at my lowest point in the summer, when Cursed Sails was grinding me down, I was miserable - I hated the thought of losing out on commendations, or potential levels because of timings but that was when I realised I didn't play the game for these things - they are just there as an extra - this is also why I have never chased the commendations for the Skeletons with cursed cannonballs - didn't need them to reach Legend and always had enough doobles to get the cosmetics I wanted in an event!

  • @sshteeve You sir, are what makes this game awesome.

    You, and everyone else that plays and loves this game. Also the devs, because they made it....

  • Oh, this place was once Heaven for me , i remember the Forum before release. That was a place in wich my inner mental being wanted to be buried if the Sea Gods had blown out my last Flame of Life....But with the release came also so many new Pirates that had hardly invested time into finding out what SOT really was...

    Mr Chapman, one of the warmest persons on this Godforaken Earth that one can find, made it so clear ,over and over again ,how SOT needed to be played. But so many missed his explenation nor took the time to listen to him...
    The Forum went through a serious walloping that even today left a lot of tension in the Pirate air...
    Since the release , good ideas have been scarse ,wich is normal but what has always bugged me is that the "wishing, suggestive "tone has switched towards a more " demanding " tone...
    So many people have lost the ability to see SOT as a whole. How many have asked for seperate Pvp or Pve servers? How many have asked to cancel the Crossplay between PC and Xbox, and how many people just play SOT purely and only to become a Legend by doing nothing else that grinding their way towards that goal?

    In other words ,how many are playing this game in a way it was not supposed to be played?...i loved this Forum till the bottom of my Heart but because of my own limitations, like slow reading and slow translating , i lost the peleton of the Forum...i feel really sad that i lost the race in order to read everything from anyone...This has alienated me , i knew that one day too much information would cause a setback since i'm not a smart foreigner but to be confronted with the fact that you lose that lovely tie with this core community that really means it well sting a lot harder than sulphuric acid on bare skin...

    Still i play this game the way Mr Chapman so clearly has thaught us, start a journey ,alone or with Friends and let the game flow...Let coincidence guide you towards an evening in wich you could only plan the first five minutes of yer journey but then you are surrendered to the will of the Waves who are steered by the Sea Gods...
    Although i have lost the connection with the Forum ,because it's too huge for me to be able to follow, the game compensates my loss so greatly that i still sail around in pure unrefined Happiness...

    Sure people may think what they want and i'm sure that a few stigmatizing titles are loaded upon some blunderbusses. Call me anything you want from White Knight towards fake mushroom ( * Fake mushroom , is that all you call yerself, yokel? Where are the titles that you love like Dumbo, Moron, Fruitcake , Sanatorium escapee and - Sunshine? i think they get the idea now, thanks * You're such a spoilsport ,Captain Tearface) but in the game i still meet so many great personalities that i sometimes think that complaining people who say that others don't talk nor want to cooperate maybe have to try harder...

    In the game i act as a parrot towards random and silent players, i keep talking and asking questions without forcing or throwing myself towards the " Captaincy or leader of the crew" . i will never be a leader and together with a huge accent that only in this game is a pure Blessing ,i've been able to pull people out of their silent cell...Give me an half hour and the microphoneless player is using Non Verbal or Keyboarded communication...

    This is a game in where you can throw yourself in and get a return from that mental investment. Yes, it takes a bit of daring ( * Now don't say you're a hero or something or i scratch yer skull with Poseidon's Trident, yokel) to speak towards three silent Crewmembers , and believe me i may be an oldtimer but my knees still shake when i meet 3 silent ones , but i know if i can bring one shell open , that the other two will follow and a half hour later i'm sailing with a crew that wants to talk and wants to work for eachother...

    Never, really NEVER , underestimate your own social skills. If the dumbest foreigner ever to be seen on these Seas is able to talk to people from everywhere on this world ,then what is keeping you from not trying? Huh, You have so much more smartness, wisdom and knowledge than me , just throw yourself...i will tell you that you can only gain a warm flood of adrenaline if you pull it off and it will warm yer Heart up for future journeys...

