Intractable chairs

  • Chairs and stools in taverns to be intractable, as it says on the tin. Alternatively in elder scrolls online you can pull out a chair as an emote.

  • 7
  • I use the "sit" emote on stools.

  • The sit emote does not let you sit properly on the chairs behind the table.
    It would be cool if a tooltip would apear if you come close to a chair.
    In the tavern and it would be supercool in the captains chair in the captains hut to enhaunce roleplay.

  • The way I'd want this implemented, is to make all chairs and benches interactable, and unlike the "sit" emote, you could still use certain items. Like your tankard, watch and compass, so you can actually sit and do stuff, or enjoy a grog with your crew around a table.

  • @cougarhound69

    I think it would be wonderful to see many more interactable world items in game, starting with chairs and stools, being able to lean up against walls, open and close doors, turn on lanterns or torches in caves or on islands, light a campfire and so on, it all adds to the immersive feeling of being an active resident in the world.

  • @katttruewalker Fully agreed. Wonderfully worded my friend!

  • @cougarhound69 YES!!!!! WE NEED THIS!!!!!!!!!

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