Fun Interaction!

  • Ahoy everyone! I've been lurking around the forums for some time just reading everyone else's posts. I had an interaction in-game this afternoon that tickled me so much that I just had to share it because I appreciate the unique interactions that can take place in the game.
    So I am solo-ing in my sloop & I spawn at an outpost. I'm just going around... buying a couple things from Duke. I get myself killed by a shark so I can get a blue lantern flame and I spawn back in the tavern. I walk back out to my ship... change all lanterns blue... and I see a galleon coming towards me. I panic a little and raise anchor fast and drop sails to get out fast. I run up to crows nest and put up the alliance flag hoping they're friendly. They accept the alliance so I swing my ship around and drop anchor and stop and just start waving and all of them... I think there were 3 in total.... board my ship. None of them did anything hostile so I wasn't worried... then one of the guys starts talking... He says "we normally kill people on sight, but we've got a soft spot for solo sloopers... so we're going to let you live... but you've gotta play our game first. Do you agree to play?" I agree to it and one of them begins playing the tense music from Who Wants to be a Millionaire ... guy asks me 3 pretty simple trivia questions... I get them all right... they let me live, leave an epic quest on my quest table, and they go on their way. As they're leaving they are broadcasting w/ the speaking trumpet the upbeat victory theme from The Price is Right as they're sailing off... it was absolutely magical!!

    These are the kind of moments that really make this game shine for me! I wish I had taken screenshots of the guys names or captured video as it went down, but I was too lost in the hilarity of the moment to think about it.

    Love this stuff! Cheers!

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  • @DaveFrehley Please be careful to avoid swearing in your posts, as it's against the forum rules. This does include using symbols to evade the profanity filter. We've edited your post accordingly.

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  • @lady-aijou Apologies! Won't happen again... I promise. :)

  • @davefrehley

    This is awesome and just the sort of thing that makes amazing memories from sailing the seas, I half thought it was going to end badly but then laughed out loud when I read about the quiz :D

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