Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing

  • obviously i'm talking to a brick wall that cannot read or understand what i am saying beyond his own opinion.

  • @cokney-charmer Has anyone watched the gamescom footage by any chance?

  • @mcsquidly said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @cokney-charmer I've never seen a developer put out as many updates as often as Rare has with this game. Seriously. Nobody does this. Accusing them of not working hard enough is less than unfair.

    Not just unfair, it's bitter.

  • @katttruewalker said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    Ahoy Pioneers

    Just a gentle reminder that discussion or comments around your experiences in the Pioneer build are under a very strict NDA.

    We have a dedicated thread in the Pioneer section for you to comment on the post which Joe has made should you wish to do so.

    see....its kinda that simple @CamelFromLunch3 @RaiNn-FluTterrs : now enjoy your evening with this new knowlege.

  • @cokney-charmer said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @katttruewalker said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    Ahoy Pioneers

    Just a gentle reminder that discussion or comments around your experiences in the Pioneer build are under a very strict NDA.

    We have a dedicated thread in the Pioneer section for you to comment on the post which Joe has made should you wish to do so.

    see....its kinda that simple @CamelFromLunch3 @RaiNn-FluTterrs : now enjoy your evening with this new knowlege.

    Yes if only you understood this @Cokney-Charmer as well. So the point youre making saying i play the pioneers game is violation? is that correct @KattTruewalker ?

  • @katttruewalker Are we not allowed to mention know facts about the content update?

  • @sgt-palooggoo @McSQUIDLY oh its frustration more than being bitter, but my point is simple. Appluading them with praise for working hard to fix the very problems they themselves put into the game is not something you continue doing when this constantly happens. They break the game and they have to work hard to fix it and almost a month since they did it in the worst instance yet since game came out and now the price is a scheduled major content expansion has to be delayed by a full week after allowing just a weekend to test the full build.

    Unfair is having to constantly see "we thank you for your patience" on social media instead of actual apologies to those who invest time in both playing and supporting this game since launch.

    All developers support their teams with updates and maintenance periods, them doing it on a weekly basis whilst also releasing updates that further break the game is not something i salute them for doing, they have to, its their dam job.

  • @camelfromlunch3

    The point is, this is not the correct place to be sharing opinions of experiences in the Pioneer build, if anyone wishes to do so, we have a dedicated thread in the Pioneer forums.

  • No worries! Please take as much time as you need. It's much better to deliver a good, polished product than to rush out a broken one. :)

  • @katttruewalker said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:


    The point is, this is not the correct place to be sharing opinions of experiences in the Pioneer build, if anyone wishes to do so, we have a dedicated thread in the Pioneer forums.

    Okay well since there is obviously a misunderstanding happening and obvious disrespect i'll just no longer be active on the forums for this poorly released game.

  • @cokney-charmer You're welcome to look through my minimal post history where I'm praising them. And you're contradicting yourself, saying they're updating the game... but the updates are updates to fix the updates. Ok.

    "its time to end the BS praising and expect them to fix the game people have paid good money to play and invest time in."

    Is that not what they are doing with this delay? Wait, we're supposed to be upset that they're doing what you want them to do now too? Ok.

  • @mcsquidly awww you like to twist words...but that's ok. The state of the current game, the past month of problems and this delay speak volumes whether you can admit it or accept there is a huge issue with this game which has RARE literally backtracking and putting the brakes on.

    Make sure you catch their EGX panel this weekend where they will just talk about how wonderful things are, not mention any of the massive issues plaguing the game through their own ineptitude and arrogance and wait and see what may or may not be broken more come 27th.

    Off to watch Deadpool 2 now...cos I do that instead of playing SoT these days :)

  • @treefittymonsta said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    So what I'm gathering is they don't want to release forsaken shores because it's buggy, yet the current game has a stack of bugs in it that have been there for weeks so you can focus on new content. Queue the twilight zone music.

    Rare fix the current game lol. Your priorities are all messed up. There a literally a dozens issues and bugs in the current build.

