• Ahoy, Stranger! If ye think yourself a savvy sailor, then take heed to a weathered mariner's tale...

    Before the discovery of the lost Sea of Thieves, the Four Winds carried tales of two benevolent brothers who sailed where their hearts desired, sought treasures buried by the legendary pirate ArchAngel-Aeon, tracked the merciless Undead with the secret tome of the renowned Xboxx-Addictt & GeordieTommy, and drunkenly sang and fought at the Snake Pit Tavern.
    These salty brothers were thick as thieves but always kept peace with fellow wanderers. Aye, them tales remind me o' Teri's brew...

    But, when the sacred portal opened and the damned Race of Legends began, whispers of hallowed Athena riches ignited a deep hunger within these seafaring brothers. Slowly, their insatiable l**t for fame and fortune increased, their light hearts blackened and their cutlasses reddened with blood of innocent voyagers. Rumors say hunting the chests of Legends drove one brother mad, while the other's insidious greed for the world's most dangerous game sank countless ships in crimson waters.

    Now, the red veil in the East has lifted and the mythical Forsaken Shores lay bare and ye had best beware! The brothers' malice knows no limits! The maniacal one seeks your gold and the greedy one hunts your soul. They're sailing through fire and storm, raining down destruction and curses upon any wretched sailor who spies the torn sails, red standard of Death, or monstrous figurehead mounted on their sinister black vessel, THE DEVIL'S MAELSTROM!!! Beware, me hearty! Because to this very day, their vile ship has NEVER yet been sent to the icy depths of Davy Jones' locker!

    And so, fellow Stranger... consider yourself warned. Hahaha!

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