    Just enjoy what is being offered to you, how many games introduce ,every two/ three weeks a new way of playing? Sure ,you can still ask , and suggest and hope , wish and so on, but please put that "demanding" tone away...Rare are humble Geniuses , but they are Geniuses , they slowly create a game with so many different ways to approach , enjoy that you should try to take a new Pirate to the Seas in order to tutor him / her...

    My Best SeaFriend, Mr Jay4dio , who had this absolutely briljant idea to introduce a Pirate Training Academy in wich he takes a new ,or a person that struggles with Sea of Thieves , under his wings in order to show and explain the world towards a new person in two hours had to admit that this game is simply too rich to be explained in two hours...

    If one of the " No content" crews would do the same they would be amazed how rich Sea of Thieves is but if any pirate starts dissecting SOT , and place different game elements in cabins , like Pvp vs Pve , then he or she can NEVER experience SOT at the fullest and will one day sail away with nothing than dissapointment....

    Sea of Thieves can only be played , and enjoyed if you take everything and everyone aboard , yes even those that don't cooperate or troll . Those are the ones that don't understand the game and should be explained ,but NOT at your own mental health expence,because some are too stubborn to live amongst other Pirates ...For them an automaticly farewell is being made by their own hands...

    Sea of Thieves has soooo many different Layers, it has really Magic under and above those Waves , and for me and a few others...SOT is a healer , a game that has widened my horizon in a way no hermit could ever hope for...i jump around in English, Flemish , Frensh and a bit German, picked up some Spanish, Italian and even Russian words along the way and all this combined with my reawokened will to talk has made every journey sooo rich that not even 1000 Legendary Chest can speak out my mental richness that i have gained over these two massively great years...

    i just wish i could read and translate faster so i could follow and contribute more towards this Forum but i ain't no god, i have limitations and this is the best i can do...

    To those that haven't fallen asleep yet ( * Sleep , you wish they were sleeping, moron, you all wrote them in a coma,you fool) just enjoy what is being offered to you , day by day ,week by week...Rare knows what it is doing and they are doing something unique ...Cherish it and be proud and happy that you augment their game by unfolding your personality in the crews you sail in...Take all good care and stay safe in Real life so we can maybe meet each other on the Waves ...

  • THIS ^^ this right here, George has nailed it... and as others have said, play the game for what it is, enjoy the interactions, there was never supposed to be a grind to think about, and there really isn't. There WAS supposed to be a journey of tales to tell, and people to meet whichever way the outcome came.

  • I think the game adapts for a variety of play styles be the grinders/completionists are definitely catered for.

    I personally don’t think there is a right or wrong way to play this game. It’s unique down to the individual player to set there own goals, targets and thresholds to accomplish.

    When the game first game out I was in grind mode, a lot of people where. We wanted to see what mysterious things awaited us at pirate legend. Then when it was found out what was there I just went back to enjoying the journey.

    But I will admit I do feel like a lot of my best sessions where back in the TA and old pioneers where you had basically no progress and nothing to lose. It seemed to have more freedom back then.

    But I find my playstyle fluctuates sometime I’ll get on and get a grind on and go on a mission for a goal to accomplish, others I’ll litrally sail around and not really do much.

    That’s what I personally like about the game, your not pushed down a specific path and there is no right or wrong way to approach it. You just do you.

  • @clumsy-george exactly my thoughts every word. By far the best game I've ever played. Played since day one and still not pirate legend and I love it. This game makes me almost wanne cry (in the good sence)

  • The journey has been fun, for sure, but I miss my crew :( The LFG tools are great and I use them regularly but crewing up each time with different people (which is fun for meeting new people) is not the same as crewing up with a band of hardened pirates who have played together many times.

    Why did they leave me :'(

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