    I don't disagree with your statement: the live build has a good amount of bugs, but it's a known fact that some bugs were introduced because of work on something in a future update.

    @KattTruewalker I'm tagging you in here to review my post, just in case, but here it goes:

    There are bugs that exist in the live game because of an upcoming update. It happened with the barrels in a few cases and it happened to a lot of pirates when they added hair colors (remember people losing their Pirate details). There are bugs currently in live that you can't experience in Pioneer and that's important: it's an ongoing process. Some bugs will be fixed when an update comes out, simply because it was the presence of the upcoming update that caused the bug.

    It's not exactly a smooth process, but it's how it's happening. The way the team is handling Pioneers and their feedback now, since the backlash Barrels caused, I am optimistic about how bugs will be dealt with in the future. Like Joe said:

    Alongside helping us gain confidence in the release from a stability perspective, we have been able to make significant tweaks to the gameplay experience as a result of the feedback we’ve received, and it is better for it.

    Tweaks are being made left and right because of Pioneer feedback and it's a fresh sight considering the rocky road we've had so far.

    edit: I want to make sure I made a typo. I definitely agree that your statement is correct!

  • @dredpiratedski said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    Sea of Thieves - Rare: Constant communication with players, constant work to try and fix bugs that appear, delaying release of updates to try and avoid ruining player experiences, etc.

    This is a VERY rosy view of Rare.

    Constant communication: The last time Athena's got broken, we got radio silence from Rare for a whole holiday weekend. When some pointed out complaints about the banana crate commendations, Rare listened to the first three words of the sentence and then killed all the commendations before having any replacement. Tell CCBs are the same. People said "we would like more content, more things to do," so in response Rare gave us another item; another way to do the same exact things we've been doing.

    Constant fixing of bugs: this is laughable. We still have the giant bug-ridden mess that is barrels, despite overwhelming player feedback. And the only "improvement" we have seen is the "empty" tooltip. Still inaccessible at high speeds, freezes you in place, etc etc etc.

    I stopped drinking the Kool aid about Rare awhile back, when I realized that the only "listening" being done was during the PR stage, while they tried to figure out how to spin "them doing wth ever they were already gonna do" into "listening to their playerbase."

  • @mcsquidly said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    Is that not what they are doing with this delay? Wait, we're supposed to be upset that they're doing what you want them to do now too? Ok.

    We want them to fix the current game build. It has horrendous bugs that have been in the game for over two weeks now.... If they have separate teams working on forsaken shores the least they could do is have a team that are searching for fixes for the current build.

  • @camelfromlunch3 said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @katttruewalker said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:


    The point is, this is not the correct place to be sharing opinions of experiences in the Pioneer build, if anyone wishes to do so, we have a dedicated thread in the Pioneer forums.

    Okay well since there is obviously a misunderstanding happening and obvious disrespect i'll just no longer be active on the forums for this poorly released game.

    there you go....very grown up and mature response. Happy trails my friend :)

  • @cokney-charmer How do you think bugs are created? There is bound to be bugs when introducing new content into the game. I don't understand why people are upset this happens all the time with TRIPLE-A games. So you're frustrated that they're trying to push for a smooth launch?

  • @murkrage said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    edit: I want to make sure I made a typo. I definitely agree that your statement is correct!

    Lol. Glad u clarified. I was like [Mod Edited] Haha

  • @cokney-charmer said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @camelfromlunch3 said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @katttruewalker said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:


    The point is, this is not the correct place to be sharing opinions of experiences in the Pioneer build, if anyone wishes to do so, we have a dedicated thread in the Pioneer forums.

    Okay well since there is obviously a misunderstanding happening and obvious disrespect i'll just no longer be active on the forums for this poorly released game.

    there you go....very grown up and mature response. Happy trails my friend :)

    I hope u sense the irony in ur post lol

  • @cokney-charmer said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @camelfromlunch3 said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @katttruewalker said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:


    The point is, this is not the correct place to be sharing opinions of experiences in the Pioneer build, if anyone wishes to do so, we have a dedicated thread in the Pioneer forums.

