Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing

  • Good decision, it's better to roll it out without serious bugs or crashes. Thanks for the update and for all the hard work the team puts into the game.

  • In a game where a crash can lose you everything, this is a necessary delay. Thank you for the decision as it must have been a difficult one internally.

  • @treefittymonsta not 'trolling' at all. was merely pointing out that Rare is hiring. You can press the 'things work now' button.

    Maybe go for one of the intern spots to see how it works and how you could fix it.

  • @The3SheetsNeate wow and now no maintenance this week either to fix bugs in the current bild. What a disappointing weekend ahead..... Inaccessible sloop cannonball barrels.... Gives an unfair advantage to other ships... But hey don't patch the bugs.. work on new content by all means.. wow

  • @treefittymonsta It's not because they are on the contents that the bugs are not fixed

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  • @omega-131313 ...another good quote. Great find :D

  • I'm glad you are taking the time to have a stable update than a broken, unstable update.

  • @treefittymonsta these bugs will be fixed in the next build, be more understanding of how nervous this makes developers with the release of Forsaken Shores and how hard they are working.

  • Proper, professional software development includes maintaining all your code, not just what is implemented in newer updates. It is great to acknowledge QA and testing processes need to be shored up and get better, especially when the lack of such have caused major problems. However, releasing a cleaner update into an already existing sea of bugs, poorly executed changes, and issues that negatively impact gameplay and customer satisfaction will not make things better.

    A lot of time has gone by with a lot of feedback given only to be ignored so far in the push to release a new “cleaner” update. This is all good and should have been best practice before now. However, it appears we are just sailing forward, sails billowed with the very things that are making players very unhappy and dissatisfied. It would be so much better to play what appears to be the best new content on an overall smoother, more polished sea. Fix the current bugs, clean up the new inventory system, and address pressing quality of life issues so everyone can truly enjoy Forsaken Shores and all that will come after in the best way possible.

  • @x-crowheart-x said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    Proper, professional software development includes maintaining all your code, not just what is implemented in newer updates. It is great to acknowledge QA and testing processes need to be shored up and get better, especially when the lack of such have caused major problems. However, releasing a cleaner update into an already existing sea of bugs, poorly executed changes, and issues that negatively impact gameplay and customer satisfaction will not make things better.

    A lot of time has gone by with a lot of feedback given only to be ignored so far in the push to release a new “cleaner” update. This is all good and should have been best practice before now. However, it appears we are just sailing forward, sails billowed with the very things that are making players very unhappy and dissatisfied. It would be so much better to play what appears to be the best new content on an overall smoother, more polished sea. Fix the current bugs, clean up the new inventory system, and address pressing quality of life issues so everyone can truly enjoy Fordaken Shores and all that will come after in the best way possible.

    Thanks man for that. Clear and concise. Exactly what I've been trying to say with my lack of software knowledge. Sigh.

  • @omega-131313 said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

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    May not be the best quote to use in this case. Sea of Thieves content has already been rushed, especially the last update which Rare themselves admitted they did and that has been their way of doing things up to now.

  • @camelfromlunch3 It's actually how it works. They chose a new batch of pioneers very recently.

  • Definitely agree with the sentiment behind the Miyamoto quote.

    Currently fighting deployment battles at work and trying hard to introduce as few issues as possible in to our pilot product, it's easier than it sounds! :)

    Can't wait for Forsaken Shores and using this extra week to try to get closer to Legend (40/37/37)!

  • @callmebackdraft said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    Also joe neat himself and mike chaoman talked about the cursed crews update and that Rare made mistakes there.

    I keep seeing people saying this is a good thing...but it really isn't. Admitting that you should not have done something without more eyes-on when the chain should have been established internally is a bad thing. Admitting that you did not listen to your dedicated group of testers is a bad thing, especially when major changes are involved. And lastly, admitting that you need to evaluate your development practices and in-house methods six months after launch in a decades old company is also a bad thing.

    None of those things should have been an issue.

  • @aod-fluid i am not saying they shouldnt already have this all sorted, however when something becomes prevelant is an issue it is a huge step for some companys to say yep we f’d up and we are going to change it.

  • @The3SheetsNeate Thanks for the update!!! i'm just thankfull for the free content, and chance to play this amazing game.

  • @blu3s-65 we need to be testing now come on guy open up Pioneer again lets test non stop tell release just keep sending us stuff to test lets do this open it up give us something to test each day we dont test is a setback lets keep going forward

  • The new barrel system is the worst thing that ever happened in my life. What clown invented it? A rubbish one that makes children cry instead of laugh. Let’s make a quick game really slow and lumpy and times when you really need it to be fast. Nice one, later we’ll go back to your house and eat a cake made of cigarette ash, it might sound stupid but it’s a really good idea, honest.

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  • I realy want too help on the feedback how come i haven't received a email for time and dated pionner program i have the app in my xbox Im really good at finding glitches too the game. Can someone tell me when it will be next available time and date for the next pioneer testing?

  • @callmebackdraft But the real problem here is that it’s getting worse, not better, and the issues have been abundant since launch, not to mention all the content that was promoted, and cast to the wayside as time went on, only to hear there is not any significant content for legands even planned in the near future. It’s time rare gets it act together, and starts living up to promises they made all of us, and for others to stop defending a company who makes money on said product!

  • @bluethunder1177 you can sign up to be an insider, you cannot sign up to be a pioneer.

    Becoming a pioneer is invite only and fully Rares decission to decide how, if and when

    Nobody but Rare knows what the requirements are for the pioneer program and they have never even hinted at them because they want to keep it a secret

  • @callmebackdraft Happy speak like a pirate day!! Yarr!

  • @bluethunder1177 said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    I realy want too help on the feedback how come i haven't received a email for time and dated pionner program i have the app in my xbox Im really good at finding glitches too the game. Can someone tell me when it will be next available time and date for the next pioneer testing?

    Not defending Rare nor that the game has bugs, and prob always will have ,hence even WoW (runtime 15+ years) still has bugs and they take more money from their customers then Rare does. (Rare only got my one-time purchase).

    I got the mindset, that if i buy a game and it get's below 1 euro / hour then it was worth the purchase (aka if i play it more then 60 or 80 hours), and SoT is well over that, again not saying that i approve the bugs and i'm sure they are working on them.

    If you read the forums, you can really feel how passionate the players are and they write them out in different ways, often they are the ppl who are unhappy with the game (Battlefront 2 rings a bell). The ppl who are happy often have a minority voice and in most cases they don't goto forums or social media.

  • "All good things to those who wait".
    And, Happy International talk like a Pirate day to you all!
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  • as pretty much everyone here has stated i dont mind if it takes another month as long as it comes out polished. take your time and iron out the kinks jobs a goodn ;)

  • Will there be a weekly dev update video today?

  • @treefittymonsta said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    Will there be a weekly dev update video today?

    And the Dev update didn't acknowledge the bugs in the current build. sigh... Hope they fix them when dlc comes.

  • Missed this Pioneer session due to travelling to my niece's wedding. Hopefully I can participate in the next one. =(

    I prefer waiting on a good release than having a crashing release. Nothing worse than disconnecting during a good voyage. lol

  • Playing solo a lot I would rather less client crashes so yes please take your time!

  • Looking forward to play this update!

  • Until BFv comes out I will be casually playing SoT. Well done for the effort but I am just not enthused to play after the barrel debarcle and time required to make levels. Thanks for the last few months but unless something comes along that will blow my socks off the cd will gather dust.

  • @the3sheetsneate

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