    Okay well since there is obviously a misunderstanding happening and obvious disrespect i'll just no longer be active on the forums for this poorly released game.

    there you go....very grown up and mature response. Happy trails my friend :)

    Don't try to be condescending to me, its VERY disrespectful and doesn't help to this already toxic community. We are not friends. To me you are nothing but a troll. Thank you and good day.

  • Even though this saddens me I get why you have to push it back. But just a suggestion maybe you should have your pioneers test the game (How do you become one???) and all that before you give out a release date so you don't have alot of upset and none understanding people. Just an idea, also keep up the good work and I can't wait until the 27th to get here.

  • @rainn-flutterrs said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @cokney-charmer How do you think bugs are created? There is bound to be bugs when introducing new content into the game. I don't understand why people are upset this happens all the time with TRIPLE-A games. So you're frustrated that they're trying to push for a smooth launch?

    I love that they are trying to push for a smooth launch. But what about the bugs there aren't current plaguing the current build. When do we get fixes for them. If they have separate teams... Why isn't one of those teams trying to fix the live build [Mod Edited]

  • @latersbaby84 Ahoy matey!

    Pioneers have been testing the current build, this is the feedback and bug reports Joe mentions above.

    You can find out more information about the Pioneer programme on the page below.

  • @treefittymonsta I never said anything about the bugs in the current live build for the game being "okay" or anything I even agreed with you at one point. I just think they're more worried about the update that they just had to delay more than the current bugs. If we don't get a patch this week then I'm sure they'll be fixed when the content update itself is released.

  • @camelfromlunch3

    Going back to your original post. I definitely don't think forsaken shores or any build just be released in whatever form its in just because they set a date.

    I do think the pioneer program should be increased by a large chuck maybe if possible make it available to everyone who wants to part take. This way it separates the test build from the stable build. If Sea of thieves was an early access game then fair enough but not a game that's supposed to be a full retail game

  • @treefittymonsta

    Ahoy mate, I believe this concern was addressed in the recent dev update video and it is something Rare are very conscious that they need to improve on.

    Just a gentle reminder about language or circumventing the profanity filter and I've edited your posts accordingly.

  • @treefittymonsta well I chose to make it the subtle undertone to what was just a "im throwing my toys out of my pram because I was wrong, was proven to be wrong and it hurt my head too much so I decided to take my ball and go elsewhere only to remain so I could take the highground but keep stepping on the toys all over the floor" kinda post.

    I think I did really well and was actually very nice about it :)

  • @rainn-flutterrs said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @treefittymonsta I never said anything about the bugs in the current live build for the game being "okay" or anything I even agreed with you at one point. I just think they're more worried about the update that they just had to delay more than the current bugs. If we don't get a patch this week then I'm sure they'll be fixed when the content update itself is released.

    No worries must have read it wrong.

  • @katttruewalker said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:


    Ahoy mate, I believe this concern was addressed in the recent dev update video and it is something Rare are very conscious that they need to improve on.

    Just a gentle reminder about language or circumventing the profanity filter and I've edited your post accordingly.

    In haven't cussed once in any of my posts.

  • @musicmee thank you

  • You three need to get a room.

  • @latersbaby84 No worries :D Hope our paths cross in the Forsaken Shores soon matey!

  • @treefittymonsta They announced a few months ago that ALL of their teams are working on FS.

  • @cokney-charmer said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @treefittymonsta well I chose to make it the subtle undertone to what was just a "im throwing my toys out of my pram because I was wrong, was proven to be wrong and it hurt my head too much so I decided to take my ball and go elsewhere only to remain so I could take the highground but keep stepping on the toys all over the floor" kinda post.

    I think I did really well and was actually very nice about it :)

    Oh i wasn't wrong at all and to imply i'm a child is extreme. To be honest i'm feeling harassed and its a same RARE and their "moderators don't seem to see that. by giving a condescending undertone is the furthest from nice; its actually much much worse.

  • Attempting to reset the sense of hostility with a ...

    alt text

    Please keep it more on topic, & not personal, the rest of the forum has to read this. :)

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